Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Broken Everything

Maxie and Kiki---Behind the Scenes at GH 

Well, today I had no internet and no TV!! Geesh-- I'm telling you, I'm falling farther and farther behind. 
Looking at the promos of "Sonny's angst at getting out of the mob"--I'm not so sure I care!!? 


  1. Forget Sonny's stinking angst!! The highlight today was Franco telling Elizabeth about his painting, and his imaginary friend as a child. Roger did such an excellent job. I found it moving.
    Then we had Bad Olivia's henchman testifying against Julian. He was outwardly gloating.
    Other than that, it was pretty much filler.

  2. Sonny's home:

    Sam: Carly, I shot Sonny!!! Boo hooo boo hooo. I am so sorry. Boo hoo boo hooo. I shot Sonny on purpose. Boo hoo boo hoooooo.

    Sonny: You were sick Sam. You didn't know what you were doing.

    Sam: Boo hoo boo hoo boo hoo. This is all my fault. Boo hoo boo hoo boo hoo.

    I was waiting for Carly to yell at Sam and have a brawl. Come on Carly! Tell her off!!!!! Pull her hair!!!! Slap her silly!

    BobTodd's art studio:

    Friz: Awwww my adorable Friz. :) Hmmm that light painting that they were talking about.. Is it a foreshadowing of something? Is the two boys in the picture Jason and BobTodd when they were kids? :) And yes Liz you SHOULD paint again! Listen to your man! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Alexis and Ned: Great sceene!!!! Oh they are talking about the past!!!! Yes Alexis you were always interested in bad boys. All stems because of your father. Oh hey Nancy Lee Grahn doesn't have a cold anymore. :)

    Courtroom: So while the two lawyers were working, Rudge and Julian were having eye sex. Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: Your honor.. This stooge here.


  3. Sonny's angst was dwarfed by Carly's snarky face. I FF'd through it.

  4. could the little boy in the painting be franco's twin, jason

    1. He said the little boy is his imaginary friend .

    2. Loved the Friz scenes. He was so cute talking about his imaginary friend. I also loved Alexis and Ned, wish they were still a couple. They were so good together.

  5. Of course you don't care about whether he gets out, Karen. Everyone knows that's NEVER going to happen. I don't know why they even bother to make it look like he might really do it, every few years or so. In a way it kind of feels insulting to the audience (long-time viewers especially), to me.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. sonya said...

    Sonny's home:

    I was waiting for Carly to yell at Sam and have a brawl. Come on Carly! Tell her off!!!!! Pull her hair!!!! Slap her silly!

    ** Yeah, I was VERY surprised at how well she took it. (Especially consider the look on her face was one of wanting to strangle Sam, IMO)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Alexis and Ned: Great sceene!!!! Oh they are talking about the past!!!! Yes Alexis you were always interested in bad boys. All stems because of your father. Oh hey Nancy Lee Grahn doesn't have a cold anymore. :)

    ** I thought that was a pretty odd thing to say. Especially IIRC, she hardly had any contact with Mikos, herself. Not to mention, one could make the argument that he wasn't really a "bad" man, per se. The Ice Princess/Weather machine was originally intended to be used to "wake up" the world/people to quit destroying everything. (Then there's the whole carbonic snow "thing"). Everything got out or control.


  8. Loved Ned and Alexis scenes! And the court - Scotty is so entertaining! That's about all I could stand to watch.

  9. LSV422 said...

    Loved Ned and Alexis scenes! And the court - Scotty is so entertaining! That's about all I could stand to watch.

    ** They've always been great together. Though, I do think much more so as friends.



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...