Friday, February 16, 2024

Well, I Guess It Was a Friday

NOT sure why I'm here but I'll give it a go. I hear yesterday Olivia Jerome was killed off camera. Oh, ok, who knows. I honestly forgot she was alive. LOL 
Sonny and the mob. The betrayals....the women...the BARWARE!! SO predictable. Do I even care who the person is behind all this? NOPE. 

Today's show: 

Kevin and Laura are going to both adopt Ace. Can they change his damn name people? CYRUS SHOWS UP. He's so happy because they are going to adopt him. He wants Laura to let him into the FAMILYYYYY. He's going to get Nikolas protection in Pentonville. He's also going to be on the radio doing God-stuff starting today. 

Anna, Jordan and Dante are at the morgue. Anna wants to see Olivia's body. Yes, it's Olivia, she was shot in the back of the head.  Gun was a WSB gun. They are going to talk to someone about something. Don't care. 

Sam tells Alexis about Danny.  Alexis can't believe it. They talk about Danny being Jason's son. They talk A LOT about him being Jason's son. Alexis gets a call from one of her reporters about Olivia Jerome being dead. OMG the MORGUE HAS A TRANSISTOR RADIO IN IT! ahahhaaha. They listen to Cyrus. OMG a RADIO? 

Joss is at Sonny's looking for Sonny and doesn't want to wait for him with Ava. Ava says don't go looking or him, ok? Ava wants Joss to tell her what's wrong.  Ava then lets her know SHE knows exactly what's going on!! Joss wants to talk to Carly, not her. Ava also tells her that no matter what she says Sonny won't listen. Joss says she LOVES DEX and can't lose him and thanks for the "HELP" and stomps out. Ava tries to call Sonny. 

Sonny is at Dex's house. Dex has a gun. Sonny says: You gonna shoot me!? HUH ?YOU GONNA DExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx? Dex admire Sonny. Sonny tells Dex he has to disappear. He's giving him a new identity and he has to leave town. Dex wants Joss to go-- and Sonny's like: NOPE.  Dex says "then SHOOT ME"!!!!!!!!! OMG this is SO STUPID! AHAHAHAHAA. Anyway, Dex loves JOSS SO MUCH he'd rather die than run from PC without her. good gravy.


Alexis tells Ava that Olivia is dead

Dex leaves and Sonny gives her an envelope from him; his dog tags. 

Cyrus is on the radio. 


  1. positives (short but a few):
    Laura doesn't believe Cyrus' lies
    actually that is about it.
    ------Jeff Kober is being wasted so today I am sure HE is behind all of this - and 7-9 months from now he will be arrested and back in jail......he is on my last nerve
    -----the shooter missed Sonny twice but got Olivia on one try? plus INTERESTING the guards weren't killed - why ------
    -----JORDAN still acting like a commish is irritating - deputy mayor doesn't do what she is doing..... I laughed out loud at the old radio in the morgue
    ----Sam/Alexis - waste of time
    ---shouldn't Joss blame MICHAEL and CARLY for all of this? I think Ava is gonna convinced Sonny to take Dex back - cause we all know Dex is gonna be around March 4 when Jason is first onscreen ( PLEASE NOT WITH MEMORY LOSS)
    ---so either Brennan or Nik is in Pentonville ----- although at the end I thought they were gonna find someone to go in Pentonville as a spy......
    ------shouldn't Sonny or SOMEONE mention Selina Wu is also a target???
    --------still February sweeps...

    1. You're right Mufasa about Joss blaming Carly or esp Michael. Eden is doing fine with the story, but the story itself is just not interesting. Mainly because we don't care much about Dex. We haven't been taught to care about him by the writers. And no matter what I will not care about Michael. Maybe if they switch actors. He and the actress playing Willow bore me to death. I liked her back when she was a teacher going against Nina and Valentine. Maybe the hospital will make her interesting.

    2. Linda, in my opinion they messed up when they broke up the quad of Michael/Sasha and Chase/Williow. They were a good group and they broke them up for Millow.

  2. I thought the same thing. The blame lies with Michael. Also think it's Nicholas to be the snitch. That way he can get out of prison.

  3. Would be better to bring back OG Olivia than her be dead.

  4. I'm probably wrong but I don't think it's Cyrus behind the gun BS. They are trying too hard to point in that direction. I do think that everyone is being rather hard and nasty to him while the same people are so loving and forgiving of the resident crime boss Sonny. That said, the current mob boss scenes are dumb.
    Clearly neither Friday shows or "sweeps" are taken into account when writing GH.

  5. Some funny one liners today.

    Kevlar home:

    Kevlar and Cyus: Hmmm Cyrus's radio show is today? Cyrus what are you up to? :)

    Kevlar listening to Cyrus on the radio: Doc wins the line of the day.

    Doc: I heard enough of this that I can stand it anyway.

    ROFL! Cyrus what are you up to?! :)

    The morgue:

    Dante, Anna, and Jordan: I was hoping they wouldn't show Olivia's body. Glad they didn't. Whew! :) Wait they got a radio in a morgue?!?!!? BAHAHAHAHHAHA! Why would Laura call Anna to listen to Cyrus's radio show?

    Sonny's home:

    Joss and Ava: Oh Joss! Give it up! Ava won't tell you anything!!! You should know that by now!

    Alexis and Ava: OH! Ava didn't hear about Olivia!!! I'm glad Alexis told her. Awww Alexis bringing up Julian was nice. :) The green beans are sad that Olivia has died.

    Green beans: Such a waste. I wish she would have changed her ways and got better.

    Awwww how sweet. :)

    Sante home:

    Sam and Alexis:

    Alexis: So I thought, why not meddle?


    Alexis: Danny was drinking? Danny?! Wow! Danny?


    Alexis: I couldn't BE more surprised.

    ROFL! Chandler is that you? :) Oh and here is the Jason talk.

    Sam: Jason Jason Jason.

    Alexis: Jason Jason Jason.

    Tribbles: Does this mean Jason is going to be alive? OO

    Dex's home:

    Dex and Sonny: Awwww they are breaking up. :( Actually, it was a great scene I thought. Dex really loves Joss! I can feel it!

    Sonny and Joss: She was heartbroken and I can feel that too. Made me tear up! :( Not only is Donny over but Jex is over too. :(

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1998* Tony in jail and Luke visits him.

  6. Not a great show today but better than the other episodes this week. There were a few good conversations and I thought Eden McCoy (Joss) did a good job in the final scene with Sonny.

    I sure hope there is a decent payoff when the shooter is revealed. I half-suspect it will be a mind-controlled Jason.

  7. Saw a spoiler on Daily Drama saying that Selina and Sonny team up this week. Glad she'll be back.

    1. saw that too - which all this time I thought SHE was behind the shootings but now I think Cyrus is behind it

  8. One would think that Kevin, being a psychiatrist, would not be so nasty and unaccepting to Cyrus regardless of his past. Right?


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...