Sunday, July 2, 2017

Programming Notice

General Hospital won't air new shows on Monday July 3rd or Tuesday the 4th .... instead there will be reruns.  Have a great holiday! If anything happens in the soapy world, I'll post it!! 


  1. Thanks, Karen, I saw on my TV that today was a rerun, I was disappointed. So does that mean that there is no July 4 celebration in PC this year? Or will they show it a day later? As the show is running one day behind, maybe July 4 will be shown on July 5?

  2. I read online that SB is coming back long-term. I also read that Dr. O also is leaving the show :( She is one of my all-time favorite characters, say it isn't so!!

    1. I read that Dr.O and Hayden are killed in some kind of freak accident.

  3. No new episodes? Trust me, this is a blessing.

  4. Looks like they have to clean house a bit to pay SB. I really love Dr. O mainly because KG is so great. I hate to see RB leave-she also seems to be a casualty of SB returning. I hope he is happy that people are losing their jobs because of him.

  5. Anyone know when Maxie starts airing? I REALLY hope they do not kill off Dr. O and Hayden, so that they can come back when SB leaves again.

  6. In my opinion, they are firing all the wrong people. There is a handful of "newbies" that can just go bye bye.

    (It's weird. This is the one blog store where I cannot comment "Bye Felicia" without stirring up a big rumor storm...)

  7. How can Hayden be leaving and Dr. O and AMY is still around?????
    I miss Felix - not really missing Lucas or Brad - but Felix needs to have a new best friend......and now Julian is outta there - contract didn't work out...
    SO if Joss has the Oscar person ------ did we ever find out what happened to Kristina's guy who worked at Perks?
    more Diane, too!

  8. LSV422
    Since SB had no regrets about dragging fans into his pyramid scheme, I very much doubt that he cares that he is costing people their jobs. As you can tell I can't stand the guy. I only watch occasionally now but I assume that he, like MB, will be shoved dowwn our throats almost every day

  9. SB shouldn't be concerned if other people are losing their jobs, at least I don't think so. If GH is asking him to come back, and he wants to, then that's that. He isn't making them fire anybody - the people in charge are deciding to do that. I definitely agree that they should cut out most of the new people, but a problem with that is that if they do, then it basically just leaves Sonny's family.

    Has anyone commented on the fact that Michael is sleeping with his adopted Aunt? Does anyone have a problem with that, or just that Nelle exists in general?

    Also, rewinding back, I agree with the person who commented wanting to know why they made Hayden and Liz sisters. Especially since they didn't really do anything with it. Did they ever mention to Hayden that she has another sister, Sarah? And whatever happened to HER?
    The last time that character was on was, I believe, back when she tried to steal Lucky away from Liz. And is Hayden related to Steven Lars too? Nothing will ever come of it anyway, but I just want to know. I just find it weird that they keep giving Liz siblings when we never see any of them, or Gran, or most of her children.

  10. Oh, I have another question. Why did Wyndemere go to Valentin anyway? It would have gone to Hayden, or Spencer as Nik's next of kin, right? Why didn't Hayden have custody of Spencer? Or did she? I mean, it makes more sense for Laura to, as his grandmother, but still. Does Lulu have any sort of relationship with him? Sonny sees the kid more often, and he's just as related as Lulu is. Or maybe she doesn't care, since she has her own kids? Did they ever mention if Lucky found out Nik died? I think I could be down with another Lucky recast, assuming he actually got a story. Maybe Sam could leave Jason for him, since they had a relationship in the past, and he isn't involved in the mob like Jason is. And what would he think of Franco and Liz? There's a lot they could do there. Plus, since he's a cop, he'll be working with Nathan, who is married to Maxie, who helped Lucky get hooked on drugs so she could bang him. That might be interesting too.

  11. "Billikers said...he'll be working with Nathan, who is married to Maxie, who helped Lucky get hooked on drugs so she could bang him. That might be interesting too."


  12. And now that I'm thinking of it, why would Lulu be best friends with someone who did that to their brother?

  13. Billikers said...

    Oh, I have another question. Why did Wyndemere go to Valentin anyway? It would have gone to Hayden, or Spencer as Nik's next of kin, right? Why didn't Hayden have custody of Spencer? Or did she?

    ** To answer the first part, this is a 3 part clip from last week, where Alexis explains to Spencer, as to why things are the way they are, legally.

    ** As for why Hayden didn't have custody of Spencer, that's pretty easy. She never adopted him, so even though she was married to Nik, she still wasn't his mother "in the eyes of the law" So, Laura being his closest living relative, took him in. Even though Hayden was his stepmother, who did care for him (I really think she did/does love and care for him), she just had no legal standing, is what it basically came down to.



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...