Monday, August 7, 2017

Kiki goes to Ava's...and I had seriously forgotten she was on the show!! Kiki tries to talk Ava into going to group. She says no. Kiki calls Griffin to come and talk to Ava tonight.  Griffin shows up next scene. LOL... he's all "GO TO the GROUP Dr. Maddox runs"...she's all "NO! I won't leave my house, and I'm drinking all I want"! 

Hayden visits her adopt-o-dad in prison.   He's sorry he clammed up when he learned she wasn't his real kid.  She asks him for some money to pay off Jordan. He says it's all gone. She says she's PG. He's sad. She's sad. 

Sam has a flashback...
Sonny has a flashback....

UGH..Flashback CITY. Sonny lies about who shot him.  I don't know why--she has a virus so..??? Tumor defense! 

Sam is out of the danger zone with the infection.  Finn says that her blood is ok but not sure about her neurological status. 

I'm sorry but my net is really slow today so I'm stopping early. I'll be back later with thoughts on Steve Burton's return. 


  1. Did anyone else think at first Hayden's dad was played by Jerry Van Dorn (ex Clint OLTL)? I was so geeked up for a second until I realized it wasn't him. Jerry would make a great Jeff Weber too

  2. Raymond Berlin's visiting area:

    RayRay and papa Berlin. When she was waiting, I was thinking who is she visiting? Heather? :) Nope her papa!! Jordan wins the line of the day.

    Jordan: Tick tock tick tock tick tock!

    BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! That picture! Why is he still at her house?!!?!?! BAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    "BeaArthur said...Did anyone else think at first Hayden's dad was played by Jerry Van Dorn (ex Clint OLTL)?"

    Yeah!!!! I thought that was him too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This actor looks just like him!!!!!! :)

    Ava's home:

    Kiwi and Ava/Griffy and Ava: I am getting tired of her pity party!!!! Come on Ava call V.C. and tell him you are taking him up on his offer!!!!

    The hospital:

    Therapy session room:

    Sam and Ava: I really wish the scene went like this.

    Sam: I WANT THE TRUTH!!!!!!


    Sam's room/Sonny's room: Flashbacks back and forth. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. If only Caleb went to Livvie's room and bit her neck. Then Lucy the vampire slayer can come and stab Caleb! Oops sorry. Just bored. ROFL.

  3. "Michelle Latta said..Yes!!!! I loved him as Clint!"

    So did I!!!! I tried not to. I fought hard not to. I tried to hate Jerry Van Dorn's portrayal of Clint, because I was loyal to Clint Richie the original Clint!!! But then I couldn't fight it anymore.. I fell in love with Jerry Van Dorn's portrayal of Clint!!! DAMN IT!

  4. OK, I just finished working and started watching today's GH, just gotta say: Carly is STILL wearing that same shirt? It's been HOW many weeks now?

    And Ava is looking better, now her neck looks a lot better, maybe they are not doing the make-up consistently? Also, she said that no plastic surgeons can help her at all, I find that hard to believe.

    And something that's been bothering me lately: WHERE is Danny? How can they show Sam and Jason all the time at home taking care of Scout (upstairs), and Danny is NEVER there?? He is a young child, wouldn't he be with his mother?

    1. Danny I believe is with one of his grandmother's, it was addressed. As for Carlys shirt, it's been wks in our world, but not on GH. That was addressed also. I think it was mentioned in his rescue or when he was missing.

  5. Oh, and also, HOW did Ava get an insurance check when she is the one who set the warehouse on fire?

  6. AntJoan said...
    Oh, and also, HOW did Ava get an insurance check when she is the one who set the warehouse on fire?

    *** That's right. She lit the fire on purpose too so that's arson. The insurance would never pay out.

    And Danny is another child who spends his time gagged in a closet. Even when he's home we never see or hear him.

  7. sonya said...
    "Michelle Latta said..Yes!!!! I loved him as Clint!"

    So did I!!!! I tried not to. I fought hard not to. I tried to hate Jerry Van Dorn's portrayal of Clint, because I was loyal to Clint Richie the original Clint!!! But then I couldn't fight it anymore.. I fell in love with Jerry Van Dorn's portrayal of Clint!!! DAMN IT!

    ** Both of their portrayals were so different (ESPECIALLY the way the way PP wrotcharacter) really. After the loss of Phil Carey, it always looked to me, with JVD's version, that the writers were trying to turn Clint into essentially Asa 2.0


  8. In GH world of course Ava could get an insurance settlement. The only witnesses were Carly and Sonny and I don't recall either of them being interviewed, so it could pass for an accidental fire.

    1. Dante questioned sonny and carly and he said the firefighters agreed with their statement that Ava started the fire.

  9. "K says Both of their portrayals were so different (ESPECIALLY the way the way PP wrotcharacter) really. After the loss of Phil Carey, it always looked to me, with JVD's version, that the writers were trying to turn Clint into essentially Asa 2.0"

    Well after OLTL went to PP, Clint turned into Asa 2.0. :( I hated that.

  10. LSV422 said...

    In GH world of course Ava could get an insurance settlement. The only witnesses were Carly and Sonny and I don't recall either of them being interviewed, so it could pass for an accidental fire.

    ** Not to mention she had actually been runniny it completely above board for quite sometime, to help with her trying to get Avery back from Sonny. I remember her saying something to Julian around the time of the whole mess with Olivia that she thought she'd have a better chance doing so, if she had nothing at all to do with the "family business" or anything else illegal. It was just the switching of Morgan's pills.


  11. sonya said...

    "K says Both of their portrayals were so different (ESPECIALLY the way the way PP wrotcharacter) really. After the loss of Phil Carey, it always looked to me, with JVD's version, that the writers were trying to turn Clint into essentially Asa 2.0"

    Well after OLTL went to PP, Clint turned into Asa 2.0. :( I hated that

    ** I did too, but it started before that, though. (All that crap he did to Rex, for one thing) It started before Frons took the ax to it, PP just went batshit overboard with it, and other things. (Don't even get me started on the whole "secret organization" crap.


  12. "K says I did too, but it started before that, though. (All that crap he did to Rex, for one thing) It started before Frons took the ax to it, PP just went batshit overboard with it, and other things. (Don't even get me started on the whole "secret organization" crap."

    I don't know why they had to change Clint. :( I don't know what they were thinking. UGH!

  13. sonya said...

    I don't know why they had to change Clint. :( I don't know what they were thinking. UGH!

    ** Near the end of both AMC and OLTL's runs (I appreciate what PP was ATTEMPTING to do with them at the time, after Frons killed them off, and there were some good things that came out of them, but i personally don't really consider them on the whole "canon". Stuff like Dimitri and Alex divorcing, was plausible and isn't an issue. etc..) I think Michael E. Knight summed things up perfectly for with the last year or so of AMC. (and I think it applies the same with OLTL) The show's really "lost their way". At that point they had very little resemblance to Agnes Nixon's original visions)



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...