Wednesday, February 7, 2024



Alexis does a eulogy voice over. They all lay white roses down on his grave. Joss and Trina hug. Cameron is there. Sort of .. a nothing thing, imo. 

Kevin and Liz go over and see Esme's little grave. HEATHER shows up in chains and screams on Esme's grave. She is happy that Liz "Saved" Esme's life but she HATES Kevin. She screams at him about trying to "save" Ryan. She says it's his fault Esme died. 

Greg decides he wants a cemetery plot for people to visit. He gets an attack..can't breathe-- Finn talks him into relaxing. Then Finn gets mad about Greg not telling him he's getting worse. 

People go to Wyndemere. Then Cyrus shows up. No one wants him there. Most of all me. 

Dante and Sam talk about the shooting and Dante is afraid to tell Sonny that JAGGER is there. Dante decides not to tell Sonny about the FBI or Jagger. 

Trina tells her mom and Curtis she's not going to Paris or PCU because nothing means anything. 

Michael and Willow stupidity. Amelia threw food on him, he forgot Wiley's notebook-- Willow is there. HOW does SHE do it? OMG then they talk about stupid Drew/Nina. 

NOT HAVING TRINA WITH CAM/JOSS was SUCH a poor call. They should have been eating mounds of Candy (like Spencer did when he was a kid) on a bed in Wyndemere, drinking his fave Champange. Flashbacks and such. This was just... 




  1. ----I just cannot deal with Martin NOT BEING EVEN MENTIONED!
    ---I just cannot deal with Trina GOING HOME and NOT GOING TO AVA'S with her friends!!
    WHO wrote today??
    ----I liked Heather-------------and William/Cam was fantastic------just like he was always there...
    -----I really thought Greg was gonna to be misdiagnosed......
    -----best part of today was Sonny saying to Ava: "I'll see you at home"......giggle.......
    -----don't care about Willow or Michael......

    1. "Mufasa says, best part of today was Sonny saying to Ava: "I'll see you at home"......giggle......."

      Hahaha. Yeah that was great. :) *Snicker*

    2. OMG, I thought the same thing about Sonny/Ava, lol! Cam was fantastic like you said, and I really liked Alexis's voice over. I was all boo-hooing when she was writing the eulogy with Sam. That Shakespeare quote about good night sweet prince gets me every single time. One of my favorites, too. If I'd been Ava I would have kicked Cyrus right in the family jewels.
      I ff through anything Trina. That's all I'm going to say.

  2. Mildew home:

    Mildew: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Hmmm Willow got her hair cut.. It's cute.

    Spencer's grave: Spencer's plot?! But they didn't even find a body! What is under the ground?! A casket? What did they put into the casket?

    Cam and Joss: CAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Good to see you honey! How are you?! How is school? How is your girlfriend?

    Cam, Liz, Gregory, and Finchy: Did you see the look on Cam's face when Liz talked about when Cam and Spencer were fighting over Emma Drake when they were kids? What's going on Cam? Is Emma your girlfriend? :D

    Vampira's grave: She got a plot too?!!!?! Makes no sense. So odd. Did they put a casket under ground?!

    Doc, Liz, and Heather: FANTASTIC SCENES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heather bawling and being angry made me cry!!! :( Ally Mills better win an emmy!!!! Heather told Doc off really good. :) I like that she was nice to Liz.

    Gregory and Finchy: GAH! Their scene made me cry too! :( Gregory needs to be misdiagnosed dammit!


    Cyrus and Ava: Ava wins the line of the day.

    Ava: Don't thank me.


    Cyrus and Laura: Oh let Cyrus stay Laura! :)

    "Karen says Cyrus shows up. No one wants him there. Most of all me."

    Why not? You don't like him anymore? :)

    Purtis's home:

    Purtis and Trina: Of course she doesn't care about anything anymore! She is grieving! She needs time.. Maybe she should get the preggers! To snap her out of it and love a baby that came from love! That came from both of them. :) Or just give her Tribbles. :)

    1. Oh I forgot to mention, that yes Cam, Joss, and Trina SHOULD have had scenes together at Wyndemere talking about Spencer!!!! Lost opportunity!

    2. What I wouldn't give for Cam and Emma together in good old PC. That and a Nina/Carly brawl. Why can't we have nice things Sonya?! LOL!!

    3. "Julie H says, What I wouldn't give for Cam and Emma together in good old PC."

      Yeah!!!!!!! I would love that!!!

      "That and a Nina/Carly brawl."

      So disappointing! :(

      "Why can't we have nice things Sonya?! LOL!!"

      ROFL! I don't know! Maybe the new writers will give us nice things.

  3. Alley Mills will probably win her second Emmy for that scene today. What a wreck of a life Heather has led. It's too bad they will never delve into her psyche and really get into how she ended up such a mess. And did any one get Ryan vibes today, or a glimmer of a personality switch? Something off there.

    1. okay I thought too PLEASE don't let Kevin go dark cause his face was creepy

    2. "Diana Taylor says, And did any one get Ryan vibes today, or a glimmer of a personality switch? Something off there."

      Yeah I noticed. His facial expressions were different.

  4. also - Lucy's green dress yesterday was the same dress Eva Pilgrim had on at GM3 - LOL

  5. Having Spencer and Esme "die" was lazy. Watching a memorial service seems silly. Wish they had gone a different way.
    I don't mind Sonny and Ava as friends and/or lovers but this living situation is odd. Is Wyndemere no longer on an island? Easy to protect. Even thought Ava was once threatened, it was all tied in with the Austin-Holt fiasco and we all know that went is no longer mentioned. So why is she in danger?
    Greg just must be misdiagnosed.
    GH is about 90% sadness and grief.

  6. hey Karen - Carly was NOT at the service!!! I know you were happy bout that!

  7. Did Michael move back home and I missed it?

  8. I'm going to say it, Etten and O 'Connor were sacked for having Spencer and Esme being declared "dead". This was poor timing, as it's only been more than a month since Bobbie's funeral.

    Also, who in there right mind would allow Heather, A MASS MURDER, to go visit her daughter's faux grave? Specially, one who has broken out of several institutions and prisons!

    I see Trina going down the alcoholic trainwreck rabbit hole (ala Maxie 2006 edition). It's going to be painful for the next 4+ months.

    They should wrote a "c team" subplot today of Tracy and Lucy randomly stuck in the MetroCourt elevator. It would be the easy fix to balance out the extremely dour tone of today's episode

    Finn & Gregory talk about brownies, make me wonder if they were "medicinal" brownies...LOL

  9. medicinal brownies?! HAHAHAHAHAH! Thanks for that! :)


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