Tuesday, February 6, 2024

That Hay Hay

 Sonny's questioning Brick about him maybe being the leak for security. Brick is like NO WAY, MAN! Sonny's like: COOL COOL....Brick thinks it's Dex. "It fits". 

Dex goes to Michael's office and says that someone tried to kill his father. Michael says it's good that Dex is keeping an eye on his Dad. IT's POINTLESS,

Anna and Jordan are in a holding cell together. Dante comes in. He wants to know exactly what happened. They tell him about questioning the guy in the motel room. He says he will try to get them out. 

Jagger/John sees Robert. They talk about Robing and Robert recovering from his cancer. Jagger tells Robert he arrested Anna and Jordan. Robert talks him out of arresting them. Dante and Jagger meet. 

Tracey and Marty talk about Lucy. She says it's her fault. She says she manipulated him to think Scott and Lucy were having an affair for revenge on Lucy. Martin gets really angry "WHY YOU....How could you do that" Tracey says: I do it all the time LOL. 

Greg comes back over to Tracey when Martin leaves. She says she's not hungry now. She says that being around Gregory is making her "NICE" and she doesn't like that. 

Lucy and Scott make out and then fall to the floor... um.. they end up literally rolling in the hay. Then she regrets it. Then Martin walks in. It's driving me INSANE about Martin not knowing OR NOT saying anything about Spencer. GEESZZZZZZUS. Like Laura wouldn't have called him yet? Hell, Cyrus knows! 

Marty is very upset and is wondering how Lucy could jump into the hay with Scott 15 min after they broke up. He also tells her that it was Tracey that set them up. 


Anna's going to take the police job Laura offered her. She's the commish now. 

That's about it. 


  1. ------FINALLY Anna isn't crying anymore......so let me get this straight - she is the Police Commissioner and Robert is DA and Mac WAS Interim Commissioner but will go back to head of Detectives????
    ------to repeat Lynn, Kin, Michael deserve SO MUCH more than this ridiulous storyline...
    ------Like John-Jag - interesting Dante made the connection about being Stone's brother and saying 'so you have a history with my father and you are investigating him?"
    ----Brick is gonna find the money that Michael put in Dex's account - and etc etc and they will think Dex is behind it - STUPID - but it's also interesting that the stolen weapons from the WSB ARE being bought up by someone in PC - I think Selina Wu...
    -----horrible Feb sweeps

  2. Some funny one liners today.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Tracy and Marty: WOW! This isn't like Tracy at all! She never feels bad for manipulating people!! She has changed! :)

    Tracy and Gregory: Hahahaha. Gregory changed you Tracy? You don't like being nice? Hahahahaha. Great continuity! Great scene! I like that she made Gregory laugh so hard. :) See! So Gregory can't die because he is a good influence on Tracy!

    The hay place:

    Scotty and Lucy: Yes Lucy you ARE in denial!!! Ooooo Lotty zex!! YAY! :D Hmmmm too bad Trish didn't walk in on them! ROFL! Lucy wins the lines of the day.

    Lucy: What did I just do?! Horizontal in a hay stack!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You better get all that hay out of your hair! Hahahahahaha!

    Scotty, Lucy, and Marty: Oh nevermind! Marty can see the hay in your hair. ROFL! Lucy Lucy Lucy you are in such denial! Open your eyes!! Listen to Scotty! Listen to Marty! Listen to your heart!

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Brick: Brick's voice got high. Hahahahahahaha! RA RO! Dex is in troubleeeeee! Say goodbye Joss because Dex might be swimming with the fishes and the fishes might think that Dex is tasty. :)

    Police station:

    John and Robert: Oh sure. Get on Anna's good side. Does that mean John should sleep with Anna? ROFL!

    Jail cell:

    Anna, Jordan, and Dante: Hmmm isn't Anna and Jordan in jail make them safer? :)

    Anna, Jordan, and Robert: Robert is right you can't do anything Anna!! You are NOTHING! Ooooo yes accept Laura's job offer!!!

    Police station:

    Anna, Jordan, Robert, John, and Dante: YAY! Now that Anna accepted Laura's job offer, she and my honey John can work together!!! :)

    Michael's office:

    Dex and Michael: Dex you are dead. Nice knowing you.

  3. "Lucy: What did I just do?" OMG...You must have tripped on your way into the barn set and fell on Scotty's p****. I told you not to go out without your panties. PMSL

    I loved the scene with Gregory and Lucy.

    1. i completely forgot that scene because it was perfection and real and raw - I TOTALLY forgot they were acting................just have to believe Greg is staying around.

    2. Di says, "Lucy: What did I just do?" OMG...You must have tripped on your way into the barn set and fell on Scotty's p****. I told you not to go out without your panties. PMSL"

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Di you kill me! Hahahahaha!

      "mufasa says, i completely forgot that scene because it was perfection and real and raw - I TOTALLY forgot they were acting................just have to believe Greg is staying around."

      Yes! His laugh felt so real!! Looks like he laughed so hard he had tears. I want to believe he is staying around too! :(

    3. That scene was definitely superb. Both actors played it to peferfection. It's one I' could watch over and over again. And I don't want to lose his character either.

    4. Funniest comment: "Lucy: What did I just do?" OMG...You must have tripped on your way into the barn set and fell on Scotty's p****. I told you not to go out without your panties. PMSL. Hysterical Di! Thank you.

  4. Tracy wins the day. Again. She and Greg are SO good together. Hopefully soap opera power for the absurd will take over and re-diagnose him. Stranger things have happened.
    Is all this crap about who's after Sonny leading to the appearance of SB in March? Oh lordy, do not care. Don't want Dex to die and leave Joss with more doom and gloom.
    Anna's not crying but the story is.
    About Adam Huss. I know why he just isn't Nikolas to me. Both Tyler and Marcus had that mischievous twinkle in their eyes, no matter what was going on. AH does not have that at all. Nada.

    1. You’re right. Although unlike Marcus, Adam’s delivery is credible. There were too many moments with Marcus where he was coming off as borderline amateurish. Tyler has set the bar extremely for anyone to play a character as complex as Nikolas.

  5. One more thing: I've always loved Scotty but this, with Lucy, has him being creepy. Just no.

    1. "zazu says, One more thing: I've always loved Scotty but this, with Lucy, has him being creepy. Just no."

      Hahaha. This isn't the first time he has done this before. :) I guess he just can't get enough of Lucy! ROFL!

    2. In fairness, Scotty has had dark creepy moments in his history. The great thing about Kin Shiner is he can play the character so well that way or as an anti-hero or as a good dad to Sabrina or as the comic relief. He really is one of the most versatile actors in the history of GH

    3. "Anon says, In fairness, Scotty has had dark creepy moments in his history. The great thing about Kin Shiner is he can play the character so well that way or as an anti-hero or as a good dad to Sabrina or as the comic relief."

      I agree!!! :)

      "He really is one of the most versatile actors in the history of GH"

      Yes!!! He is!!!! :D

  6. I enjoyed the interaction between Tracy and Gregory, and that was the sole highlight of today's episode. I love Scott and Lucy, but they deserve better than this. March can't get here fast enough, for me.

  7. Here's another idea that struck me recently -- "GH" needs to make better casting decisions.

    I don't particularly care for Cameron Mathison, but he would have made a far better recast for Jax than for Drew. Similarly, Adam Harrington would make a far better recast for Lucky than for Jagger.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...