Friday, July 21, 2017

Fightin' Friday

Sam is talking to Hallucination Sonny. AGAIN.  *sigh* 

Laura is talking to Real Flesh Blood Sonny. Sonny tells her he'll find Spencer with his "connections".

Carly and Bobbie are talking about Spencer being gone.  

Nina posted bail.  Laura is going nuts when she finds out and yells at Nina in the PCPD. 
Laura follows Valentin out to the docks and confronts him. Yells, screams (good STUFF!!) He says he didn't do it. She pushes him...he pushes back-- and then turns around. Laura takes a shovel and WACKS him on the head LOL.. he's OUT!  Nope, he gets back up. then Jason comes around the corner and puts him in a headlock. 

Ava threw away all her make up and she's drinking. She orders a case of vodka to be delivered lol  She has to sign for it-- and the guy sees her face. She says BOO! 

Josslyn and Carly discuss Oscar-- who's apparently working at Lila's Camp. Carly says it's tough to be the mom of a teen. 

Sam goes to see Ava about ..?? not sure I think Avery. She thinks Sonny will be a bad parent.  Sam is telling Ava about karma and how much she's had to pay and Sonny hasn't.  She's being all weird.  The whole scene is weird. 
Sam goes home and gets a gun. 

So, in the end, Sonny gets a text with Spencer's photo. Monday, someone (male) shoots him when he goes to find out the source. IT's going to be GARVEY, the idiot guy we didn't even know from before. UGH 


  1. I missed Ava's comment, darn! LOL!!
    I was in and out but saw Ava and Sam together, yeh weird. Loved the Val and Laura scene. Good stuff. I actually enjoyed Joss and Carly too, haha ahhh the teenage yrs LOL!!

  2. I just read the blog, what a mess!! LOL but-- in my defense I was switching back and forth with Press Briefing lol

    1. LOL! Your blog was fine, what did I miss? Hahaha!!

  3. Paint and Wall's home:

    Paint and Wall: They are whisper talking.. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..

    Paint and Sonny:

    Sonny: Hi Sam.

    *Sam gives laser eyes to Sonny*

    Sonny: How are you?

    *More laser eyes*

    Carly's home:

    Carly and Bobbie: Great scene!!! It's hard being a mom to a teenager? It's extremely hard being a teenager!!!! I remember!!! UGH! Never want to go back to that.

    Carly and Joss: Uh Joss you better call Oscar so that he could meet your mother!!! :)

    Ava's home: Oh Ava you don't have to throw out all your makeup!!! You will just have to go shopping for more in a few months. :)

    "Karen says She has to sign for it-- and the guy sees her face. She says BOO!"

    Ohhh is THAT what she said to him? ROFL!

    Ava and Sam: Strange scene! ROFL!

    Sonny's home:

    Laura and Sonny: Yeah Laura take care of yourself!!!!!

    The police station:

    Valenina: Nina payed V.C.'s bail?!?!?!! WOW!!! She still wuvs him and he knows it!!! :)

    Nathan and Nina: Nathan just give it up! Nina and V.C. belong together and they still are in wuv!!!

    V.C. and Laura: Wow! Calm down Laura damn! Don't get your panties all in a bunch! Genie Francis is still a fantastic actress! :)


    V.C. and Laura: Great scene!!!!! Laura you shouldn't hit him like that!!!! You are going to feel real dumb when you find out he didn't kidnap Spencer!

    Jason and V.C.: JASON!!! GAH! Don't hurt my V.C.!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    Jason and Laura: V.C. deserves a HUGE apology from Jason and Laura when they find out he didn't kidnap Spencer!!!!

  4. "kdmask said..I just read the blog, what a mess!! LOL but-- in my defense I was switching back and forth with Press Briefing lol"

    ROFLMAOPMP! Press briefing about Sean Spicer resigning? :)

    1. I hope we still get Melissa Mcarthy impersonating him, funny stuff!

  5. I've got to say someone is doing a fabulous job with Ava's face, great scenes with Laura and Valentin. Laura W. has beautiful hair but she constantly has her hands in it. I think the bags under her eyes must be from the new boyfriend, LOL.

    1. I agree, her! Makeup dept, great work!!
      I also agree about Laura and Valentin, she really laid into him. Loved it!

  6. WHY!! Can't we have a storyline without Sonny being there center of attention. So many options exist for who took Spencer. Why not someone totally out of the blue like Amy. But no.

  7. Genie is such a GREAT actress, I really FELT her scenes, her hatred/anger for Valentin. He killed her son, whether or not he kidnapped Spencer, it was appropriate for her to be so full of rage.

    I LOVE the Bobbie/Carly/Joss scenes, very realistic dialogue, nice to see three generations of women in one family. This is more of what we want on GH, family stuff.

    I did not think that Ava's scene with Sam was strange, Julian is Sam's father, she went there to see him, Ava IS her aunt, they do know each other. . . They both are suffering terribly, I thought it was an interesting scene, very well done.

  8. "LindaV says I think the bags under her eyes must be from the new boyfriend, LOL."

    Wait what? Laura Wright has a new boyfriend?! :)

  9. Yeah Sonya, she has been tweeting pics of them together. His name is Wes Ramsey and he is an actor she has know for awhile. Cute!

  10. "LSV422 said...Yeah Sonya, she has been tweeting pics of them together. His name is Wes Ramsey and he is an actor she has know for awhile. Cute!"

    Awww wonderful!!!! YAY! :)

  11. AntJoan said...

    I did not think that Ava's scene with Sam was strange, Julian is Sam's father, she went there to see him, Ava IS her aunt, they do know each other. . . They both are suffering terribly, I thought it was an interesting scene, very well done

    ** I completely agree. Having touched on my dislike of Sam quite a bit, in the past. Their scenes together today were amazing! I really hope we do get more of them together, with them bonding, building on their familial connection. The fact that they're doing so for the first time now, is a shame.


  12. I loved the Sam and Ava scenes, made me kind of like Sam for a change.Genie Francis was so good in all of her scenes yesterday.

  13. nance24 said...

    I loved the Sam and Ava scenes, made me kind of like Sam for a change.

    ** Yeah, it did for me, too. I REALLY wish whatever it is that's causing this in Sam, would lead to a permanent change of personality/way of thinking similar to how the car crash did for Jason in the 90s, but with her still realizing that her along with Jason and the kids, are FAR better off without all of Sonny's crap,



She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...