Saturday, May 16, 2020

Wubs Update

HELLO everyone! It's been a weird couple of days for me. I found out my preschool won't be opening in September. I just got the position at the school (as opposed to going to houses) and loved it. I worked at schools for 9 years before leaving to stay at home with my son and it was great to be going back. Now, we are going to be expected to Zoom our therapy (even with new kids) and 3 and 4 year olds for 30 min on a computer is probably one of the most stressful things I've done. I love the computer but there's only so much you can do without physically being there. So.. choices to make. Haven't felt much like watching a soap or blogging. 

What could possibly go wrong NOW?? 

We know GH is "ending" this next week and what will follow are fairly recent Nurses Ball episodes. I'll probably tune in for the early ones and see how it goes. I'll keep up with news for you and post when it pops up.  There may be more Zooms with actors. The "Story of Soaps" will air next week on Tuesday ABC/9pm/est and should be a fun ride. 


That said, instead of doing a Sunday Surgery tomorrow, I'm going to do a "Finale" Surgery towards the end of the week.   We will have the custody hearing to discuss and the fake weddings that were set up. Since GH didn't know they were ending when they did who knows where it will 'stop'. 

Please be kind to each other during these times.  The discord in the country is almost impossible to bear on top of the virus anxiety. Look for updates next week. Hope the weather is finally spring like for you--we are still working on it! Thank you for your continued reading of this very old blog LOL.. I realized I started my Buzz for Buffy in 1997 on Gedstern's site and it has morphed into this! It's been a minute!! 



  1. This 'very' old lady loves your very old blog.
    Sorry to hear about your job. These are sure crazy times in so many ways. My fear is that it will get crazier with all the too soon openings.
    One note: "The Story of Soaps" has been pushed back to 9:00 with a special finale of "The Last Dance" airing at 8:00.
    It is a nice weather weekend here in CT. Whatever you all do...enjoy some nature and try to stay away from humans.
    Thank you Karen.

    1. OH thank you!! I will edit that!! :) xxoo

  2. So sorry that your job has become another victim of this virus mess, Karen. I understand why the blog can't be a daily thing until this is all over, but will be checking in daily anyway, just to be sure I don't miss anything. Hang in there everyone. It has to end eventually... I hope.

    1. thanks :) I hope to keep it up in some form. It's depressing to think of all the changes and such plus our soap being "off". I know it's not a big problem compared to what some are dealing with

  3. I will tune in daily to your blog even though we are "off the air" soon. I may watch a couple Nurse's Balls, but I miss the early Nurse's balls.

    My son is a senior this year and is missing everything. Now he couldn't finish his AP exams due to technical issues that The College Board is having so he has to retake them over a week AFTER his final day of school. That poor boy will learn resilience for sure. My daughter is hoping to get an on-line internship or job this summer. Husband has been out of work.

    Karen, I hope your online job this fall goes OK. I taught young kids for many years and worked for Easter Seals. Difficult enough in person. Best of luck.

    I have been watching old GH clips on U tube some days. Was hoping to catch Anna in some of her fight scenes but can't find it. I miss my old kick butt Anna instead of this Anna.

    Be safe everyone. Be kind and social distance

  4. Wow!!! A Saturday addition! :) No more Sunday Surgery for awhile? I'm going to miss it.

    "Thank you for your continued reading of this very old blog LOL.. I realized I started my Buzz for Buffy in 1997 on Gedstern's site and it has morphed into this! It's been a minute!!"

    Hahaha. I love this old blog!!! :) I wasn't around in 1997 when Gedstern had this blog. I don't even remember how I found your blog Karen! Maybe I just googled hahaha.

  5. Love your old blog and have from day one! Hope things get better for you and everyone else. Hope Michelle is ok. I will probably skip the reruns since ratings don’t really matter much now anyway. But I will always check in here.

    1. "LindaV says, Hope Michelle is ok."

      Yeah me too!!! :(

    2. I probably won't watch the reruns, either, I already saw them. I am soooo sad :( about losing my GH, I knew this day would come, and I knew I wouldn't be prepared for it . . .

      Karen, thanks so much for everything, I will continue checking in with this blog, and look forward to the day when everything starts up again.

  6. Thanks so much for this old blog. I read it back in the Gedstern days, stumbled upon it by accident, back when the internet was young! I'll continue to pop in everyday just to see what's new.

    I did watch Friday's flashback episode, and thought it was really good. Can't say I'm looking forward to Nell's husband announcement today. Poor bastard. LOL!

    Hope everyone has a good day!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...