Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Lust and Liniment


So, I'm off this weekend and I'm uploading something for Sunday Surgery because I'm nice like that!! Let's see what I can get done.  

LIKE TINA, I'm having sheet cake! Dig in! 

No, Mom, you're not seeing things. This is week THREE I'm in this bed...having flashbacks..
Oh my poor Sam.
Yeah, it's been a drag. Cool though because I just keep saying the same thing over and over.
Oh, daughter I hear you on that. 

Hello Maximista, mother of my deligthful little child! 
Oh Spinelli, with all that's happening in my life and in the world I have something I need you to help me with...
What could that pertain to? Your living will perhaps? Advice on living coast-to-coast long distance romance? 
NO! I want you to find MAN LANDERS!! 
Oh! Ok, fine and dandy.  I should warn you however, I find myself attracted to him from afar. 


Oh, look guys..she left her ring... 
Wait a minute...wait a minute ...what?? I got dressed up for this, cheered this adorable couple on and....she's just up and gone?!
Um...looks like it.
Curtis, do me a favor.
Anything dude..anything...
Come talk with me for 3 days in Hayden's office. We gotta figure this out. 
Can I bring a sandwich? 
Bring a whole pie, don't care. We'll be in there awhile. 

So, I got shot. What da ya want now, Dan-Tay? 
Well, the bullets don't match...
You think I care if dey match?? REALLY? I've seen so many bullets I could make a damn belt. 
Well, your story still is fishy.
I'M IN PAIN, can't you see that? PAIN! 
Ok, but if you think of anything else--

So, Dad...


I am 12 years old now, and I'm cute as a of course a boy is calling me
I don't even want to hear that!
Well, Spencer even gave me a diamond!
When's the next launch leave for that island?!

For the next 20 minutes:

So! DO you think the diamond is real? Do you? a Berlin diamond? Do you think so? Is it real? I'm going to ask Elizabeth if it's real...ok? and if she doesn't know, I'm asking a super secret jeweler guy I know! Ok? 

Huh... my dressing room said "Steve" on it this morning ....I thought I told them I was staying. Dang. Not sure.  He better not touch my "The Lake is for Lovers" poster!! NOPE! 

Look, I stole the gun for can Corinthos leave me alone? 
Yeah, whatever.  I just have to get this in that river. 
Hey, man.... you know, things come back from there...both Jeromes... that rifle..old lady Grimes cat...
Don't worry, this will NEVER come back!
Audience:  collective groan

Now, I'm going to put this totally non-contrived lavender oil all over your strong, muscular shoulder and just rub...
Oh, it feels so good....
You know, if we sit here long enough they could draw us for a cover of one of those romance novels...
Don't stop! Don't stop! We must make sure they see our desire!! 

Long time no see! 

See ya later! 

No, ...tell me, do you think this diamond is real?? 

Oh HA HA...YOU thought we didn't get any airtime this week?? SORRY!!!  We  did--a LOT! 

Alla Korot  is coming August 29th as Farah. So-- there you go.  She was on Grimm and Another World. 

Burton was taping this maybe we see him in 2 Fridays (a toe?) then... the end of that next week? Who knows. 

Let's see.. SO, Maxie's going to find out Man Landers is Nathan and the connection with Amy (ugh). I have little hope we'll see Ned for awhile. Now that Dillon is going-- the Q house shrinks some more!! Sonny and Sam have a stupid secret that isn't really even that GOOD-- Hayden just disappeared and Ava is hot for Griffin but...HER FACE. Oh, and the diamond, is it real? IS it??? Val and Nina talked about junk--basically same ol same ol. He loves her,  wants her back, she's wary. 

Nice to see Emma and to have Anna, Mac and Flea together.  Not really that into Parker and Krissy because they were on--then off screen--then on for 10 min then off. Now I should get invested? Hmmm, why? 

THIS IS NOT A DRILL: Oh MY GOD. ON Monday August 21st, ( I guess because of the eclipse??) No new GH but a repeat of..(wait for it) SAM SHOOTS SONNY! ahaha, in case you haven't see the 900 flashbacks. Geesh Louise. 

A few spoilers for you I dug up:  (you could write these yourselves) 
** Now that Kiki has her apartment all to herself (Liz and Franco are moving in together) she wants Dilly to move in 
**Sam sits and flashes back to shooting Sonny, feels bad 
**Sonny continues to lie for Sam
**Ned and Michael come to a deal regarding ELQ

Ok..have a great one. I won't be home most of the week-- so enjoy the sun. I'll jump on when I can. 


  1. I read in the latest Soap Opera Digest Comings and Goings that Robert (Dillon) is only leaving for 4 wks to do a movie, so I'm confused???

  2. Yay, I am first! Thanks for a great SS for a mediocre week. Guess we'll all be watching the eclipse on Monday instead of GH.

  3. Oh, Michelle, you beat me to the punch, you and I were typing at the same time!!

  4. Great SS! I don't mind that the show is so bad right now-I can ffwd. in about 15 minutes and have more time for other things. There is not one single intriguing storyline right now other than what they will be doing with Stevie B, and not really interested in that either.

  5. I think SOD said he's leaving--leaving

  6. The WdV dressing room comment made me laugh.

    No comment on the Friz reunion?!?!

  7. For me Wednesday, Thursday & Friday were the best days all summer. There was no Sonny, thank you Jesus! The scenes were longer & less choppy. And most of all Franco returned & Friz was finally reunited after 3 long long months.
    Friz brought the flirty sexy banter & the hot passion. Their love scene was wonderful. I'm also intrigued by the upcoming story of Franco dealing with his past. And last but not least Maura is showing how it's done! She's slaying her storyline.

    1. Loved all of what you said! Love my Friz. Still wish Fayden were together. 😭😭😭

  8. Dillon did say he was going to be off for a movie and praised GH for letting him have the time off, when he came back they let him go....nice people.
    Karen you gave me my laugh for the day, Dan-Tay....LOLOLOL I can hear him saying it just that way

    1. That explains it! What a&&holes. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Yeh Dan-Tay was funny!!

  9. LSV422 said...
    Great SS! I don't mind that the show is so bad right now-I can ffwd. in about 15 minutes and have more time for other things. There is not one single intriguing storyline right now other than what they will be doing with Stevie B, and not really interested in that either.

    ** I'm dreading his return, personally. I just don't get the huge attraction to him. (besides for visual reasons) Having watched him since he first showed up on GH, and then his "stint" on Y&R, I think he got VERY complacent on GH, after the accident, and his performances have suffered. That being pretty much the ONLY thing he did for over twenty years (except for just a tiny handful of small parts). So just every character he plays, comes off pretty much the same way: flat/very little emotions/personality.


  10. K, my problem with SB, MB and LW, is that TIIC worship the ground they walk on and think we need to see them constantly-wrong! The low ratings are proof.

  11. LSV422 said...

    K, my problem with SB, MB and LW, is that TIIC worship the ground they walk on and think we need to see them constantly-wrong! The low ratings are proof.

    ** YES! I agree with you 100% there. Which is why I've never understood why they keep shoving them down our throats (especially when it's the same storylines/plot devices that have been used in the past with them) If there was SOMETHING new being brought into the mix, and the writing was competent enough, I'd be willing to go into what not with more of an open mind, when it comes to their crap. The problem is though, that NEVER occurs, and it comes across about as effective and enjoyable, as repeatedly bashing my head against the wall. (Though, at least then I'd be unconscious, so wouldn't have to sit through the crap, over and over again)



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...