Monday, January 13, 2025


Yes, Leslie met Alberta back in the day. This was during the 
Habitat for Humanity build that GH actors volunteered for. 


 Michael codes as his family argues about who gets to hear about his care.  Carly can't understand why they can't see Michael. Willow is the proxy. Drew argues that SHE can see him no one else. Nina tries to intervene -- Drew shuts her off. Drew tells Sonny if they give the kids back, they can see Michael.  Yada yada, yell, yell, scream scream and Nina wants to talk to Sonny alone. Nina tries to say that the kids will need their mother. 

Carly talks to Willow and Drew pokes his stupid face in MULTIPLE TIMES to interrupt. This is so gross.  Sonny decides that the kids DO need their mother and they should focus on Michael. 

Portia asks Brad to help her find if there are more digitalis deaths. He says of course he will help. This is all under the table because legal can't know. Brad goes to do his stuff and Drew scares him BOO! He asks what's up. Cody wants him to ask his Aunt Selina to let him place a bet. She's not returning his calls. Brad's like FOR WHAT? Cody "A sure thing". 

Michael's "rescue" was played through the show in 3 second blasts. Finally, Isaiah pushes some medicine that has digitalis reversed. He's ok. 

Tracey says that she doesn't like Lulu but the Qs have to stick together. Cody asks her if he should invest in crypto currency. She laughs and is like: DUH NO! He wants to buy Serenity and Tracey thinks the realtor is trying to get him to buy by bluffing. Cody says "easy for you to say" and leaves. 

Stella knows Kai from their yoga class with "Ashanti"....Tri is there to work out too and is surprised.  Then Cody comes in... he recognizes Kai. They talk about the Winter Bowl coming up--and you can see Cody is going to bet on the game. 

Stella goes to see Tracey and brings a smoothie. Wants her to do yoga. Tracey laughs. She talks about all the kids in the house. Stella is sad about her great-granddaughter. They talk a LOT about Monica and her not doing well!! WOW..a LOT. Sad. 

Lulu goes to Laura and says she saw Charlotte. Blames Dante for "losing her". They talk more and Laura says she's actually glad Dante went to get her. More talk about Laura being in a coma. Lulu says that probably she led the shooter to Prague. 


Isaiah tells Portia about Michael almost dying, says they need to go to the PCPD 

Kai might not go back to school but go to the NFL draft

Brad agrees to help Cody place his bet for 15% 

NOTE:  Today's show started (before the bumper) with Michael coding. The NEXT TIME they picked it up was at: 2:20. This is unacceptable and a TERRIBLE way to edit a show. The NEXT time was 2:43


  1. Nice photo of LC with Alberta. Loved the video you posted on FB. It was so weird today that Tracy was talking about Monica in that way. Like she knew. But she didn't.
    Lulu has a son. Laura should be reminding her in a big way. How long before GH tackles teen suicide? Lulu is and will always be so annoying. Cyrus killed the wrong one.
    Have the writers ever watched a medical show? The whole thing was terrible.
    I have no words for Drew.
    What is happening to GH. Are they trying to fail?

    1. "Are they trying to fail?" Probably. All the networks seem to be pushing for us to pay twice for shows we watch on their channels. Pay for tv service....then pay to watch the shows on their + or video channels after they show us just the first few eps on the telly. It's a money game. A few of the shows lately have even put the season enders on a streaming alternative after we watched all season on the tv channel we pay for.

    2. Standing ovation I am giving to all three of you!!!!!! EVERYTHING you said is true!!!

  2. Some funny one liners today.

    Yoga room:

    Trina, Stella, and Kai: At first I thought Stella was calling Kai, Ashanti. Oh so Kai likes Yoga and Stella likes him. Wow hey are really pushing Trina and Kai together! *Facepalm* I want Trina and Gio together!

    Trina, Kai, and Cowboy Cody: Cowboy Cody is a fan of Kai and fell in love at first sight! ROFL!

    Kai and Trina: Zzzzzzzzzz. Kai you should stay in high school. Get more of an education!

    Q mansion:

    Tracy and Cowboy Cody: Come on! Just ask Tracy for the money! She offered!!!

    Tracy and Stella: The outside background looks so fake. Stella made me cry! :( The kids are yelling hahaha. Monica talk is just so sad. :( Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: And I thought he was an idiot for giving her this house. I stand by that judgement.

    ROFL! I hope Monica leaves the house to Tracy in her will. :) Then I bet Tracy will change her mind.

    The hospital:

    Drillow, Carly, Sonny, Nina, Portia, and Gannon: I don't recognize Willow anymore. I don't even recognize Drew aka Ryan Lavery anymore either. He is 100% Ryan Lavery. Willow don't listen to that jackass! You can't keep Michael from Carly and Sonny!

    Nina and Sonny: Wow! Nina is a fantastic manipulator. She knows how to hit the right spots.

    Drillow, Carly, Sonny and Nina: Well Nina and Willow got their way. Drew aka Ryan Lavery makes me sick!

    Drillow and Nina: Nina is all jelly!!!! Nina you are in wuv with him aren't you?

    Lucas and Brad: I would tell Brad everything. :)

    Gannon, Lucas, and Michael: There is no urgency!!! HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Portia and Brad: Brad is perfect for finding out the truth! :)

    Cowboy Cody and Brad: Man Cowboy Cody! Why are you so hyper? This is a waste of time. Just ask Tracy for the money!!!! She offered!!!

    Gannon and Portia: Did Cyrus mess with the cameras?

    Laura's office:

    Laura and Lulu: Lulu have you even seen Rocco yet? Go see Rocco!!!

    1. If Kai signs a contract he'll be gone most of the time and Gio can console her Sonya. I like the two of them together...easy friendship which can grow into more.

    2. "Di says, If Kai signs a contract he'll be gone most of the time and Gio can console her Sonya."

      Yeah Gio can console her anytime she needs to be consoled. :)

      "I like the two of them together...easy friendship which can grow into more."

      Yes!! They are already friends!!! It can become more. :)

  3. ----you know I truly thought Selina Wu would come like for Sonny to sell her the business or something??NOT for Cody to lose all of his money. Am I wrong or did this come out of nowhere????? Tracy give him the money and let Cody leave town.

    ----For ME the best part of the day was the look on Nina's face when Willow thanked DREW and just walked off with him.....I think Nina is gonna do something to break them up or at LEAST she will be on guard

    ------the 2nd best part of the day was Carly realizing what Drew was doing and she was SPOT ON!!!!

    -----Also am I wrong that Trina and Kai in this episode seemed horrible editing? and what was the talk of Monica? SO 6 weeks ago they filmed this and I am wondering if Frank was preparing the ground work?

    -----love love Tracy and Stella.

    ----Truly Drew and Willow make me physically ill. HOW do the people at GH NOT SEE THAT???

    1. Most of the scenes have horrible editing lately.

  4. "Mufasa says, what was the talk of Monica? SO 6 weeks ago they filmed this and I am wondering if Frank was preparing the ground work?"

    Yup! That is what I am thinking. Frank knew and he is laying the ground work. 6 weeks? I thought it was 4 weeks ahead.

    1. i only say 6 weeks cause when Sam died, her last day of filming (that she posted on social media) aired 6 weeks later.

    2. Sometimes they get ahead before a break but assuming they're just back from a break over xmas prob more like 3 weeks from filming to air.

  5. Leslie Charleson :( Another loss for GH.

  6. Drew is awful! He needs to go! Willow is so dependent on him. Sickening to watch.

  7. I hope they do a Monica tribute/memorial episode and bring back Lesley Webber (Denise Alexander) for it.

  8. Regardless of whether she was right or wrong, watching Carly snarling like that is incredibly annoying but subtlety is not one of LW's strong points. Trina is just too short for Kai. Loved Stella and Tracey At least they did something right with these two.



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...