Thursday, May 28, 2020

GREETINGS! Are you all enjoying the Nurses Ball?? I wanted to pop in and say that you can always watch live or DVR. The episodes are available on Hulu but you have to look up the episode and watch from there (it doesn't automatically pop up). ABC com has them as well but they are also listed by episode. 

I think it's fun to look down memory lane-- especially at characters that are gone (Nathan), actors that left (Kris Alderson/Starr/Kiki) and ... some characters we don't even want to remember (Levi)!! 

People look younger, don't they? LOL. SIX years. Wow. I'm sure I haven't aged that much HA HA. 

Nancy Lee Grahn is hosting a "Covid Support Group" stream with Jane Elliot (Tracy) and Kim Zimmer! 
You can see it tonight on You Tube. Search Nancy Lee Grahn 

Other than that, we are entering our PHASE 2 openings tomorrow. I have no idea what that means btw. I'm hoping for a hair trim soon! 

Take care! 


  1. I will just copy and paste what I said back then, and make new comments. Today's episode is from May 1, 2015 nurses ball.

    "Brucas's home: Brad and Britch! Hahaha love it! Altho Britch's comments about Olivia, left a bad taste in my mouth. Blah! Still love you Britch move along to other people please. Brad talking about Sam and her leather jacket! BAHAHAHAHA! I hope this Brad and Britch watching the red carpet on tv is a tradition!!! :)

    Wyndemere: Spencer wins the line of the day!

    Spencer: Well I hate to break it to you Joss,that townie might have a point. You are a big of a nerch.

    ROFL! Oh look Britch and Spencer scene YAY!!!!! :)

    The red carpet: Oh look! A chupacabra walked the red carpet! Nobody is screaming. Also Val's fake cat Gunnar showed up.. He looked so handsome in that suit! Duke not wearing a kilt?!!?! Why not?! :( Maxie's fake hair looks strange. :) Oh oh she fell! ROFL! That guy interviewer said it's interesting that Felix is single! Oh? Are you interested in Felix?!!:)Sam's dress is a little tight. Her cha cha's are screaming to be let out! Oh I don't like the color on Sabrina's dress!

    Nurses ball:

    GreenHayden: She looks bored hahahaha. She is probably just horny.

    Dr O: Dr O and the 99 luft balloons!!! ROFL! Is she lip syncing!? She is murdering all the balloons!!!!! HAHAHAHA! The look on Emma's face! ROFL!

    Ric's performance: I love the song I want to marry you!!! Too bad Carly couldn't let Ric propose and have Liz say yes, and then she could stop it. Ah well. It was a soapy soapy good scene.

    Ric and Liz: Breaking my heart!!!! Damn you writers. :( Liz did you really have to slap him?! My poor Ric's face! :(

    GreenHayden and Carly: Sour puss GreenHayden! No need to insult Carly! You were caught!!!! Now go find Caaaaaaaaarlos and have sex with him!

    Brad's performance: I was confused on why he was singing Ric's song at first. Then I'm thinking is it the reason because he is proposing to Lucas? Oh no wait he had to finish the song that Ric did. I get it. Oh WAIT! HE HAS DECIDED TO POP THE QUESTION YAY! My brucas heart. :)

    Nik and Liz: Oh Liz is so happy she could finally be with Jake Doe!!!! OH YAY!

    Nik: Jake, is Jason.


    And yes Karen! Val has a beautiful dress!!!!!!"

    Today's comments: Britch's comment to Olivia, It didn't leave any bad taste in my mouth this time. I don't remember what she even said about Olivia. ROFL! Yesterday when Sonny cheated on Olivia, I looked it up on who he cheated on her with, cus I forgot. Sonny cheated with Ava! :) Back then a lady named Sandi, said that Jen Lilly was on the red carpet! I SAW HER THIS TIME YAY! :) Is Sandi still reading this blog? Liz was so angry at Ric and talking about what love is, but then Liz became a hypocrite when she lied to Jason about who he is!!! So Liz's righteous indignation falls flat!!

    My flashback: The birth of BJ JONES!!!

    Tomorrow's episode: May 5, 2015 nurses ball.

  2. It is nice to see the show from years ago. Wow, Rebecca H. doesn't change. I think she and Billy Miller were a great couple. Trying to remember when Carly was with Franco?

  3. I enjoyed the show, too. Brad and Britch....what a pair! She did love Spencer, which was about her only redeeming quality. I did not really like the character, then or now.

    I always loved Liz and Rick, but they always turned him into such a dog. After he left, they did the same thing to Julian.

  4. Okay so I missed a missed some of GH because of breaking news. The cop that killed George Floyd was arrested. He was charged with 3rd degree murder and manslaughter. I will just copy and paste what I said about GH's episode back then and make comments for today.

    "Nurses ball:

    Carly and Sabrina:

    Sabrina: Aveeno just came out with this. It absorbs so quickly and it's really light. I love it.

    Carly: I know my skin is so dry, and this moisturizes all day.

    Oh no! They are a walking advertisement! ROFL! Carly's skin so dry? Oh give me a break! ROFL!

    Liz and Nik:

    Liz: I knew as soon as I told the truth, He'd belong to Carly again. and Sonny. And Sam. But not to me. It was never a lasting place in Jason's life for me.

    Well, she isn't wrong!!!! She is 100% right! But Liz! This will end up blowing up in your face!!!!You just got done yelling at Ric for lying to you!!! And I forgot to mention this yesterday, but she is slap happy!!!!

    Carly and Michael: Awww they had a nice little moment. :)

    Spinny: He was great!!!!! I wasn't sure who he was singing to. Maxie or Ellie. Well I love the song, but I never heard of it, altho someone on another board said it was the song from the movie Tootsie. I haven't seen that movie in a long time, so I don't remember the song.

    Robot Sloan and Anna: Wow!!! He is telling Anna to go tell Duke how she feels about him?!!?! Interesting.

    Ned: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Singing and on that motorcycle!!! Damn I'm going to miss you Ned! :'(

    We are not alone: Oh! I love that song! I never heard it before until Piffy started singing it at the nurses ball a few years ago! Was it a couple of years ago? Well I love it! :)

    Wyndemere: Oh man!!!!! Ghost Courtney and Spencer scene made me cry!!!! :( Great scene! And the mask comes off, and I thought his face would be magically 100% healed!!!! Glad it wasn't. Awww Spencer! It's just a teeny tiny scar! Not bad at all!! You were worried for nothing! He is so sweet to his mama! :( Then Ghost Courtney with Nik and Spencer! Damn it! It made me cry! I still hate Courtney, but damn it the scene was so sweet and made me cry! :(

    Where is Molly?! She must have ran to be with her father. I keep going back and forth of who is the best dressed. Molly, or Val! Cus I love Molly's dress. Oh damn.. Well I pick Val for best dressed. :)"

    Today's comments: Spinny, Nathan, Maxie, and Ellie's little plan to make each other jelly was so dumb. It was dumb back then, and still is! UGH! The flashback of Liz and Billy Miller's Jason kissing, wow so hot!!!! :) So much chemistry!!! I love when he said he loves kissing her!!! Liz's nurses ball dress, I like the dress, I just don't like the bottom of it or that black thing.

    My flashback: Rick Springfield's Noah, his first episode!!! :)

    Monday's episode will be from May 25, 2016 nurses ball.

  5. I can't remember that guy that anna is with sonya says his name is sloan I have no memory of him...liz looks great she never ages

    sonya you said your going to ned is he leaving the show I hope not

    i'll stop in soon thanks again for your welcome

  6. "wsb says,sonya you said your going to ned is he leaving the show I hope not"

    OH! That was back then in May 2015! :) I think he left to be on another soap. But he does the other soap and GH now. :) So it's all good. :)

  7. Just watched yesterday's rerun. It reminded me when things started going downhill. Jake Doe/Jason/Drew; a temporary character, Paul(love the actor) killing Sabrina who they never should have gotten rid of and Sam and Patrick?!?. Even then someone was trying to kill Jordan. lol

    1. I agree, I loved Sabrina. She would have made a great wife/love interest for Michael.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...