Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Party for the Pee!

I got about 4 hrs sleep last night so I'm REALLY tired. Not sure how long I'll last with GH today. 
I'll give it a go though. 

Monica needs to talk to Finn about this pee results.  He passed. There's a party in the break room for him. PEE PARTY! Oh, Finn and Hayden are so happy! Hayden tells Liz she's thrilled! Everything is going their way. ( you know that's a kiss of death) 

Julian wants Alexis to testify in his defense.  She's like NOPE. 

Nina and Nathan--are they on a LOT??   So boring. I guess Val wants to set up a "horse nursing home" to win back Nina LOL...
Dr. O comes in, wants to talk to Nina alone. She wants to write a medical column for Crimson. Nina says there's no place for it there.  Dr. O is sad. 

Dante isn't too worried about Spencer lol...because you know--it's Spencer.  Laura makes a case that Valentin took him. Later, Dante goes to the Metro Court to question him. 


  1. There's an interview with Kin Shriner in TV Guide about 40 years in GH

  2. Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Julian: Okay her putting him on the pretend stand was a good scene, until he started talking about wuv, then zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


    Nina and Nathan: She will never stop loving V.C. Nathan!!!! :) He is charming and he makes women melt like butter. :)

    Dr. O. and Nathan: Awwwww! Great scene. :)

    Nina and Dr. O.:

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Papa V.C. and Charlie: Awwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Police station: Yeah I don't know.. I think it's way too easy for V.C. to have kidnapped Spencer.. Nina sticking up for V.C. YAY!

    The hospital:


    Monica and Finchy: YAY! Finchy can get back to work!!!!! WOOT WOOT!

    Party room:

    "Karen says There's a party in the break room for him. PEE PARTY!"

    ROFL! Pee party!! And we weren't even invited. Dr. O thought the party was for her hahahahhhahahaha!

    Outside party room:

    Dr. O, RayFinn: Finchy wins the line of the day.

    Finchy: He is handsome.


  3. Check this out on soaphub.

    "According to the July 31 issue of Soap Opera Digest, Jason is forced to get Sam emergency help and from there, they find out what’s really wrong with her. It turns out she has a real condition, but GH writers are being cryptic about what it could be.

    From the start, “we did know [what her diagnosis would be],” Head Writer Shelly Altman told Digest.

    “We knew the desired effect that we wanted and then we searched for the medical condition that could create that effect.

    “We usually work in that way and we did, in fact, find not only something that would give the symptoms that we wanted, but was uniquely suited to an experience Sam has had.”

    Now, does her diagnosis and treatment come before she does something rash to Sonny (Maurice Benard)? Tune in and find out."

    Wait what?!?!! The writers did research?!?!?!?!! :0

  4. sonya said...Wait what?!?!! The writers did research?!?!?!?!! :0

    *** And actually sketched out an ending before they proceeded?!!! I think we both need some smelling salts after that revelation.

    Hopefully it's a condition which needs intervention within a few monts.

  5. sonya said...Wait what?!?!! The writers did research?!?!?!?!! :0

    *** And actually sketched out an ending before they proceeded?!!! I think we both need some smelling salts after that revelation.

    Hopefully it's a condition which needs intervention within a few months.

  6. "Di said...And actually sketched out an ending before they proceeded?!!! I think we both need some smelling salts after that revelation."

    Yes I think we do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "Hopefully it's a condition which needs intervention within a few months."


  7. Alexis rushes scout to the hospital next week so if its a bacterial infection Sam could of given it to scout with breast feeding.

  8. Has Hell froze over? Is it really possible they did research? Y'all are funny. 😁 I hope it ends up being a decent storyline.

  9. sonya said...

    Police station: Yeah I don't know.. I think it's way too easy for V.C. to have kidnapped Spencer.. Nina sticking up for V.C. YAY!

    ** I'm pretty damn sure VC had nothing at all to do with it. Especially after Dante found that particular page from Spencer's script of Hamlet for the play. That had all the subtlety of getting smacked in the face with a cast iron frying pan.


  10. sonya said...

    “We knew the desired effect that we wanted and then we searched for the medical condition that could create that effect.

    “We usually work in that way and we did, in fact, find not only something that would give the symptoms that we wanted, but was uniquely suited to an experience Sam has had.”

    ** Ummmmm no. Since that's the exact OPPOSITE of how they work (and have said so on multiple occasions in the past), I'm now convinced even more, that they have no clue at all, as to what they're doing. In fact, in this week's issue of SiD, there's a couple of pages long article, in which they talk about what they did and didn't do while writing the whole "Chimera" mess, and they're reasoning behind everything. While it's nothing really new to anyone that has a good understanding of how soaps are made, and how Jelly does their stuff, it's still a worthy read for anyone interested in what goes on BTS.


  11. Sam pointing a gun at Sonny!!!

    Sam: Stop with the lies!!!! This ends now!!!

    ROFL! Shoot him Sam!!!!

  12. "K says I'm pretty damn sure VC had nothing at all to do with it. Especially after Dante found that particular page from Spencer's script of Hamlet for the play. That had all the subtlety of getting smacked in the face with a cast iron frying pan."

    ROFL! Yeah I agree. V.C. had nothing to do with it. A red herring is ALWAYS soap 101. :)

  13. Looks like Nancy LG lost some weight and looks fantastic, although she always looked great. Unfortunately they had her in a winter outfit, boots and all. It's been pretty hot in the East. Looking forward to Sonny getting shot.

    1. Yeh I can't wait, maybe he has his gun and can shoot Sam, making it a 2fer. LOL!!!

  14. Linda, yes, I also noticed that NLG lost weight, and that she was in a winter outfit. C'mon, it's July!!

  15. Doubt GH will air today since OJ parole hearing is today, it'll be top priority.

  16. "Michelle Latta said...Yeh I can't wait, maybe he has his gun and can shoot Sam, making it a 2fer. LOL!!!"


    "Michelle Latta said...Doubt GH will air today since OJ parole hearing is today, it'll be top priority."

    Yeah I don't think so either.

  17. That is so ridiculous. That should be on a news channel. I doubt that most GH fans are glued to their screens waiting to hear what happens. Anyone who's interested can check the news at 5.

  18. Today's episode was pre-empted on the Boston channel I usually watch it on but it's on the Canadian station. That means it may be on some stations in the states and it should be up on the websites tonight.

  19. Di said...

    Today's episode was pre-empted on the Boston channel I usually watch it on but it's on the Canadian station. That means it may be on some stations in the states and it should be up on the websites tonight.

    ** Surprisingly, here in MT, both GH and Days ran what episode was scheeuled to do so, today. Though, Y&R was totally pre-empted, while B&B ran something from 3 or so years ago.



LATE Day Again!!

  I have my yearly check up today (I have to get one for work...ugh) and it's at 2pm. Will I make it back for the end of the show? Not s...