Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sunday Surgery: PIT-Y Party.

FAMOUS PITS:   The Peach Pit (from 90210 of course), Pittsburgh, Brad Pitt,  Arm Pit, The La Brea Tar Pits,  Penelope Pitstop,  Pitbull (the dog), Pitbull (the rapper) and..of course: Sonny's PIT of PAIN! (not to be confused with Jason's box of pain!)

Ah,'s that time of year ...or month..or week. We get to hear Sonny be all angst filled about his life and misdeeds. He'll change, you'll see!! Well, we've heard it all before. And? Nothin'. 

I did not see 2 shows this week because I was off having fun in Buffalo.  So, I may miss some things but you'll get the idea. 

Okay, grab a nice breakfast, maybe with a pit-- and we'll dish!  

Maxie is back and KS is looking healthy and happy!  That got us Mac, Felicia and eventually Anna who then said Robin was in labor and she was leaving for CA.  (Finola is on vacation). All I can think of is: MORE of these group and family scenes. Hell, I'd even like them ALL to go to Berkeley and visit Robin.  

Wow! We're on the couch, having coffee...talking sister-stuff!
I know, isn't it great? Aren't we adorable?
Sad it's coming to and end isn't it? 


OH! Are you a new girlfriend for my Curtis? You're lovely! Talented...and
Lady, I'm leaving the show. 
Oh, well.. Damn it. 

On to the Really BIG Stuff!! !  Sam comes and pulls out a gun on Sonny. Problem with all this? She has some brain junk going on. Now, if I was in there, I would have had it so MONICA confronted Sonny and kicked him in a pit. (but that's just me).  Sonny's done a lot of damage to a lot of people and we have to rely on a brain infection to get him under the gun? Blah.

"Sam...I'm just a poor boy, from a poor family"...

If we all thought Sam would stop seeing Sonny when she was pumped full of anti-viral meds, we were WRONG WRONG WRONG!! Because there he was. Again and Again and... 

OH! Back to THE PIT!!! Where Sonny could talk to himself and have is yearly (sometimes monthly) mea-culpas-- "I'm so bad-- I don't deserve ta live"....yada yada. "I'm gonna change my life"-- as if we've not heard this every. single. time. something happens to this man.  Now he's talking to the pictures in his wallet and going through all his kids. I remember when he used to talk to Lily.  I'm going to be in the nursing home and Sonny will still be saying how he'll change. 

Now--why is this guy here? Sonny would have fallen in the pit with or without Mr. Garvey. He's not a character we know-- I mean Carly recognized him but if you missed the 1 scene in Florida, um, you had no idea.  I really don't understand it???? WHY???? I thought maybe he'd end up being Oscars' dad--but since he's dying and Oscar doesn't know WHO his father is, that doesn't make sense. It's like he was just inserted in there. Was it to kidnap Spencer? Maybe that's it?  So he could take Spencer and Valentin could get wrongly beat up? Hmmmm, I guess. 

Back at the hospital, Sam has a seizure and slips into a coma. We find out she has some toxic brain thing and may have transferred it to Scout.  After testing though, the baby is in the clear. 

Oh boy... Kristina had to read Alexis and Jules the riot act because they can't seem to do anything on their own.  Alexis texted Julian about Sam-- and Krissy let her know that Sam can't stand Julian so, bye.  This is exactly how a mom would act if their daughter was being abused and kept going soft on the guy. YEAH Krissy!! 

"My name is Spencer Cassadine, you killed my father: Prepare to DIE" !!! 

So, I missed Spencer's return. Did they get his glasses fixed or did he have another pair?? Who found him?  I know he's leaving because summer is coming to a close. Sad--I really did have a great time watching him! He gave Genie a nice light (and dramaz) story as well. 

PIT-FALLS of the Story of Sonny Slumping after being Shot. 

1. There were enough barrels in there for him to stack a few and crawl out
2. If Sonny wasn't so busy yappin' to himself, he would have heard JossKer up there
3. Why didn't Sam shoot him in the head?? (that's rhetorical)
4. The PCPD could have had his phone pings-- the last ping would at least have gotten them            there. know, PCPD. 

Ok, sorry but that's it!!  I have some holes in here but it was this or nothing. I should be here all week.  Unless we get some weird news flash, it should be a clear watch for me. I think you could tell by my last blog, I'm excited for a new writer to get in there and shake things up a bit.  I also know the constraints they are under--so?? Here's hoping!! With Burton coming back, all hell is going to break loose no matter what.  I don't know when the new writing stuff starts, and I'm not sure when Steve is back either. I'm just a fail lately!!  I can dig up dates.   


  1. Good job today... And I hope you enjoyed your time in Buffalo, near my hometown!!

    Spencer "rescued" himself. He says he stacked books and climbed up and out the window. When Laura said that the cops were there and didn't see anything but broken glasses he answered that he closed the window so if the kidnapper came back he wouldn't realize that was the escape route. As for the glasses, Laura happened to have his spare pair in her purse. I will miss that kid when he's gone. The character is a brat, for sure, a spoiled brat as Valentin calls him, but the actor is so talented and adorable.

  2. On one of the shows you missed, Garvey told sonny he took spencer to lure him to the old distillery so he could shoot him. Also , S. had a case full of $$$, which disappeared.. the pcpd doesn't know he is missing, so Carly will save him.
    At least we had a whole week wit no Nelle

  3. Oh yeh I totally forgot about Nelle, hopefully the writers will again this wk too. Amy also, yeah!

  4. Unfortunately now that Nelle and Amy have been mentioned they will probably both be on this week.

  5. Also, Obrecht found Hayden's newly-mentioned ex-husband and is trying to get him to agree to do something nefarious that will " benefit them both! ".

  6. I just read that Tyler Christopher is going on days so if Nikolas is alive it will have to be a recast.

  7. I do not watch the show (for a couple of years now) but follow your blog religiously. I'm really hoping that Sam's delusions aren't going to give y'all a shower scene where NewJasonBilly turns into OldJasonSteve and winds up staying that way. Be funny though. LOL!

    1. Ala Dallas Bobby Ewing. LOL!

    2. Personally I think Steve's return will be like Stones, but for Sam. Sonny will be delusional and see Stone whereas Sam will see Jason before he "died" and still had his old face. Because Steve B seems to be pretty happy with Port Chuck and his fam in TN.

  8. Anne Long said...

    I just read that Tyler Christopher is going on days so if Nikolas is alive it will have to be a recast.

    ** Where did you read this?


  9. Michelle Latta said...

    Personally I think Steve's return will be like Stones, but for Sam. Sonny will be delusional and see Stone whereas Sam will see Jason before he "died" and still had his old face. Because Steve B seems to be pretty happy with Port Chuck and his fam in TN

    ** That's what I'm thinking, too. Not to mention Sonny has already seen Lily while he was "dying" So seeing Stone that way would make the most sense. Although, since Jean still was writing then, so who knows what the hell we'll get?


  10. Burton supposedly signed "long term" so... he'll be around. The TC goes to Days was all over Twitter but I didn't see an official announcement?? Did anyone?

    Thanks for the fillers... I forgot to mention Dr O and the "ex-husband"--- not sure why he wasn't found when Spinelli did his recon on her!

    1. I haven't heard about T.V. going to DAYS either.

  11. I will be VERY upset if TC goes to Days, he NEEDS to come back as our Nik if he decides to come back to soaps.

  12. I would much rather have had TC come back instead of SB, especially with the Valentin storyline-many opportunities for some good stuff. We know Sonny isn't going to die so why even bother to watch this bad acting? I wish Nelle and Amy would forget to come back. The original Amy back in the day was always fun to watch - not this one.

  13. Yes, TC is GREAT with Spencer (as is everyone), but they are a wonderful pair, they need to be together back at Wyndemere, and Valentin needs to go.

  14. kdmask said...

    Burton supposedly signed "long term" so... he'll be around. The TC goes to Days was all over Twitter but I didn't see an official announcement?? Did anyone?

    ** The closest I've seen to "official" was him sayinng he would be for "awhile" but it didn't sound like a multiple year thing. To me it sounded more like what they did with Tonja Walker's return earlier this year, and be around for a few months.

    ** As far as TC, if it's only just on Twitter, then I'm still skeptical, until there is some sort of official confirmation. It's stuff like this, why I don't follow Twitter.


  15. LSV422 said...

    I would much rather have had TC come back instead of SB, especially with the Valentin storyline-many opportunities for some good stuff. We know Sonny isn't going to die so why even bother to watch this bad acting? I wish Nelle and Amy would forget to come back. The original Amy back in the day was always fun to watch - not this one.

    ** ABSOLUTELY! SB anymore just comes off as if he's just going through the motions, no matter where or what he plays. So much so, that there is just so little differences in how he plays any character, anymore.



Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...