Thursday, February 8, 2024



I'm not hopeful for today's show. I think we are in transition at the moment. You can choose to believe me or not. 

Let's GO! 

Lois wants to talk to Greg. They are at Charlie's. He leaves the table and Finn and Chase talk about his condition getting worse. Finn thinks he might have to move in with someone soon. Chase thinks he won't give up his independence 

Lois and Greg talk about the wedding. Boring...but Lois's outfit is HEDIOUS. I can't even explain it. LORDY. THey talk about mulitgenerational families living in one house and how great it is. Greg then decides to ask Finn if he can move into his apartment. Um, buy a house, ok? 

Anna gets her badge back, makes a speech. Then she tells JAGGER to back off, it's her investigation now. Jagger says 4 heads of crime families are targeted for assassination. Looks personal and not about business. Anna tells Jagger to talk to Sonny. He says no..she says what would Stone want? 

Michael goes to talk to Sonny... he apologizes. He also tells him that he blackmailed Nina. They talk about Nina and Michael says if Willow wants her back in their lives then that's ok. He also wants Sonny in their life. 

Willow is talking to Drew. She says he's changed. He says he had to pretend to be nice when he came back from being Victor's prisoner--then the jail time changed him. Willow talks about forgiveness yada yads. 

Carly is talking to some "Grayson" guy in The Metro and Nina knows him from Crimson Days. She wants to continue their relationship with the ads in Crimson and he says he does too but she garners "bad press" He wants to terminate their agreement. Then he sees Nina, hugs her and says Crimson just isn't the same without her. 
Brook is throwing in with Carly to help get Grayson back to the magazine. They finally get Grayson back by offering an ad champagne deal with Deception. 

AND the last few minutes were chopped off due to "Breaking News" ....

NOTE: Is it me or does this show and some of the other ones look like they were filmed before Spencer's death? I mean like did Michael Knight come in, film a few shows, they chopped things up and put them out of order? THEY SAID NOTHING about Spencer today--anywhere. Marty wasn't at ANY of the funeral--and hasn't talked to Laura???????? it's such a disconnect. Very weird. This show feels like it was filmed on a sound stage by itself 2 weeks ago. 


  1. ----100 percent they filmed multiple scenes a day - no Spence mention at all even explaining WHY Jordan gave Anna her badge and not Laura
    now WIllow DID get a hair cut from a few weeks ago....
    ----How old is John-Jag supposed to be?  Trying to figure out WHO he will be paired with??----Sorry Karen I liked Drew's speech ONLY cause his new personality a while back came outta nowhere so at least he explained from being held by Victor to current.---
    --I KNEW Brook Lynn was gonna get the advertiser back (know that guy from what show?)-----I think it's Selina Wu but was thrown off that it's personal with 4 crime bosses being the target - Cyrus or still Selina?------------surely not Jennifer Smith--------as everyone points out the shooter has missed every time though!  AND so it's completely not about Anna anymore?  That is dropped?--
    ---Steve B on social media said 'it's not what everyone thinks about Jason's return - which everyone thinks he is the shooter so there you are.---
    --Greg's storyline has been front and center more in the last 2 weeks than the last 3 months combined -----wonder why?----
    -to repeat IT IS SWEEPS MONTH!!!!!!

    1. Jagger/John was maybe a yr or 2 older than brenda/Jason. Sonny was more or less 10-12 yrs older...

  2. Breaking "no" news couldn't wait 5 minutes. It's 3:20 now and they're still yapping about nothing. Actually that's what GH did today.
    I don't care about the gun story however I do hope that Anna being law enforcement gets her closer to who she once was.
    The Crimson advertiser would never leave because of an administration change. It's all about the $$$. I think Carly will do a fine job.

    1. I agree about the news. Seriously! that was ridiculous. The last 5 minutes. (There's a few things there you'll want to see.)

      I liked today's ep but honestly if I had read this first I wouldn't have watched it. It didn't even seem like the same show. to me the show was not as mundane as implied.

    2. In at least the first five minutes of her new position, Anna certainly looked like she had rediscovered her spine. Nice to see her back to wielding some authority.

    3. Agree about the breaking news, it WAS ridiculous.
      I'm glad that Anna seems to be getting back to her normal self and that she's the commish again, but I'm with John/Jagger on this about Sonny. He shouldn't be told, it doesn't matter that "so many people love him" he's a criminal for crying out loud and it sure won't cooperate with the Feds or PC's finest. And it's obvious that no one remembers why Jagger detests him because they sure don't mention it. He drugged Karen, got her to strip, etc. Sonny was a weasel back in the day, lol!

  3. Charlie's restaurant and bar:

    Lois and Gregory: Lois is motorcycle chick today. She really wanted Gregory to see her cleavage and her bread! Lois is right about family and it takes a village!!

    Chase and Finchy: Hey! I think it's a great idea for Gregory to live with Finchy and little V! :) Finchy wins the line of the day.

    Finchy: You want to rely on a watch.


    Chase, Finchy, and Gregory: Gregory and Finchy have the same mind!!! :)

    Police station: Congratulations Anna!!!!!! :D I clapped too. Before any of the characters did.

    John and Anna: Hmm they are gonna have hate sex aren't they? :)

    John, Anna, Jordan, and Dante: John and Anna having foreplay, while Jordan and Dante watch them.

    Mildew home:

    Willow and Ryan Lavery: Sorry Willow. Drew is no longer Drew. He is Ryan Lavery now.

    Willow calling Michael: Oh man! She is going to forgive him and they are going to get back together aren't they? :(

    Sonny's office:

    Michael and Sonny: Badger Bob is happy that Michael and Sonny are talking and making peace.

    John and Sonny: Awwww how nice! John seeing Sonny. :) New bromance? :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Brooky: Dammit! Stop talking you two! I want a Carly and Nina brawl!

    Nina and Marty: Nina don't make fun of Marty's accent! So you don't forgive him, and you don't trust him, but you need his help. Sure okay. That makes sense. OO Unless Nina's scheme will give me the Nina and Carly brawl then let's do this scheme! :)

    Carly and Greyson:

    Greyson: Can I be Frank?

    Sure. Hi Frank. :)

    Greyson and Nina: Is Greyson joining Nina's scheme? *Giggle*

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to January 29th 2008* Monica and Edward throw Tracy out.. Ghost Alan was present. :)

    1. You are right. Drew is now Ryan Lavery.

    2. "zazu says, You are right. Drew is now Ryan Lavery."

      I'm glad you noticed it too!!!!

  4. I dunno, sonya. Badger Bob looked a little sketchy when sonny said someone close had betrayed him. Look how he hid his face. lol

    1. ROFL! So you think Badger Bob is the one who betrayed Sonny?! :O


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...