Monday, May 11, 2020


SO, I'm going to go on a brief break from the blog. This is mostly to do with the fact there is so little new content on the show, I just don't have a lot to write about. 1-2x a week might be best for summary reports. 
If something fun happens I might pop on. Good news: Rochester and Finger-Lakes can soft open starting Friday. Thank you!! Thank you!! WHOOT! I won't be going back to work because schools are still closed but the rest? So happy. 

Meanwhile, a sneak peak of Michael and Willow's White White Wedding: 

Cake... NO sprinkles!! 


Signature Cocktail 


  1. Love your menu prediction! It bothers me to no end that people don't think the judge will see through this sham of a marriage and, may even be insulted by them thinking she would accept it as proof of how competent they are. And,won't Nelle and Col. Sanders bring it up? Boston's slated to soft open a wk from today. I have mixed feelings about all of it but realize we have to stick our tootsies in the water sooner or later and see what happens. Anyway, we just have to not get too lackadaisical and careless too soon and hopefully we'll be on our way back to each other and a healthier country. Stay safe and have a blessed day!

    1. P.S. I was thinking white Cala Lillies for flowers? ��

    2. the calla lillies are in bloom again....

      OMG what a phenominal movie! that was from STAGE DOOR. A great movie about broadway actresses struggling to get on that stage

      the brilliance of that movie is that 6 of the female stars were then relatively unknowns. they had NO IDEA they were sharing the screen with actresses who would become hollywood legends.

      Ginger Rogers, Ann Miller, Lucille Ball, Katharine Hepburn, Eve Arden. Ome of my top 10 movies of all time.

    3. I'll have to find this movie. Sounds like it's something I'd really enjoy. Thanks David!

  2. you are doing the right thing. as someone who post son your blog one week a year, I totally support this. the show is unwatchable. come back on sunday surgery and do a weekly recap of all the flashbacks that were shown throughout the week

    It sucks, but like everything that is happening right now, it is not your fault and everyone is in the same boat.

  3. Hope you're hanging in there David! 😁

  4. Sounds like the right thing to do. Today's show was on the top 5 worst GH's ever. This baby story will never end but will consume our soap.
    All these 'soft' openings scare me unless people follow the rules. All the photos of places opening and crowded with folks not wearing masks and closer than they should be. Please be careful.
    Thank you for giving us a platform.

    1. "zazu says, Sounds like the right thing to do. Today's show was on the top 5 worst GH's ever. This baby story will never end but will consume our soap.
      All these 'soft' openings scare me unless people follow the rules."

      Yeah it's way too soon to open things!!!! Very dangerous!!! I am not going out! I'm waiting for maybe 2 weeks or a month! Too see how everything goes.. I'm not ready! I don't feel safe yet.

    2. and that's the beauty of it sonya. you have the capability to make your own decision about re-entering the world. and no one takes that decision away from you. stay home and stay safe until you are ready.

    3. "david says, and that's the beauty of it sonya. you have the capability to make your own decision about re-entering the world. and no one takes that decision away from you. stay home and stay safe until you are ready."

      Well yeah. :) If you are ready, then fine, just be careful! :)

  5. Karen, I am enjoying the last drops of GH, as I don't know when it will come back once it stops. I am grateful to TPTB for delaying the inevitable by using flashbacks.

    Just wanted to say that, Curtis said to Sonny and Jason what I have been wondering for weeks (and even asked on this blog): You were supposed to take out Cyrus when he got released from prison, what are you waiting for?

    1. I was having a bad GH week last week LOL I get so frustrated. I really would rather it end early than to ruin it by the editing

  6. Flashbacks today!!! So many flashbacks!!! UGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

    Police station:

    Brooky and Chase: Brooky tries to call her daddy, but he hung up on her hahahaha. She tries to call Dusty but no answer. It was Chase's idea to call someone else when her daddy hung up on her. Brooky wins the line of the day.

    Brooky: Bite me you hippo man slut.

    Q home:

    Willow, Michael, and Diane: So many flashbacks!

    Willow and Michael: UGH FLASHBACKS.

    Charlie's pub restaurant:

    Nelle and Julian: Nelle is harassing Julian. ROFL!

    Nelle and Chase: Nelle is harassing Chase! HAHAHAHAHA! She wants him! She says if she wants him she will have him!!! :) Oh my a flashback of them when they were in that hotel having sex! ;)

    Brooky and Julian: OY! Having to bring up what he did to Brad's car!! OH DEAR THIS TIME NELLE OVERHEARD! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Go Nelle! Blackmail Julian! :)

    The pier:

    Chase and Finchy: Chase is all so depressed, sad, and whiny.. Oh Chase stop whining! You are so pretty but stop it! This storyline is so dumb! More flashbacks.

    Sidenote: I've been thinking that when they run out of episodes that they are going to start showing talk shows.. Well, then I saw this! Check it out.

    I want to be excited, but knowing them, they might show recent episodes. UGH!

  7. Judging by the "classic" episodes they've been showing I'm assuming we'll keep seeing the flashback episodes with the people we're seeing now. Not real classics.

  8. I just read on FB that GH will start showing Nurses Ball reruns on May 22. Can't find the post again but I think that was the date.

  9. today was interrupted today anyway. at least here in vegas.

  10. can't stand brooklyn acts like a 17 yr old spoiled teen. get rid of her along with sam, nelle the vanilla sisters and nina.

    1. I love her. How she is written...not so much.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...