Thursday, February 22, 2024

Sing Me a Song

 I'm only watching because I haven't blogged live in bit. LOL --I've been watching in Hulu and did you know that GH is only 31 minutes in length? I mean, I KNEW it was shorter but damn--- that's A HELLAVA lot of time on commercials. No wonder it feels choppy. 

SO, SELINA WU showed up finally. Thank you Soap Goddesses. I'm digging Ava and Sonny ...just on the "team up" vibes alone. Maura and Mo work well together. Cynthia W's new "look" is magnificent. Woo-WEEE!! 

That Crimson magazine was thinner than Woman's World Daily. LOL oh, and one more thing. Morgan Mentions. I mean, I'd love to see a "Brothers Fight it out for Empire" type thing (classic) but not sure GH can do that right. TOO MANY characters on canvas as it is already anyway. 


Wu and Sonny in the woods, she has her guard Li tied up. Li has money in his account and a gun from that WSB thing. Sonny's going to torture him and Selina looks like she's going to enjoy it. Finally Li says he overheard a phone call and the bosses name is "Stone".  Sonny tells Selina that he knew of a "Stone" and now he knows someone in town connected to that name. Then they talk about Jagger/Stone and Jagger's kid Stone. 

Cyrus is getting wired for Pentonville. Anna gives him instructions. They talk about God a lot. Sigh. Then Dante and Anna listen to Cy's sermon. Jagger walks in (right after Li says the bosses name is "Stone"). Cyrus talks to the gun guy in jail. Jagger tells Anna he's shutting down her operation. He argues with her, Dante steps in. 

Maxie/Sasha/Spin/Cody are all at Charlie's. Karaoke night... Cody and Sasha sing first. Auto tune and a song I can't stand. Then Spinelli sings an AUTOTUNED SONG THAT'S SO AUTOTUNED IT'S maddening. He signs it to Maxie. Then they kiss. Maxie leaves.

Carly wants Drew to back off the Nina revenge. OMG Drew is just insufferable. SUCH Over acting. Carly also says she wants Nina out of her life. Ohhh..does that give Drew and in to kill her? LOL  Carly quits Crimson. 

 Anna says he's going to go to Jag's supervisor if he shuts her down

Sonny wants Li to work for HIM to find out the boss

Spin and Maxie kiss, then she runs. 


  1. No Ava today so I'll go back to yesterday's show. She looked fabulous. What's better for her than mob stuff. Why have they waited so long? She and Sonny feed off of each other beautifully. Please writers.
    Uh-oh...JohnJag's son may be it.
    Karaoke was so bad. And we got to hear both horrible songs in their entirety. Big whoop.

  2. Is JohnJag's son DEX? And desk is really the "traitor" - to everyone?? "Dex being "Stone"/ JagJohn's son would fit with Karen's theory that he looks like Dex's father!!!

    1. **Dex is really the traitor....typing on my phone is a challenge

    2. lol Hands hurt from shredding poor old Dex again? lol

    3. Jaggers son is autistic, or as autistic as soap kids are allowed to be. No way did dex act like he was on the spectrum, plus i feel me mentioned a mother and brothers, which doesnt fit jaggers kid.

    4. They could still have Dex be 'his son from another relationship'. So he actually has 2 sons.

  3. If the boss is really named "Stone," might it be short for "Stone Cold," aka Jason Morgan? (Not happy if it is.)

    1. That was my first thought. And then I thought I bet that they want is to think that. 😊

    2. "Gary says, That was my first thought. And then I thought I bet that they want is to think that. 😊"

      Damn red herrings!!! ROFL!

    3. Didn't even think of that! But - Jason is deadly - and this shooter is not doing well.

    4. ladderr, they will spin it as that Jason knew deep down they were the good guys and had to protect them.

    5. My first thought is this is going to be Jason but it would be amazing if it was Morgan.

  4. The cabin:

    Sonny, Ms Wu, and bad guy: Ooooo Ms. Wu and her torture weapons! Love it!!!!! :D Hmmmm Stone? Which stone? John or his son?

    Pentonville waiting area:

    Dante, Anna, and Cyrus: Come on Cyrus make your repentance! :)

    John, Dante, and Anna: Geez John are you protecting someone? Yourself or your son?


    Mr. O'Neil and Cyrus: Cyrus wins the line of the day.

    Cyrus: Tell me what's weighing you down my son.


    Carly's office:

    Crew: Drew turns into Ryan Lavery along with the bug eyes and then he softens and turns into Drew. Come on listen to Carly you jerk!!!!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant: Karaoke!!!!! I'm sure The Tribbles, The Green beans, Badger Bob, and Tommy Tapeworm are all there waiting to sing too! :)

    Cowboy Cody and Spinny: Come on Cowboy Cody just break the code and tell Spinny that Maxie wants to get back together!!! :)

    Cowboy Cody and Sasha: YAY! Singing together! What fun. Now kiss! :) No? Rats.

    Spinny singing: Awwwwwwwwwwww he is singing to Maxie!!!! I love it! It's been so long since he has done that!

    Spinny and Maxie: Maxie looks disappointed when Spinny said she is one of his closest friend. OH A KISS YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY SPIXIE!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Oh Maxie don't run away!!!!!!!!!!


    Throwback Thursday: *Jumped into my time machine to go to the hospital and Anna's home* Tony upset that Anna is BJ's guardian and then Tony talks to BJ on the phone awwwwwwwwwwwww! :D

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I loved the singing too. In fact, I enjoyed the whole show. I think they're on to old john. He's is no match for Anna. Going down John boy. Changing your name doesn't change your spots!

  6. I think Bradford Anderson has an amazing voice.

  7. I just come as a broken woman - I swear it's gonna be Stone COLD with memory loss and that makes me mad and sick and is lazy writing.....I SO want it to be John-Jag IS behind this and he wanted Sonny to pay for what he did to Karen (can't remember when she died...)
    But THAT would be better than MEMORY LOSS Jason.....his first day is March 4th...
    ----Bradford's voice is amazing and he should sing more....I thought I would hate karoke but I liked it......

  8. also - we know Carly ain't quittin

  9. GH's runtime is a lot shorter than regular Primetime Shows. Normal 1 hour TV Shows are about 42 to 44 minutes long. Streaming-only shows tend to be longer, as there are no default commericials.

    Why is Drew acting "Holier Than Thou?". HE broke the law, but it's NINA'S fault.

    I have a question to any divorced individuals out there. Are your friends trying to play matchmaker (ala The Parent Trap), so you will reunite with you ex spouse? As much I like Spixie, Sasha and Cody seem a little too obsessed over them. Also I didn't even understand Maxine randomly referencing Avatar: The Way of Water. Nobody refers to it by the full title, just the "the new Avatar Movie". And is she implying that Spinelli's bedroom is "wet"?!

    One positive I love, is how about duplicitous Cyrus is. Not only does he seem like a reformed man, but you can tell he is weaving he himself back on top.

    Maybe Stone is really "Faison in a mask"? Oh wait, Faison's brain is chilling away in Kevin's storage. Never mind.

    Tomorrow's Preview: "IT SEEMED LIKE MY BABY"Oh great, we are going that route. No Kristina, but that Baby is your Niece/Nephew AND your cousin! (Only is this viable in the world of Soaps)

    1. I HATE the surrogate story cause I don't like Molly, TJ or Kristina PLUS we have 9 MONTHS of this?? so it came quicker than I thought - ugh...

  10. ---I guess Karen is out today..
    ----I will begin - NO WAY it's already been one trimester for Kristina ----- the time frame is horrible And I care nothing about any of it - still think Sam doesn't know Krissy is pregnant
    -----I truly thought it was John-Jag when he wanted Cyrus to stop talking to O'Neill......and then it's a ghost - someone not seen yet can get in the prison------SHOOT SHOOT I HATE that it is probably memory loss only hope is John Jag is still doing it....but has used Jason - March 4 I guess we will find out...
    -----Jane Elliott TODAY was how I love her - that whole scene was fantastic...
    -----Ava and Sonny are soo good and I loved the previews when Nina accuses Ava of having a relationship with Sonny...
    -----even if I had never read anything I would KNOW Jason is returning cause of Danny/Sam convo.....

    1. "mufasa says, I guess Karen is out today.."

      I hope she is okay!

      "NO WAY it's already been one trimester for Kristina"

      Hahaha I know!!! I was so confused!!

      "still think Sam doesn't know Krissy is pregnant"

      I don't remember!!! ROFL!

  11. Some funny one liners today.

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Ava: SONNY THREW BARWARE!! YEAHHHHHHH! :) Oh Sava are bonding! :) Ava talking about Kiwi. Sonny can only trust himself.

    Ava: If you don't think you have anybody else, you have me.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: Who would have guessed?

    Hahahahahahaha! Great scene with them today. Ooooo Sonny takes off his wedding ring!

    Wedding ring: I'm so lonely!

    Green beans: You have me!!!

    Jail library:

    Mr. O'Neil, Cyrus, and Heather: Oh my!!! Heather going off on Cyrus and attacking him! Great scene!

    Cyrus, Dante, Anna, and John: Oh Cyrus got something from that O'Neil guy! Someone who doesn't exist because he is dead?! Oh oh it's Jason isn't it? *Facepalm*

    The hospital:

    Dr., Tolly, and Krissy: Wanting to know the sex of the baby? Uh Krissy don't cross that line. And why isn't the sonogram closer? Why does Krissy have to turn her head to see it? Her poor neck.

    Tolly: I'm glad they can see that Krissy was acting odd. Oh sure Molly just dismiss it. See how far that will get you.

    Liz and Sam: Oh yes they remember when they were teenagers and how difficult it is being one! Yes yes I agree. Very difficult being a teenager. Great scene!

    Sam and Danny aka Cheeto: Danny Cheeto thinks that home is a jail! Oh dear. Oh and if you are wondering why I call Danny, Cheeto, or you just forgot, it's because when Sam was preggers with Danny, her craving was cheetos. :) Oh she wants to take him somewhere!


    Danny aka Cheeto and Sam: Talking about his daddy! Great scene actually.

    Blaze's hotel room:


    Krissy: I felt like the baby was mine.

    And so it begins! It will become BabyGate pretty soon. Oh my! Kraze zex! Hmmm strange. Why didn't Blaze take off Krissy's bra? I wonder if Molly will be okay that Krissy had zex! Or will it be dangerous for the baybay!

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    Gregory, Chase, Finchy and Tracy table: Oh come on Tracy! Tell Gregory that you were going to ask him to be her plus 1 to the wedding!

    Gregory and Tracy: Tell him tell him tell him!!!!! He knows something is going on with you! Maybe Gregory will ask you to dance at the wedding! :D

    Flashsback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to October 7th 1996* Tony and Bobbie visit TJ's grave.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...