Wednesday, February 14, 2024

VTines Pine Barrens


Dante gets Sam a leather jacket because she "wants to ride again". Danny is brought home by a policeman! He got drunk in the park. Sam's pissed because he's 14. She takes his phone...he says "OMG I bet you drank at 14".  She says she didn't. He goes to puke. Sam says she lied about drinking at 14. 

Trina ordered dinner for her parents. It's their anniversary. Whoops, it was Marshall. They go to bed together--candles all over. 

ChaLyn is having a picnic at the Q Boathouse. they are going to look at a comet. The heaters don't work but they have blankets. They decide they hate Valentine' day. 

Lucy, Sasha and Maxie at The Savoy. Trying to cheer Lucy up over Martin. Then Spin and Cody come in. Lucy tells them to go to the bar--it's "Ladies Night" . Then she tries to call Marty again. Sasha asks Maxie if she ever thinks about Spinelli. Maxie says: sometimes

Mildew drinking wine and talking about life. (Take a snooze break) 

Dex is still in the woods, not giving up Michael's ass to save his own. OMG CARLY ARRIVES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FREAKING PINE BARRENS TO SAVE HIM! AHAHAHAAHAHA I'm dying. She tells Sonny Dex is working for her. Sonny doesn't believe her and figures out it was Michael. Sonny asks if Michael wanted to take him down. Dex says at first but he couldn't go through with it. Then Sonny's like Carly! Why did you keep this guy on!! Carly says Because he was with NINA and she had to keep an eye on him. He can't believe she didn't think he wasn't strong enough to take care of his business himself. Sonny's mad Carly lied, Carly says she did it to help him. 

It was weird. Sonny drives around with his driver. 

Couples Zex 



  1. ---Feb 14 first Jason mention-----------plus leather jacket for Sam
    -----Carly shoulda scream "YOU DON'T HAVE JASON ANYMORE" or "Jason is not here" cause her excuses about Nina were WAS about protection not NINA
    ----I just can't take Sam seriously as a mom since Danny pretty much LIVED at the Q's...
    ----the whole Sonny thing was weird ----- the previews at least answered my question ---Sonny is angry about the first time Michael hired Dex to destroy him - not that he changed his mind.............and and and time and place Sonny ----remember ONE YEAR ago what was going on with you and Michael
    ----also I thought Sonny was gonna scream I AM NOT MY DAD when he said 'you think I am not strong enough?
    -----Does Dex still have a job?
    ----boring day - and I hate candles but straight up I WILL watch Curtis scene many times today ----he is tooooo fine.

    1. I have to agree Curtis is very attractive. I wish I cared about them as a couple.

  2. Happy Valentines day everyone and the people in Port Chuckles!

    Sante home:

    Sante and young Cheeto Danny: Oh oh Cheeto Danny! What is wrong with you that you had to get drunk? Miss your daddy? Wow Sam is acting like a mother! :) The Tribbles aren't happy with Danny either!

    Sante: Oh Sam you are not a hypocrite! You just don't want your son to make the same mistakes you did! Oh Dante wants Sam to be wild in the bedroom! ;)

    Purtis home:

    Purtis: Oh it was Trina who had the food show up? I thought it was Marshall. Ooooo a nekked Curtis! :D Oh It's good that he is ready to make all the wuv! :) Once he is able to move his legs, then I think he will do all the work next time. ;)

    Mildew home:

    Mildew: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh they did a quicky! Gee Michael what's the matter? You couldn't last long? ROFL!


    Brase: Awwwwww love. :) I can't wait until they get married!

    Brase home: Oooo wuv making! I'm sure Chase would last! ;)

    The Savoy:

    Lucy, Maxie, and Sasha: Ladies night!!! Men stay away!!! Does Lucy have a sign that says men stay away it's ladies night?

    Maxie and Sasha: Oooooo Maxie! You thought of getting back together with Spinny?!?! YAY! :D

    Cowboy Cody and Spinny: Spinny wins the line of the day.

    Spinny: Chacoost!

    ROFL! However you spell it and whatever it means! The way he said it. ROFL!

    Spixy: Oh just get back together already!!!

    Cowboy Cody and Sasha: SASHA!!! You just spilled the tea!!! Hahahahaha!

    Pine Barrens:


    Dex, Sonny, and Carly: Geez Carly spit it out!!!! Geez glad she finally did. It's like pulling teeth!

    Dex and Carly: Hmmmm. Will they be having zex soon? ROFL!

    The limo:

    Sonny and the bodyguard: Sonny where are you going? To tell off Michael?! :)

    Sidenote: Where is that Russian girl that Carly wanted to help out?

    1. I wasn't going to reply since I'm on my pain meds and should be on internet restriction but your comment about Dex and Carly having zex makes me break my rule. My first thought on reading Couples Zex was Dex and Carly being one of the couples. Would make things interesting wouldn't it?

    2. Linda, I have chronic pain. Some days are just worse than others.

    3. But thanks for the good wishes.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Spinnelli said "J'accuse !" It's French for "I accuse you", basically saying How dare you!?

    6. "Gary says, I wasn't going to reply since I'm on my pain meds"

      OH! I did not know that! Are you going to be okay?!

      "and should be on internet restriction but your comment about Dex and Carly having zex makes me break my rule."

      Oh oh!

      "My first thought on reading Couples Zex was Dex and Carly being one of the couples. Would make things interesting wouldn't it?"

      Yes VERY interesting! :) Okay now go back to your rule and take care of yourself!!! :)

    7. "Judith says, "Spinnelli said "J'accuse !" It's French for "I accuse you", basically saying How dare you!?"

      Ohhhhh okay thank you! :) Still funny. :)

  3. I totally forgot that Sam had a son.
    Sasha looks beautiful.
    That's all I got.

    1. I didn't forget, but I thought he was Rocco at first! :)

  4. Sam's dress looked like something they would put Brooklyn or Laura in.

    Millow= BORING.
    Carly/Sonny/Dex= don't care as when related to Snarly all is always forgiven
    although I would be on board for Carly to jump in bed with Dex, and then find out Drew or Sonny is his father. I still giggle at his little boy body being a body guard. No body shaming just lol to the casting director on that one.
    I didn't mind Chase & Brookie.

    1. If that's not body shaming i don't know what is.


  5. All I can think is that they are cleaning up an old story with this Sonny, Dex, Michael thing. We are from New Jersey and when they mention Pine Barrens, we know what that means. I am assuming there are Pine Barrens in NY state. No way Carly could get there so fast.

    1. Its the Carly show after all. She shows up everywhere whether we want her to or not. She owned half of port chuck by now. Metro Court, Kelly's/Bobby's/now Crimson.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...