Monday, July 31, 2017

Dumpster Kissin'

That Ex hubby of Hay-Ray's looks like Sonny from afar? I was like what is Dr. O doing with HIM? LOL... He also looks like Alcazar--kind of a Sonny/Alcie mash-up.  OMG she's trying to make him jealous. I guess he was in jail when Rachel (Hayden) got off scott free. 

At their new house, Hayden proposed to Finn. Finn wanted to propose to HER. Whoops. He says yes.  Then he leaves and Justin comes in (Rachel's ex). She's all shocked. 

Nina and Nathan-- Nina is on DAILY and although I LOVE MS, her plot is thin at best. Valentin walks in and Nate yells at him. Just like Molly yelled at Julian. Same dialog almost! 

Later, Nina kisses Valentin next to the dumpster.  Then, she runs. ugh

Garvey is at GH. Carly's yelling at him to tell her where Sonny is. They take him away. Dante tells her he's the guy that took Spencer and he probably lured Sonny somewhere. WHY not call Verizon and look at his texts? Or last pings?  The GPS is turned off on Sonny's phone and car so he can't be traced, Carly said. 

Jason is sad. Sad, sad. I can't understand or hear him. I SWEAR TO GOD. I know I'm old but DAMN. He was talking to Griffin and I had to put the CC on. 

Elizabeth tells Carly that Garvey is alone in his room. She goes up and messes with his morphine. "TELL me where Sonny is"!! 

Sonny's STILL In DA PIT!!  So sad..the pit.  He prays his Catholic Confessional prayers. *sigh* Sorry but it doesn't move me at all.  He sees a light..and it's Stone. (we don't see him yet but will tomorrow)

WELP! ABC news interruption--MOOCHI resigns???!!! Um.. okay. No comment. But-- welp. 


  1. I got a news alert online that Mooch was fired, will watch the news to find out.

  2. Now was Mooch taking over from Spicer? I can't keep these guys straight! I have never seen so much hiring and firing in a Presidency in a short period of time. Anyways....
    I watched live today and couldn't ff Sonny angst. I did love seeing the light, knowing we get Stone tomorrow.:) MS....her character has always annoyed me and she seems to be getting as much air time as Mo.

  3. The hospital:

    Sam's room: Hmmm she is in a coma, but where is she? Jason whispering to himself..

    Griffy and HamilFin: Awwww they showed the bromance today! YAY! :)

    Dr. O's car:

    Dr. O and Justin: Man she is SO laying it on thick to this guy. She is so manipulating him with that file on RayRay? DAMN YOU ARE GOOD!!! What are you going to do Dr. O? Run RayRay down with your car?

    RayFinn's home: What a great scene with them!!!!!! HamilFinn wins the lines of the day!

    HamilFinn: Have I ever mentioned to you that I hate tennis? We should blow up the tennis court, and turn it into a natural habitat for Roxie and for all her reptile friends. Oh thank goodness. I thought I was the last to know. Poor Elizabeth is still in the dark.


    Justin and RayRay: Huh? How did he know she was there? How did he even get in? Didn't RayRay even lock the door?

    Police station:

    Nathan and Nina:

    Nina: I'm not mad Nathan.

    Oh yeah she is!!!! I guess when she is mad she calls you Nathan! :)

    Outside parking garage:

    Valenina: Or wherever the heck they are. OH YAY A KISS!!!! Now take him back Nina!! Don't pretend you are coy. :)

    Sonny's hole: Sonny is STILL dying!!!!! I liked that he knows he is going to die and he repents.. :) OH THE BACK OF STONE'S GHOST BODY! :) You taking Sonny to heaven Stone?

    "Karen says WELP! ABC news interruption--MOOCHI resigns???!!! Um.. okay. No comment. But-- welp."

    He JUST started the job!!! And he resigns already?!!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

  4. Is there anyone on the planet who thinks Sonny will actually die. Why would we be interested in this waste of time.

  5. Sonya:

    Nina: I'm not mad Nathan.

    Oh yeah she is!!!! I guess when she is mad she calls you Nathan!:)

    I was kind of thinking the same thing - it was just weird for her to call him that. Actually, I didn't cringe as much with today's episode. Probably because I felt like some of the storylines were starting to pick up, although watching Sonny pray to God yet again made me pray that one day he won't get the chance to pray. Also, if Carly were standing over my hospital bed, I'd be scared too. BTW, nice of the writers to remember her roots on the show and that she attended a year of nursing school.

  6. Karen! There is a little article about Carolyn Hennesy.. Let people know about it!

  7. I call sam and jason mr n mrs mumble. can't understand them. feel like i'm going deaf.

  8. sonya said...

    Dr. O's car:

    Dr. O and Justin: Man she is SO laying it on thick to this guy. She is so manipulating him with that file on RayRay? DAMN YOU ARE GOOD!!! What are you going to do Dr. O? Run RayRay down with your car?

    ** The guy really is about as dense as a board, no wonder he went to prison.

    "Karen says WELP! ABC news interruption--MOOCHI resigns???!!! Um.. okay. No comment. But-- welp."

    He JUST started the job!!! And he resigns already?!!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    ** There was no interruption at all on my ABC channel. Odd


    1. Mine either, but probably because it airs at 3 in S TX now.

  9. K, yes, Karen watches at 2 and we watch at 3, no interruption here either.

    Karen, I am older than you, but I still have excellent hearing. I never understood why people say Jason and Sam mumble, I always have heard them clearly. However, yesterday, at the start of the show, even I couldn't understand what Jason was saying.

    OMG, I just realized that I had a dream last night, and that Sam woke up or something and Jason was SB!

  10. Di, I agree completely! This is just the continuation of TIIC ass kissing of MB by giving him a meaty but uninteresting (to us) storyline. And as far as Carly getting in to Garvey's room, now hospitals have recovery areas locked, as well as CCU areas. GH is just an open free for all. Not that I feel sorry for Garvey, who I don't remember ever having been on in the past.

  11. I never can understand what Mumbles and mumbles say. The only good part of Sonny's pity party is Stone and they make us wait an extra day. I was wondering about Nina yesterday too....her whole story is running in,either sticking up for Valentin or kissing him and than running out. This show exhausts me these days.

  12. LSV422 said...
    Di, I agree completely! This is just the continuation of TIIC ass kissing of MB by giving him a meaty but uninteresting (to us) storyline.

    *** Yeah. I guess he needs something for his emmy tape that includes lots of teeth clenching and blowing. His repetitive Carly chats and bed scenes aren't going to cut it.

  13. AntJoan said...

    I still have excellent hearing. I never understood why people say Jason and Sam mumble, I always have heard them clearly. However, yesterday, at the start of the show, even I couldn't understand what Jason was saying

    ** I've got very good hearing. It's just KM's voice. If she's in an episode, I have to turn on the CC. To clarify a bit, that's the ONLY time I ever have to turn them on when watching TV. Otherwise, I've never turned them on before that, nor do I need to do at all with anything else I watch.



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