Sunday, February 18, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Pining For You


Here we are again, another Sunday Surgery! Another crabby week for me!! This transition period of writers is going to kill me. Not sure what's up but damn. I miss so many characters like Terry, Dr O and Brad. They filled out the show for me. I also wonder the midst of all the mob war stuff Selina Wu is suddenly MIA. You'd think Sonny would at LEAST consult her or try to figure out what's up with the Asian Quarter. :sigh: They did spend some money on the fog machine for The Pine Barrens so I guess there's that. 

Grab a donut and let's go. 

THE GREG SHOW:  Yep. It's here! While I love the actor, I'm just-- tired. We went through Mike's illness, Britt's (sort of) and now this. Maybe if we'd see more of the medical side? I don't know. Greg moved into Finn's tiny apartment and Violet had to be told that he was sick. Finn made his faces. I'm hoping they live on the first floor.  Again, the only good thing about this is Tracey's scenes. 

AVA FACTOR: No matter if she's with Trina, Joss or Sonny, she's everything.  When Alexis told her about Olivia she didn't even blink.  Put her in some position of power, ok? 

VALENTINE'S DAY: Comets and The Savoy. Sasha and Cody working on g etting Spin and Maxie back together. I like them as a couple--not a lot of people seem to but it whatever. Curtis and Portia didn't go to The Savoy by the way, they made the love they hadn't since they got married. It appears Curtis is in working order again. Sam and Dante also made ze wub and so did Millow. 

LEATHER JACKET CLUE:  OMG. OH. My. GAWD. Dante gives Sam a LEATHER Jacket. A black one. He says she misses "riding".  Um.. Riding WHO? Poor Dante. I thought it was about time for them to get engaged since you know who's popping up soon but nah, leather. That'll do it. 

PINE BARRENS DRAMA:  Sonny drives out to the wilderness to shoot DA RAT Dex because of his betrayal. Meanwhile, Carly finds out from Brick what's going down and rushes there. Does she have a GPS tracker on Sonny's phone? Woods, night.. high heels... um... okay. SO! She finally tells Sonny it was Michael and her plan and yada yada. Sonny's SO MAD! HE'S SO BETRAYED! Dex is saved. Not sure if Carly met her deadline at Crimson. She could have done a "Fashion in the Face of Death" spread. 

DRUNK DANNY: A little highlight was Danny coming home with a police officer after getting loaded in the park with his friends. How did he get out? USED THE FIRE ESCAPE FROM THE PENTHOUSE. (why didn't we get to see that???!!). Danny was mouthy at first, then backed down. The upshot of all of this is Sam being worried he's going to "be like his father". Dangerous, taking chances yada yada. GIRL!!!!! You don't remember he had a giant head injury that caused all that?! NOT his DNA. If anything AJ and Alexis' alcoholism should worry you. Not St. Jaysus' genes. 

THE ADOPTION: Kevin and Laura are adopting Ace in the Hole and I guess he'll be a Collins now. Wonder when we'll see him again. (Nanny time!) Laura's already acting like Kate from AMC asking Liz if "she'd like more tea, dear'.. LOL "Dear"?? eesh. Oh, and change that kid's name. Thanks. 

THE AIRWAVES: Is no one suspecting ol' Reverend Cyrus anymore? Hell!!! You think he just reformed?? Now he has a radio show where he can spread whatever messages he wants to his minions. Bible Verses with CODE!! Maybe you can get a decoder ring if you send in donations. At least Laura isn't buying it. 

THE OLIVIA JEROME SURPRISE:  So, Olivia's dead. One shot to the head. I guess whoever was hired to shoot her wasn't the one hired for Sonny! Anyway, it was all off camera, Anna identified her body and that's that. 

DANGER DREW: (Sigh) WE GET IT. He's "Unhinged"! Has big eyeballs!! Threatens Nina every second.  Maybe he'll hurt Nina or set the office on fire and they can use him as the informant in Pentonville. 

SOFTIE SONNY: At the end of the week, Sonny decides to let Dex go mush like he let Gladys just walk on out. Dex has to give up his identity and disappear. Dex is SO UPSET. SO SO SO upset and he even grabs the gun to tell Sonny to shoot him because he can't live without Joss. In the meantime, Joss is with Ava pleading for her to call Sonny. Joss finally confronts Sonny in Dex's apartment where Dex left her his dog tags. She sobs. Sonny leaves. Me: Ok, who's getting the apartment!? 


Tracey finds out Lucy really did sleep with Scott (see face above)

Valentin helps Nina; Drew is NOT HAPPY 

Brook and Chase watch a comet 

Millow make up, make love and he's moved back in

Dante gives Sam a leather jacket for Valentine's Day

Maxie and Spin might be thinking of life with each other

Cody and Sasha spend their time trying to get Spixie together

Danny gets drunk, Sam gets worried

Olivia Jerome was shot and killed off camera

They are going to plant an informant in Pentonville to get intel on the killer(s)

Greg moves into Finn's....tells Violet he's sick

Blaze meets Molly. 

Sonny makes Dex flee with a new identity instead of killing him. Joss cries. 

Sam and Alexis talk about Danny; Sam doesn't even know Krissy is PG yet

A few other thoughts: Giving SSmith more airtime is baffling. Brick is ok as a pop-up but that's about it. NOT using the character of Selina Wu is also baffling because she's already thrown in with Sonny and they work together. I'm not digging the whole Jagger thing and that's about all I have to say about that. I've lived through 450 mob stories and I just don't think one more is the way to focus anymore. You know how I feel about Jason coming back YET AGAIN... so by March 4th I'll be really cranky. Blaze gets a mama? Eva LaRue is a good idea but why not make her Taggert's fiance? I might care about that. Poor Taggert. Lost to the closet. 



  1. "Um.. Riding WHO?" ROFL, love that.

    This is surely a weird time for the show. Very uneven and sporadic, even more so than it's been for the past three years. I wish we could just fast-forward to the new regime.

    I so, so, so hope the inside source/traitor is Brick. That's about the only turn of events that would be entertaining.

    Drew is such a waste of space (and budget money). I know ABC/Disney likes Cameron Mathison and he has some sort of development deal with them, but find another place for him to land.

    Thank God for Maura West, Genie Francis, Finola Hughes and Jane Elliott. Otherwise, this show would be completely unwatchable right now. The grand dames of "GH" deserve a lot more credit and I hope the new writers show them some love.

  2. I know this already is in the past, but it bothered me when no one could get through to Spencer/Trina to tell them that Esme was in Paris. Couldn't they just text? And, also, when Esme was knocked out, they made no attempt to tie her up or otherwise restrain her, they just left her there, and we all know what happened next.

    1. To be fair, the show did say that Spencer and Trina had no service. They attempted to S & T, but the call drop. However, you are right about Esme not being tied up.

  3. Loved your sarcastic humor today Karen! If you're bored this week with the show feel free to give us a new list of shows to Binge. I always look into what you suggest.

    I agree above Ava. Give us more, please. Maura is just that good. Enough said.

    Did the show forget that Nina actually has friends? Not just plotting Valentin. Sasha, Curtis, Ava at least give her a hug for crine out loud (but still mention this WAS her fault). . Tell her to either get out of dodge or have Drew harm her like Karen mentioned. This will make Willow soften and hopefully tell boring ass Michael to go to hell. Another idea is to have Wiley want to go see her. Have him run away. Use that kid, he's good.

    Good point Karen about Jason's DNA. I 100% forgot. I don't think I can fathom a Sam/Snarly/Jason love triangle. No thank you. Be Jason Q, be married to someone else, and have that someone else be the shooter. (Married to Selina Wu would be gold)

    I almost forgot that Ava is Sam's aunt. They should involve Ava with Danny somehow. Then again they barely show Sam with her kids much less their grandma Alexis.

    If they are going to put Carly in every storyline please make it believable. Sonny was supposed to be darker, he would not have softened towards Dex one bit. What a really boring Feb sweeps, writer change over or not.

    I may be the only one, but I don't mind the name Ace only because Esme spoke to him in the womb. Happy Sunday everyone ☺

    1. I forgot Ava is Sam's biological Aunt too! Ava is also an Aunt to Lucas and Leo.

  4. Wish I had a donut...but thanks for another great SS!
    Now it's like the writing is because they have to write something while the transition happens. If it doesn't make sense, oh well.
    Jason, Jason, Jason. Big deal. He always comes back. Through a door or a ceiling. Don't care.
    Most of you really think Cyrus is the bad guy personified. I'm not so sure.
    Is Dex waiting in Joss' dorm room? We know he's not done.
    I don't mind the name Ace either.

  5. -----I 100 percent believer they are going somewhere with this Gregory on every day either he is misdiagnosed OR he is gonna die quickly........
    ----another spoiler says they want CYRUS to get one of HIS people to be the insider in Pentonville, which is stupid but also until Friday I didn't think Cyrus was involved but I do now.....but I dunno.............still stupid that Selina Wu is NEVER mentioned by Anna or Dante or Sonny ------
    ------killing Olivia Jerome was outta the blue and they could have done SO much down the road with her.
    -----I am waiting on Joss to scream and yell at Michael and her mother for starting all this crap.....still gotta go through Willow finding out and I believe Sonny will never know Ava also knew what Nina did
    -----ALSO not happy that Valentin BUYS the invader from that fine-looking Shawn -----he would never do that without telling Alexis (remember they were hoping to have a thing before he left?) WHAT can Nina do with a paper/website......sigh...
    -----SAS being the mole would be awesome --- but I like Brick but still
    ----dreading Jason returning - I LIKE him but it's gonna be a ridiculous memory loss storyline I think
    ----Feb sweeps - makes me sad everytime I write it.
    -----my distake for Drew grows deeper each week ..................sigh

  6. I have fallen off the GH wagon due to the current storylines. There is nothing engaging with the current depressing storylines. Gregory is dying, Dex has to leave town, Spencer and Esme are presumed dead. Drew is being idiot. Sonny has become a selfish prima donna. Anna is investigating ANOTHER convoluted mystery. Nothing is really fun and entertaining on GH.

    Regarding Taggert, I thought Real Andrews had some medical issues in the past. I remember the show having to recast him a few times.

    I'm fine with Jason returning, but they need to move foward with the character. Have him get involved with Drew and the Quatermane. And have him eventually call Sonny out for alienating his family.

    1. Real is fine now - he owns a car dealership and posts daily ---- GH just hasn't asked him back!

  7. Karen, I read where Sonny meets with Ms. Wu. I can't remember she will be on this week or next week.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...