Monday, February 5, 2024



So, Burton is back March 4th. 

Today's show: 

Nikolas comes home to Laura's house with Ace. Adam Huss is so good. Laura's blouse is still hideous. She says she loves him always.  Nik says feels responsible for Spencer's death. He also says he's going to leave again to avoid jail. Laura gets angry and says maybe Ace would be better off without him. Then she begs him to turn himself in. Later, she calls Dante and Nikolas is going to do just that. 

Tracey is in The Metro Court and sees Marty at the bar upset about Lucy. She's egging him on to believe that Scott is involved with her. 

Lucy's Phone....and that's SCOTT'S number LOL 

Lucy is yelling at her assistant and it's really because she's angry Martin hasn't called. Scott comes in and says he can't call Tracey because it will look desperate. Lucy tells him to scram. 

Lucy goes to the Metro to see Marty. He won't forgive her. She begs...Tracey is giving him the eyeball across the room. They talk about Bobbie's death changing Lucy and he goes on and on about time mattering and stuff. I GUESS he knows about Spencer but he's not saying anything. But Maybe he doesn't. He tells Lucy he loved/s her more than another woman but he doesn't want to look over his shoulder thinking she loves Scott. Lucy cries and runs out. 

Greg arrives at The Metro, sits with Tracey. He tells her that Spencer is dead. She looks over to Marty/Lucy. Greg also tells her about Esme and such. After Lucy runs, Tracey looks at Martin. Greg leaves to make a phone call. 

Sam and Dante go to Sonny's to talk about Spencer. Sam ends up leaving. Dante and Sonny talk about the shooting on the island. They argue about Sonny and Cyrus. Yada yada. Dante says they'll have everyone be a suspect because whoever did it knows the house on the island. 

Alexis tells Greg spencer is dead. He's sad. Goes to see Tracey. Sam shows up. She and Alexis talk about Spencer's antics when he was younger. They talk about writing his Obituary. 

Agent JAGGER-JOHN (DON'T CALL ME JAGGER) is with Anna and Jordan. He says they are doing a BIG INVESTIGATION ON ALL OF THIS AND STAY OUT. He also says call him JOHN not Jagger. :Eyeroll: only interesting thing about him, imo. He wants to bring them in on the investigation after all (even though he just said he didn't) but the bosses are mad that they questioned the witness. I guess that guy was the link between the stolen guns and the buyers.  I don't get all this but Jagger JOHN wants Anna to keep a 'leash' on Sonny or something. 


TRACEY is going to tell Martin the truth...

Lucy and Scott kiss 

Dante arrests Nikolas

FBI Jagger John arrests Anna and Jordan for obstruction of justice

Alexis reads Spencer's obituary


  1. Photo shoot:

    Lucy and assistant: Yeah that hay did not look good. The assistant's face! Lucy is annoying her! Hahahahaha!

    Lucy and Scotty: Poor Scotty. Tracy blowing him off. HAHAHAHAHA!

    Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Gregory: Awwww Alexis! :( I want to hug her!!! :( I'm glad Gregory is there for her.

    Alexis and Sam: Geez obit already? He JUST fell over! Give the police time to actually look and find him. Alexis crying made me want to hug her! :(

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Tracy and her phone: Actually the ambulance chaser was on Tracy's phone, and Tracy's phone won the line of the day! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *Dead*

    Mucy: Oh Lucy come on!!! Your first reaction of I LOVED you was the correct reaction. You don't love him anymore. Just admit it to yourself! Something has started going on with you and Scotty!

    Gregory and Tracy: Oh! I thought Tracy would have found out about Spencer.

    Hotel room:

    John, Jordan, and Anna:

    John: I've outgrown the old nickname.

    Oh you don't think of yourself as Jagger anymore? Oh good. I only see you as John. My beautiful handsome husband. ;) Where is your son? :) Or really OUR son. :) Wow he is really tough as an FBI agent.. Sexy. :)

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny on the phone: The Green beans are still so upset over Spencer! Sonny comfort them!

    Sante and Sonny: When Sam hugged Sonny, it made me flashback to when they were together.. And now Sam is with his son. ROFL! Sam! Give the green beans a hug too!

    Kevlar home:

    Laura, Nik, and baby Ace:

    Nik: Which means Spencer is dead because I took Ace.

    YEP! Now you have do the right thing Nik! I'm glad Laura called Dante!

    Laura, Nik, and Dante: Yup! Time to face the music! Pay the piper! Bite the bullet! Oh sorry too many cliches.

    Photo shoot:

    Scotty and Lucy: Oooooooo a kiss!!! My Lotty! Although rebound, but it could lead to Lucy healing and Lotty REALLY being together as a couple. :)

    1. I find John sexy too, sonya. Same with new Nick. Didn't you just love the smile Ace flashed when Nick said he loved him. Oh I love that kid.

      I'm also thinking that Esme isn't there to press charges and if she didn't press them how can he be charged. Also she wasn't charged for what she did. I want Nicholas to be let go and added to the cast.

    2. "Di says, I find John sexy too, sonya."


      "Same with new Nick."

      Yeah he is sexy too! :)

      "Didn't you just love the smile Ace flashed when Nick said he loved him. Oh I love that kid."

      OH! I forgot to mention that. Yes! I loved his little smile! It was adorable and made me smile!!!! :) I'm glad it didn't scare the little actor that the adults were crying.

      "I'm also thinking that Esme isn't there to press charges and if she didn't press them how can he be charged. Also she wasn't charged for what she did. I want Nicholas to be let go and added to the cast."

      YUP! That's right, so Nik should be let go! Yes I want him added to the cast too!

  2. ---- TOTALLY thought Laura had asked Alexis to write Spencer's obit until I realized it was for the Invader.....Laura still has the ugly shirt on so WHY would Cyrus or Laura have told Martin?? And I enjoyed the memories of Spencer when it was NB and cute....
    ----not a great episode today
    -----NOT happy that John-Jag STILL has a vendetta against Sonny - he should NOT be no the case...............I thought he was about to tell Anna SHE was target.....
    ------yep, Marty is gonna go apologize to Lucy and find her kissing Scott. Can I just state that in my opinion Lucy/Marty/Scott and Tracy even are being used for ridiculous storylines?
    ------Brick isn't behind it but spoilers say he finds something and I am BESIDE myself that I think it's gonna be Jason with memory loss......(sorry Karen I LIKE Jason so I don't want him with ANOTHER memory loss....)
    -----Laura, did you not learn from having Esme arrested? Esme can't press charges, right? so no reason for him to stay in jail....

    1. "Mufasa says, yep, Marty is gonna go apologize to Lucy and find her kissing Scott."

      Oh yeah I'm sure! It wasn't just what Tracy said. It's what Lucy said too. Her saying she LOVED him didn't help any.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I don't think Nikolas can be prosecuted with Esme around. Also, I think John/Jagger and the FBI are investigating Selina Wu (or at least I hope so).

  5. also I DO think Greg is going to have been misdiagnosed OR he will have new medication that works......cause I think Tracy vs. Alexis for Greg's heart is coming.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...