Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Off For the Day

Crazy day! As most of you know that have read this for the past bazillion years, I'm a speech pathologist and when Sept hits, I go back to work!! This week is scheduling (oy vey)-- and I'm not home today for GH. I try to cram in so much stuff (ie: Eye appt, doctor's check ups) at the end of August, it's maddening. 

Let me know if Jason 2.0 dies. Ha ha. Ok, we know he won't.  

Also, I was up at 4am and saw live tweets from people getting flooded in Port Arthur Texas in real time. Begging for help/rescue. Heart wrenching. I personally think the best place to donate is the RED CROSS -- who will use funds in a wide spread area. If people know of reputable LOCAL charities (ie: women's shelters, pet rescue) let me know. I do have contacts in the Katy and Houston area. If we can get even one person the stuff they need, it's a start. I found with Katrina and Sandy, this will go on for months and years. 

Take care all! Hope you are high and dry. 


  1. Karen, I had read bad things about the Red Cross, then The New York Times had a link to donate to them, so I figured that The Times wouldn't have the link if they weren't good. So I did donate, now I don't know if I did the right thing. I know that there is a site that rates all of the charities, they had a link in The Times, I don't remember what it is.

  2. Samaritan's Purse - they do immediate needs and then stay two years and rebuild is amazing....I also don't trust Red Cross....

  3. Thanks Barbara, the Samaritan's Purse sounds like the place to donate. The local animal rescue in Southern Maryland is gathering things to take down for all the displaced animals so I went with them for the animals figuring they knew what was needed.

  4. I donated to the Red Cross. Any donation will help right now.

  5. Ant Joan,
    charity Navigator rates charities. That might be what you're thinking of

  6. Dar, yes, thanks so much, that was it, Charity Navigator.

    Re today's show, didn't finish watching yet, but the story with Nelle and her fiance, I guess everyone here knows that was all over the papers a few years ago, I think the woman just got convicted. I kinda like when they take real stories and use them in the show, like Raymond Berlin aka Bernie Madoff.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. It's awful what is happening in Texas. :(

    The floating rib:

    Bobbie and Felicia: What the heck?!!?!?! Janelle?!!?!?!?! Fiance?!?!?!! Death?!!?!?!? Kayak?!!?!?! Oh boy!

    Bobbie and Carly: Everyone is happy Carly?!!?!?! ROFL! Drop the bomb Bobbie. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Joss and Carly: Joss looks like she got a tan. She looks great. Great scene until she says she doesn't hate Sonny. UGH! Oh goodie she WANTS to move in with Sonny.


    Nelle and Dillon: Oh look the titanic necklace.. Is JANELLE going to kill Dillon? :( What is with that young lady and her long bang flapping in the wind? Someone cut that off of her! Oh oh did JANELLE steal the titanic necklace?

    ValeNina: I knew it was V.C.!!!! OH SOME ZEX YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAWT!!! They are back together!!! WOOT WOOT!

    Metrocourt hotel room:

    Maxie, Nathan, and Amy: I LOVE that Maxie slapped both Nathan and Amy. :) Well she does have the right to be upset.. Maxie wins the line of the day when she sees the cut out.

    Maxie: What kind of freaky stuff are you guys into?


    Naxie: Kristen Storms looks so good! So healthy!!!! Glad Nathan knows now that Maxie is staying for good.. Love that he says he is going to move to Portland. Awww. :)

    The mob room: Gee why is nobody shooting the bad guy? You are just letting him roam the earth. Oh NOW you shoot him Sonny! What the heck took you so long? There is so much strawberry jam!!!! Where is the peanut butter and bread?!?!! Where is the milk?!?!! Oh oh Jason is awake but can't talk.. He is mute!!! Max brings up Diane, is she coming?!!?!?! I was waiting for her to come, too bad she didn't show up.

  9. sonya said...

    The mob room: Gee why is nobody shooting the bad guy? You are just letting him roam the earth. Oh NOW you shoot him Sonny! What the heck took you so long? There is so much strawberry jam!!!! Where is the peanut butter and bread?!?!! Where is the milk?!?!! Oh oh Jason is awake but can't talk.. He is mute!!! Max brings up Diane, is she coming?!!?!?! I was waiting for her to come, too bad she didn't show up

    ** Those were some of the silliest looking "blood packs" after they started to bleed, than I've seen in a LONG time. And I've seen a TON of horror movies. This stuff today was just embarrassing. We know the budget is close to non-existant anymore, but they could have at least TRIED to do better. Though the whole scene came across pretty absurdly. By the time Dante and all the others got there, it had pretty much devolved into farce, at that point, I thought.


  10. That shootout was ridiculous. At least Max was allowed to say a few words, but I could have done with fewer words from Sam. I don't know if it was just bad acting or bad writing or both. Laura W. has gorgeous hair but she just needs to keep her hands out of it or wear it somehow that it doesn't fall in her face. What was the point of them trying to redeem Nelle if she is actually bad?

  11. I think it is intriguing that Janelle might actually be a villain after all, that she is scamming Michael. She certainly looked evil when she eyed the necklace. As it seems that none of us like her, it would be an interesting twist if she turns out to be unredeemed.

    Couldn't stand the Nina/Val scenes. She went to Morocco to WORK, not to make hanky-panky. He killed Nik, so I don't want to see him at all, and cannot see him in any way as a romantic figure. As I have said before, it looks like he also might have killed Charlotte, his beloved daughter's beloved "mother," although this seems never to be referred to any more.

    1. Maybe the writers are finally listening to us and Nelle will be out of there when it all comes out about her past?
      I ff thru Nina and Val.

  12. "Michelle Latta said...Maybe the writers are finally listening to us and Nelle will be out of there when it all comes out about her past?"

    I hope not. :( I really like the actress since she played Luke's sister in that black and white scenes storyline, and wanted her on GH, so when she came on, I was so happy!

  13. Maybe she will stay on, but as someone evil. They are making her look evil, but who knows if she really is?

  14. LSV422 said...

    That shootout was ridiculous. At least Max was allowed to say a few words, but I could have done with fewer words from Sam. I don't know if it was just bad acting or bad writing or both. Laura W. has gorgeous hair but she just needs to keep her hands out of it or wear it somehow that it doesn't fall in her face. What was the point of them trying to redeem Nelle if she is actually bad?

    ** The best way I can think to compare trying to improve the shootout and making it better, is to the old addage that even though one can put lipstick on a pig to try to make it look better, it's still just a pig wearing lipstick.

    ** As far as whether Nelle is really bad or not, I'm leaning towards not, and chalks it up to bad writing, more than anything else, really. For one thing, the timing is MUCH too convenient, and the whole thing is playing out as an almost textbook case of a "This person really is innocent, even though their actions and other outside factors coming to light elsewhere about them, makes them look even moreso.



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...