Monday, August 28, 2017

Half Moon Cookies

Here in WNY, our Half Moon cookies look like the above. Most places make a chocolate or a yellow vanilla cake cookie. They are as big as the palm of your hand and have buttercream frosting on top. 
NYC's black and whites have a shortbread cookie, not a cake cookie and are smaller.  Ours were started in Utica, NY in 1925.   Most people here in Rochester like Wegmans' Half Moons better-- I think it's the frosting, not sure! 

You can get a recipe here:  In a Pinch Recipes. (for the Chocolate kind). Well, this was off topic but maybe Kelly's will start selling Half Moons some day!! 


  1. I grew up eating B & W cookies in NYC, and it seems all the stores have them here in the DC area in some form or another. Just ate one as a matter of fact!

  2. Now we we all want to eat one! Thanks for the clarification, Karen. In NYC, in the bakeries, the Black & Whites are giant, then they sell them in supermarkets in boxes, those are smaller.

  3. AntJoan, those are the ones I remember well! I also miss the Chinese cookies-do you know what those are?

  4. Linda, not sure what those are . . . Do you mean fortune cookies, or something else?

  5. They were big round cookies, sort of like a shortbread, with a small chocolate circle in the middle.

  6. Linda,
    You might be thinking of almond cookies. Some Chinese places make them with a chocolate center

  7. Dar, these cookies had nothing to do with Chinese and I don't know why they were called that. They were a sort of dry cookie about three inches in diameter and had a small circle of chocolate icing on top. They were sold in bakeries. Maybe I am really dating myself and it was so long ago only I remember, LOL.

  8. Thanks for clearing that up Karen. Yeah, I've never had/seen them before. I'll have to keep an eye out for them now, and give them a shot, if I can find them anywhere! Though, I'd definitely like them better were they all vanilla. For some reason, I've just never really been a chocolate person. A few pieces of candy every once in awhile, pretty much fills my quota.



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...