Monday, February 26, 2024

Wyndemere: SOLD!


Sonny and Spinelli. Sonny has a job for him. Spinelli says he hasn't done mob work since Jason died. He and Ellie split up over him working for the mob. Sonny's like: YA WANT IT OR NOT? They talk about Jason love. Spinelli takes the job. Also tells Sonny he's just staying with Maxie because he wants to. They never said what the job was. Probably to trace the Li money. 

Ava and Nina...Nina wants Ava to talk to Sonny. Oh wait, she wants Ava to get them "alone together'. Ava says that's not a great idea for her and Sonny's relationship. Nina: YOU HAVE A RELATIONSHIP? Ava says she has to because of Avery and she's not rocking the boat. Oh.. someone bought Wyndemere finally. Nina continues to whine about Sonny. Then, Sonny walks in. 

Carly and Jagger. She's at Kelly's and not happy he's in there looking for info on her ex hubby, Sonny. They talk about Stone... then he tells her about the FBI case he's working on. (really?) -- he's like "Oh! Sonny hasn't told you, has he"? Then he tells her 4 crime family heads are dead. 

Curtis and Drew. Drew is boxing dah bag. He says Carly says he's "changed" and yada yada. Curtis talks about having rage. Blah blah

Blaze and Krissy. They are after-glowing. They order breakfast. I guess Blaze lives at The Metro.  Eva LaRue comes into the room. She's not happy.  Krissy convinces her she was there for a "girls night"-- and it got too late so she just stayed over.  Eva tries to give Blaze a bunch of stuff from Puerto Rico and Blaze gets all mad and says she doesn't KNOW her and yada yada. She's going to tell her she's gay. 


Sonny agrees to talk to Nina

Blaze starts to tell Mommy she's gay

Carly's mad no one confides in her

yada yada 


  1. ---my main irritation today is Blaze calling her MOMMY - that has GOT to stop like yesterday. I do not care about this storyline anyway
    ----I HOPE HOPE whoever bought Wyndemere means a good storyline - we know it's not Nik now - so Cyrus OR PLEASE DO NOT LET IT BE JASON
    ----Really like Maxie and Spinelli -
    -----I think Sonny wants Spinelli to trace the money Li put in his account and I wondered if he doesn't want BRICK to do it cause he IS in the organization?
    -----SURELY John-Jag isn't gonna be paired with Carly......what a jerk not mentioning Anna and Dante HEAD UP the investigation and he tried to shut it down......can't figure out if his autistic son Stone is still he did past tense but with Olivia he said his son was thriving.
    -----Maura W is just the best = her mannerisms and facial expression are perfection
    -----Maurice blank stare to Nina made my day!!!

  2. OH! Karen! You watched GH!! Good! You were quiet on threads.

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Kraze: Oh look! Pillow talk.. They gonna have zex again? No? Well okay. Will they go on a date? Oh no of course not. They will have breakfast in the hotel room. More hiding.

    Kraze and Blaze's mommy: HELLO AVA LARUE! Welcome to the GH family. :) Oooo mommy is tough. :) Time to keep secrets from mommy! Just a friend having a sleep over! Oh yeah? You talk all hours of the night and share ghost stories? Oooo Blaze can't take it anymore! Yes Blaze spill your guts and your tea to mommy!

    Ava's art gallery:

    Ava and Nina: Oh Nina's hair is down. :) I thought she would have her hair up all week! OH! Ava you have a relationship with Sonny? *Snicker* I wonder who bought Wyndemere. I hope it's V.C.!!!

    Ava, Nina, and Sonny: There ya go Nina. Sonny is going to listen to you. Speak up! Don't stutter! Just tell him how you feel!!

    Nina and Sonny: Well Nina? :)


    Carly and John: Will they become a couple? Yes so many people named Stone. Awwwwwwww! :)

    Maxie's home:

    Maxie and Spinny: Man! Maxie is really trying to avoid talking to Spinny about the kiss!!!! You can't avoid him forever Maxie!! *Snicker*

    Sonny and Spinny: Why does Spinny have to do a job for you Sonny? I'm glad Spinny was hesitant about it. Oh come on Spinny haven't you outgrown calling Jason stone cold?

    Maxie and Spinny part 2: Maxie nervous again!!! :) Yes Maxie! Spinny is right you did kiss him back! Love that Spinny was getting closer to her! :)

    The gym:

    Curtis and Drew: Oh how nice! Curtis can relate to Drew! Okay Curtis time to take off your shirt. :)

  3. I agree with mufasa..."mommy" was just wrong. How could they not hear that when taping.
    Will the shows be fillers until the new regime takes over. Not long now!

    1. I think it's "mami".. Mami and papi are pretty common w Latinos.

    2. Yes,, she was saying Mami.

  4. In defense of Blaze calling her mother "Mommy" in my neck of the woods, Alabama, we call our parents Mama and Daddy, even after we become adults. I do it and I'm in my 60s and both of my parents did the same in their 80s.

  5. Some good news for William Lipton (Cameron)


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