Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Sonny and Jason bully Julian...GET ANNULMENT OR ELSE! 

Nelle and Nina... Nina says that shes' going to find her daughter . Nelle tells Nina she married Julian. Nina can't believe it. They talk and Nina's trying to find out why Julian would have married her. 

Franco and Scotty!! They'd better eat soon! Nope, just coffee. Scotty tells him to be wary of Nikolas. Franco says they are fine. Then Scotty tells him about Laura and working at the disco and he trusted her. 

Diane at The Metro talking to Mike and Wills and Carly "I just called Alexis and told her her sleeze ex husband married Nelle" . Martin Gray comes in. Banter ...yada yada. Oh, what about him and Diane?? Hmmmm...

Mike's: Nikolas is showing him photos of Spencer. Mike isn't responding. Liz comes in.  They talk about their friendship, Spencer....and Ava. 

Later, Sonny comes in and yells at Nikolas. UGH.. then Jason and Liz talk about what's going on with Mike. (dying). 

MY TV FROZE AT 2:40!! Damn it, no one wants me to see all of GH !!!!!! ughhhhh!! 

I'm TOTALLY TEAM JUNELLE!! :) YEP. Sorry, NOT sorry! 

TONIGHT: The Story of Soaps!! 9pm/est ABC !! WATCH!! 


  1. My loathing for Sonny reached new depths today. After yesterday (telling Ava what to do and not to do) and today (telling Julian what to do and not to do and then bullying Nikolas again) I am sick of him coming across like a mad chihauha-buttinski who thinks that he runs everone's lives in Port Charles. Even the Mike stuff could not salvage him today.

    I had the same thought about Colonel Sanders and Diane. They could be able to make some hot fried chicken together. But, for lawyers, they are both idiots for sharing damning information about the case while not in the courtroom! Dumb writing.

    Glad they brought up Nina's brief marriage with Ric Lansing. She did the same thing that Nelle did! But, I hate that they are dropping thd huge anvil that Nelle could be her daughter.

    This forced quadrangle with Liz/Franco/Nikolas/Ava is a snooze. But, if it gets Kin Shriner on our screens every now and then, I can suffer.

    1. Lot's of thumbs up for your Sonny loathing. Couldn't agree more! And your Flick, Flick, Flick down below had me choking on my coffee. Thank you!!! Cracks me up every single time!

    2. Thanks Julie! In my mind, I just flick Sonny every time he acts like an obnoxious, hypocrite, arrogant, "tough guy" who thinks he rules every resident of Port Charles.

      He just needs to be flicked! Someone do it! Nikolas! Julian! Preferrably Ava!

    3. Lol! I vote for Ava, I'd have to rewind and watch it at least 10 time! Hahaha!

  2. Can someone please help me remember who Spencer's mother is/was.
    Good show, bad show...we'll miss it while it's gone.

  3. Spencer's mother was Courtney. She was Sonny's sister. She was involved with Jax and Nikolas.

    Speaking of Sonny...Flick! Flick! Flick!

    1. You're welcome. More info: She was Courtney Matthews. She was Sonny's half-sister (Mike was her father, she had a different mother). Courtney died giving birth to Spencer. Jax knew Spencer was not his son, but kept the truth from Nikolas for months, claiming he was Jax's kid. Spencer was originally named Johnny (named after Jax's father). I think that Elizabeth is the one who eventually found out the truth and told Nikolas. Can't totally remember.

    2. isnt elizabeth ALWAYS the one who finds out the truth about paternity and spills it?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. "Zak: I think that Elizabeth is the one who eventually found out the truth and told Nikolas. Can't totally remember."

      Nope that was Robin. I hated that the writers made Robin be the one!!! Why do they always make her the one?!!?!

      "david says, isnt elizabeth ALWAYS the one who finds out the truth about paternity and spills it?"

      Nope. It's Robin.

    5. Oh, Robin. That's right. They were setting them up as a potential couple back then, until KM quit the show.

  4. Let's not forget Courtney and Jason were together too, and Carly loved Courtney which is a first for her to like Jason's ladies.

    I love Ava so I don't care who they pair her with as long as she is on my screen, I'm good. I also enjoy Nelle, giving Carly everything Carly gave everyone else all these years. I just wish she would show love towards the baby to soften her.

  5. courtney was first married to AJ

  6. Watching "The Story of Soaps" it's incredible!! Just talked about Luke & Laura & the rape. Then showed when Laura confronted Luke yrs later after Elizabeths rape.I sobbed. It's really, really good!! Hope y'all are watching. 😊

    1. i intend on watching but my fear was that they would show the SAME clips that we have seen over and over and over again. i mean... you know the clip right after luke and laura got married and luke fist pumps in the air? i think i have seen that 1 billion times in my lifetime.

    2. "gracegirl says, Watching "The Story of Soaps" it's incredible!! Just talked about Luke & Laura & the rape. Then showed when Laura confronted Luke yrs later after Elizabeths rape.I sobbed. It's really, really good!! Hope y'all are watching. 😊"

      Yeah I was watching! When they showed that scene, I cried!!! :( Gotta find that scene on youtube! I remember it!!!

  7. Courthouse:

    Sonny, Jason, and Julian: Awww look! Sonny is still in love with Julian! Sorry Sonny! Julian is so OVER you!!! Time to move on with your life.

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Scotty and BobTodd: YAY! A scene with them! Yeah Karen they didn't eat. :( Scotty wins the line of the day!

    Scotty: Who'd a thought letting her work at a disco tech at night with her friend Luke, HOW COULD THAT GO WRONG?


    Mike's bedroom:

    Nik and Liz:

    Nik: How you feel about it does matter.

    No Nik! Don't you dare be all charming! Don't make me fall in love with you again! I'm still mad at you! I told you! Once Spencer forgives you, then I will!!!!

    Nik and Sonny: Yeah Sonny! You tell him!!!! Must.. Protect.... Spencer... At.. All... Costs!!!!

    Sonny and Mike: GAHHHHHHHHHHHH! This is breaking my heart!!! :( So hard to watch!!! Hmmmmm it looks like Mike doesn't have any teeth.

    Jason and Liz: Great scene! She is right!!! Sonny has to let Mike go! :(

    Jason and Sonny: I'm glad Jason told him what Liz said! Let Mike go Sonny! Let him go! :'(


    Nina and Nelle: Oh look they are bonding. Now all we need is Nina's other daughter Willow.. Right? RIGHT?!!?!?!?!! *Sigh*

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Marty and Diane:

    "Karen says, Martin Gray comes in. Oh, what about him and Diane?? Hmmmm..."

    Dammit Karen! I said NO! ROFL!

    The gym:

    Nik and BobTodd: Great scene! I love it! Nik is planting seeds in BobTodd's brain, and BobTodd planting seeds in Nik's brain! HA! :)

    The hospital:

    Friz: They are both insecure!!!!

    1. Sonya said "No Nik! Don't you dare be all charming! Don't make me fall in love with you again! I'm still mad at you! I told you! Once Spencer forgives you, then I will!!!!" And I say, come on over to the dark side with me Sonya, and once again love the Prince! lol! He was pretty charming yesterday, wasn't he? :)

    2. "Julie H says, And I say, come on over to the dark side with me Sonya, and once again love the Prince! lol!"

      Dammit NO! ROFL! Not yet. :)

      "He was pretty charming yesterday, wasn't he? :)"

      GAH! Yeah he was!!!!

  8. Just read that DZ wants to come back as Dante when filming returns. Hope this is true

    1. Thanks, lindie.


      There's definitely lots of story potential if he does.

  9. So many stories I want to see, but only two days left to see them. Guess I will be left up in the air on these. Hope that somehow they can do a synopsis or something when they come back, or I won't remember what has gone one before. Wonder if Mike will die before the break, will the custody be decided, will Nina and Nelle notice that they each have half the heart necklace? So much to see in such short a time. And... why all of a sudden is Nelle handling that heart necklace? She kept it locked up for years and now sits in court playing with it?

    1. Nelle is definitely handling that heart too much. I'm beginning to suspect that she's seen Nina with hers and has had a duplicate made just to play with her. I'm actually hoping so. I don't want them related.

    2. Oh I hope so too, Di! Nina is sure acting like a fool around evil Nellie!

  10. Is it just me or does Nina's heart look like silver and Nelle's look like it's gold? Maybe just a coincidence that they have the same necklace I hope! As much as I can't stand Carly and Sonny, Nelle is far worse for me. I don't enjoy her tactics. Poor Mike - what a realistic piece of acting.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...