Tuesday, February 20, 2024



Dante and Sonny talk about the fact there are is an organization targeting crime bosses. IT's the same old stuff. I mean THE SAME. Pikeman talk again. He talks about Dex and Michael and yada yada. 

Jordan, Portia and Curtis talk about the shooter. Shooter. Shooter. Shooter. Jordan thinks Curtis could help in the investigation MORE. He could consult. He looks at Portia and then says no. HE's going to focus on family. Jordan leaves. Curtis tells Portia he has to warn Selina Wu because they used to work together. Portia is like: WHAT? Is THAT WHY she gave us a FRUIT BASKET????? damn it! She thinks Curtis is now on the hit list. :eyeroll: Doesn't she work? 

Laura, Val and Robert talk about what should happen with Charlotte and the stalking of Anna. She has to get therapy and 3 years probation. Oh, `=1.000 hours community service. Valentin thinks it's all too much. Laura says thanks for not putting her in jail. Then Laura leaves and Val and Robert argue about Valentin not warning Anna. 

Anna is talking to Cyrus about helping find the shooter. Shooter. He wants to just save his own life and thinks God will help him. She wants him to use his people in Pentonville to help find the shooter. Cyrus goes in 2x a week to minister. She basically begs him. He says no. Then Laura walks in. SHE begs him. 

Diane gives Nina divorce papers. She's kinda upset and shocked. Diane is ..."welp". She drags up all of Nina's past sins and says that she shouldn't worry about anything but she has her inheritance. Diane leave and Valentin comes over. They talk about Charlotte. 

Diane and Robert are going to make the love. 


Laura cries and Cyrus says yes. 

Valentin Tells Nina not to give Sonny the quick divorce he wanst. 


  1. --I am so confused - I truly thought Friday that Cyrus was NOW behind the shootings, but Anna wouldn't ask Cyrus for help if he was......sigh.....so I went from Cyrus to Selina to Cyrus to now I just don't know.......unless it's something stupid about Jason working for someone.
    ------Anna seems to know EXACTLY who Cyrus should befriend in prison - did I miss who it is?
    ----WOOOHOOOO Sonny served divorce papers to Nina! I did NOT see that coming so soon. Diane was so funny "Sonny thinking with his heart over his head is what got us here." and her speech to Nina was great!!!!!!!!! BUT I will agree that the writers have upped Nina's character worse and worse
    ------still irritated that Jordan is investigating more than she was Commish and that she isn't doing any Deputy Mayor duties....plus she was so obvious about wanting to work with Curtis.
    ---still talking about traitor-----if they still think a mole, then it's gotta be someone we know - Brick?
    ----can't even remember last time Curtis worked to the Savoy or mentioned HIS CLUB
    ---Anna's hair is too long.....I said what I said.
    ----WHY wouldn't Curtis tell Jordan about the WSB and Pikeman? She already knows.....or she did with the old writers....
    ----Curtis tells Portia about Selina but I thought she already knew ---- gosh I do not like Portia
    -----SO ready for Nina and Valentin to get together---

    1. "Mufasa says SO ready for Nina and Valentin to get together"

      YES!!! ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Esp since just last Sonny said to Michael twice what if I decide to stay with Nina? That shocked me that he would even consider it.

  2. oooooo just read the person Anna wants Cyrus to talk to is O'Neill the arms dealer......

  3. Sonny's home:

    Diane and Sonny: Awwww Sonny trusts her! :) How sweet.

    Sonny and Dante: I guess Michael is dead to him. Come on! When is Sonny going to throw barware?! Even the Green beans can't wait! :) Sounds like Maurice Bernard has a cold.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nina and V.C.: V.C. wins the line of the day.

    V.C.: Sorry Nina. I'm booked.


    Robert, V.C. and Laura: I'm glad that Charlie will not be in jail! Thank you Robert!

    Nina and Diane: I thought Diane was giving her something from Ryan Lavery aka Drew! Oh Nina! I can't believe you are so shocked that Sonny wants a divorce. Did you really think that Diane wasn't going to bite back? She isn't a wallflower! Never was.

    Riane: Yes Robert get her out of there! Or she will throw up all over Nina! ROFL!

    V.C. and Nina: Nina wants to get Sonny's attention? By how? Looking sexy? Wearing something sexy? Or being nekked to seduce him? Is that when Sonny will throw barware and then grab Nina to have the zex? Ahhh V.C. good plan.. Then when she gets frustrated by Sonny she will run to you and then you two can have zex! Even though that's not your plan, it's mine. ;)

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Riane: Oooooo gonna make the wuv and we didn't see it. :(

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    Cyrus and Anna: Oh Cyrus come on! Help Anna!! And dammit you should be a cook at the restaurant!!

    Cyrus and Laura: I'm glad Laura convinced him. :) Now convince him to talk to the owner and have him be a cook! :)

    Purtis home:

    Purtis and Jordan: Man Portia's outfit is so LOUD! Oooo Curtis isn't going to help Jordan. Okay good so Curtis take off your shirt. :)

    Purtis: Yes yes Curtis! Talk to Ms. Wu!!! I miss her! Now take off your shirt. :)

    Previews: MS. WU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    1. "It's getting hot in here..." LOL

    2. Looks like Ms. Wu is breaking up with Sonny. I hope it's just a defensive tactic as I like when they work together.

      And Sonya you like everyone nekked. lol I'm surprised you haen't shaved the badger yet, or turned him in for a hairless cat! lol

    3. "Di says, Looks like Ms. Wu is breaking up with Sonny."

      Awwww. :(

      "I hope it's just a defensive tactic as I like when they work together."

      Yeah I like when they work together too, so I hope it's just a tactic!

      "And Sonya you like everyone nekked. lol"


      "I'm surprised you haen't shaved the badger yet, or turned him in for a hairless cat! lol"

      Hahahahahahaha! *dead*

  4. I would not be surprised if the shooter was old Stone Cold himself. Whoever the shooter is, he/she has all these great skills and inside knowledge but cannot manage to get off a clean shot.

  5. Nina and Val belong together. Never cared for "Vanna". When he was a twisted shell of a man, both physically and mentally, he stalked her. I wonder if the writers had in mind something like the fact that Luke raped Laura so why not have them fall in love. It doesn't always work. Hope the "Invader" antics backfire big time.
    Just when Portia becomes bearable...boom, whiny is back. In her circus clothes, which I almost liked.
    Diane + Robert = afternoon delight! At least someone is having fun on GH.

    1. whiny in her circus clothes. lol love it. I've never been a fan but she's getting worse. She really wants to control him and I'm miffed that he's falling for it.

  6. Nina looked so pretty the past 2 days. I am digging the change in hair style.

    1. I noticed that too. And her makeup looks softer too.

    2. I want those earrings. Although I know they're too long for my height, those clear sparkly stones are very pretty.

  7. I hope Nina and Valentin stick it to Carly and Drew. The latter couple is insufferable.

  8. Not sure if this was posted earlier. Real Andrews (Taggert) said he is ready and willing to return to "GH" if the producers ever contact him.


    Personally, I'd rather see Taggert on our screens than Drew, Cody, Jordan or Sasha.

  9. Nina looked great and Anna looked so beautiful! Nice to see Val back again but miss him with Anna.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...