Friday, August 11, 2017

Friday Frustration

"Can't have any more selfies without Will" Says Nancy. He's basically off the show
due to breakdown in contract talks. 

Trial:  Alexis tells about Juilan shooting her handcuffs off. Scotty gets her to say Jules was essentially a hero.

Sonny and Carly: "I know you'd never keep a secret from me again".. UGH whatever. WHY THE HELL wouldn't Sonny TELL CARLY about Sam? WHY? She had a brain virus-- I mean. I DON'T EVEN. IS this to be all "CarSon is together--- now "Split apart" by Sonny's "lies"!! We JUST did this!! COME ON!! 

Sam knows it's not a dream. Big deal.  She's so upset. Jason tells her not her fault, she was sick. She doesn't care. She cries. 

Dante and Nate are figuring out there was another shooter there 

Finn wonders why Hayden called herself Rachel. She tells him she typed in the wrong name. He doesn't believe her, asks what's wrong.
OMG--just tell him for F sake. He lied to you forever about being a junkie so--

Ok, I can't do it. I'm going to leave at 2:22. Maybe it will be better if I can FF through all this. 

Have a great Friday. See you Sunday for Surgery! 


  1. Replies
    1. I actually cried during the Hayden and Finn scenes. So sad...real-ish. Don't want RB to go dang it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Courtroom:

    Alexis and Julian: Are they even allowed to talk?!!?!?! Scotty say something!!!

    The hospital:

    Carson: Carly shut up!!!! Stop trying to change his mind about going back to the mob!!! Although Diane would be very happy. :)

    Dante and Sonny:

    Sonny: Dante, sometimes when you're bleeding for 24 hours it does something to your memory.

    ROFL! What!?!?!?! No it doesn't!!!! If you are bleeding for 24 hours you would be dead!!!!!

    Sam's room:

    Paint and Wall: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I don't understand this!!!! She wasn't in her right mind!!! Why keep it secret? So dumb.

    Private room:

    RayFinn: Made me cry!!! :'(


    Carly and Sam: I don't get it!!! Why can't Sam just tell Carly? I mean she almost did. Why does Sonny and Jason want to keep Carly in the dark? So dumb.

    Police station:

    Dante and Nathan: They couldn't talk at the hospital or while walking to the police station? Or driving to the police station? Gee is the hospital across the street from the police station?

  4. I just heard Franco, Anna and Emma are all coming back next week.

  5. "Anne Long said... I just heard Franco, Anna and Emma are all coming back next week."

    YAY!!!! I hope that's true. :)

  6. sonya said...

    The hospital:

    Carson: Carly shut up!!!! Stop trying to change his mind about going back to the mob!!! Although Diane would be very happy. :)

    ** I'm really getting sick of her changing her opinion on whether he should or shouldn't leave the mob. That stuff today though, really pissed me off.


    1. I ff thru all that crap today. I was all about Finn and Hayden and a little Nathan and Dante.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...