Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Onion Ring

Rachel's Ex..didn't he tell Dr. O he didn't care? Ummm, okay then. He says she owes him after he took the fall for her.  Jared wants money.  Oh! Get this...back in the day-- Rachel was driving fast in her Porsche and hit a little girl and killed her. And....Jared took the blame. She promised him money.   WELL then! Rachel got way more interesting just when RB was fired!

Finn comes back and proposed to Hayden with an Onion ring (I think?) because there are no jewelry stores open.  She hesitates-- and cries but says yes.

Dom tweeted this during GH today--LOL with "Boogers" as a caption! 

Carly's trying to get Garvey to spill and Dante walks in. Makes her leave.  Dante is asking him to say where Sonny is. Garvey passes out or flatlines...not sure yet. Oh he needs more surgery because of internal bleeding. Carly is NOT happy. 

In the Pit Report: Sonny sees Stone. He looks good! He also came to Robin when she fell in a well in 2010.  Lots of talk...lots of Morgan talk... and..yada yada.  Sonny decides he doesn't want to die.  NOPE. He WANTS to live.  Stone tells him what we've been saying "JUST stack the boxes/barrels up" . Yes, yes he does LOL.

Jules tells Ava that Sam is dying in the hospital. Ava has her mask on. They talk about when Sam came to see Ava and how weird she was.

Nell and Michael (BORING) ... tell Josslyn Sonny is missing.  When Carly finally gets home, Joss is all upset about Sonny. And she's sorry for her Mama. She's so worried.  Nelle starts to go but Joss says: "You saved my life, you are a part of this (family)" and they ALL hold hands (Dante is there too) and PRAY. (Carly..praying?? yep) 

and...we leave with Sonny trying to stack and crawl out of the pit...


  1. Did Rachel/Hayden actually kill the girl? I thought her ex said that she caused the girl to not be able to ever walk again. In any case, it was nice to see Stone, although in reality, Sonny really just needed an apparition to say nice things about him and make him feel better about his horrible self. As if we all haven't been subjected to that for decades now.

  2. Liam, you're right, Hayden didn't kill the little girl.

    On another note, the Sonny and Stone scenes made me very emotional. I wasn't expecting that! Ah, the old days of soap making. :)

  3. Ava's home: What is the point with the mask? Your face isn't that bad Ava!!!! You don't need no stinkin mask!

    The floating rib:

    Finchy and Curtis: Great scene!!!!! When they were talking about the proposal.

    Curtis: That wasn't wise at all. I like to think that I am enlightened as the next guy, but there is something to be said about tradition.

    I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and Finchy wins the line of the day.

    Finchy: Am I going to find any of this advice, either A, preachy or B, annoying?

    ROFL! Oh and uh Curtis, Finchy is right about you and Jordan!!!!! Don't be blaming your breakup on your auntie! LISTEN TO FINCHY!!!

    RayFinn's home:

    Justin and RayRay: Ohhhhhh.. So Justin went to jail for RayRay for her hitting a girl!!! So Justin was a good guy afterall! Well, sorta. :) Oh boy now the blackmail starts!!!! So does RayRay not want Finchy to know so she leaves town with her pregnant belly?

    "Karen says -- Rachel was driving fast in her Porsche and hit a little girl and killed her."

    That is what I thought too, but no she is paralyzed.

    Sonny's home:

    Carly: I don't put a lot of stock in prayer.

    Well then why do it? That is such a stupid line.

    The hospital:

    Jordan and Curtis: TELL HER YOU WANT HER BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Damn it all to hell soap 101 ROFL!

    Garvey's room:

    Carly and Garvey: Carly give him a bag! Sounds like he is hyperventilating.

    Dante and Garvey: Still sounds like he is hyperventilating. And Dante's eyes are HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE. :)

    The hole:

    There's a hole in the pit dear Liza, dear Liza,
    There's a hole in the pit dear Liza, a hole.

    Ghost Stone and Sonny: STONE!!!! Wow he looks so different, I hardly recognized him. He looks like Johnny Zacchara! So good to see you Stone! Uh Stone called Sonny's father a bastard. HUH?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Yes Sonny you can get out! Prayers are lifting you up!!!

  4. Sonya, are you aware of Sonny's history with his stepfather? Yeah, he's definitely a bastard

  5. "gap723 21 said...Sonya, are you aware of Sonny's history with his stepfather? Yeah, he's definitely a bastard"

    Yup I am aware! I watched back then too. Yes I agree he's definitely a bastard, but my point is, a ghost, a spirit, who came from heaven, is calling someone a bastard? Very odd. :)

  6. sonya said...The hole:

    There's a hole in the pit dear Liza, dear Liza,
    There's a hole in the pit dear Liza, a hole.

    *** Then let's fill it, dear Sonya, dear, Sonya,dear Sonya
    Before he gets out!!

  7. Has Carly had the same shirt on for a couple weeks now?

    1. Its apparently been the same day for weeks.Michael said today that sonnys been missing since this morning.

  8. "Di said...Then let's fill it, dear Sonya, dear, Sonya,dear Sonya Before he gets out!!"

    ROFL! Yes! Let's do that right away! :)

  9. Ok as much as I hate Sonny and the airtime he hogs, I loved his scenes with Stone. Yes Stone did look good, I agree. As for Hayden and her ex, I guess he changed his mind, off screen of course.

  10. OK, she's not dead lol... I tweet, I blog-- I can't listen! I thought Jared name was DARREN the whole show!! ahahahahaa.

    Oh well...

    Becky Buding killed it today. I'm so mad she's leaving

    1. LOL!!! I thought of Darren Stevens when you said that!
      Me TOO! She was awesome!

  11. "kdmask said... I thought Jared name was DARREN the whole show!!"

    ROFL! His name is Jared? I thought it was Justin!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! We need to have our ears cleaned! ROFL!

  12. Haven't watched yesterday's show yet but went to see Nashville in concert last night. I love the show even though I don't like country music, but their music is exceptional. Two of the cast, Charles Esten (Deacon) and Chris Carmack (Will) are locals here in the DC area and were just thrilled to be here. Clare Bowen (Scarlett) was ill and Sam Palladio(Gunnar) who must have flown in from his home in London, was a surprise fill in. They were all outstanding!! But, Jonathan Jackson, our beloved Lucky, gave the most amazing performance. He had at least two long standing ovations. Not only is he a phenomenal singer but a great musician. Such talent and they are all so nice! If they are in your area would highly recommend!

  13. UGH, I thought I got this posted last night, but it seems it didn't somehow. I have no idea why this seems to happen every so often. But, this was my take on Sonny's "reunion" with Stone from Tuesday's show. (And on sonya's thoughts on who/what the Stone we saw on screen actually was.

    sonya said...

    "gap723 21 said...Sonya, are you aware of Sonny's history with his stepfather? Yeah, he's definitely a bastard"

    Yup I am aware! I watched back then too. Yes I agree he's definitely a bastard, but my point is, a ghost, a spirit, who came from heaven, is calling someone a bastard? Very odd. :)

    ** Halfway through the show, when he told Stone that he wanted to go with him so he could be with Morgan now, the look Sonny had on his face and the way that he did, he came across to m as if he was a completely deranged lunatic, that had just let go of whatever little shred of sanity that he had been clinging to as tightly as he could, leaving reality behind. The entire encounter encounter having occurred in his mind alone. With the way that things have gone down for the past few days fits events a lot better than the whole "ghost" explanation. :)



Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...