Sunday, February 11, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Hollow Ground


Call me Crazy but.... I think the writer transition has started.  I am at a loss today so just sit and relax, ok? 

HERE we GO! 

FUNERAL:  Oh geesh. First off, I don't think they should have HAD a funeral -- I mean it's 2.3 days since the body was supposedly "floating to the English Channel". Who the heck digs a grave for a fake coffin for not only the loved one but the other one that caused his death? Twilight Zone. Look, I don't think he should have been presumed dead. It's over used on GH and it's laughable by now. Why not make him simply vanish into the mist while Esme is out and about? Go check out Vineyards to buy in France while Trina's in school for 4 months??  Anything but this. 

 There was SO much wrong with the funeral it's getting it's own little mini-blog: 

TRINA:  Why is she not yelling that he's still alive? "Don't give up hope!" ? I can feel it!!?? Why did we not see her featured more? The crime of Cameron Coming and Joss and him going to Wyndemere without her is astounding. YOU HAVE WILLIAM LIPTON FOR LIKE A DAY-- don't have him spend it with Trina? No cute young Cam-Spencer flashbacks? He could have been telling Joss and Trina about them while they ate candy and drank champagne in a bedroom at Wyndemere. So many possibilities. Oh, and PS after the funeral day, Trina was NOT ON ONCE. So.. there you go. 

CYRUS: No one invited you. No one really wanted to see you but thanks for that weird little scene in the foyer of Ava's house. 

MARTIN: This show films so much out of sequence and we know it for sure now. Martin's all over the canvas before and after the funeral but NEVER MENTIONS SPENCER'S DEATH? Like EVER? Um... Okay. Tracey was even told -- then nothing about it from him. Not even after when he sees Nina in the Metro Court Bar.  Laura would have ABSOLUTELY wanted him there.. but no, insert CYRUS. :eyeroll: Just plain bizarre. 

ALEXIS:  Ok, the writing of the obituary with Sam was touching but you did give ol' Esme a job and didn't really spend a lot of time with Spencer...and neither did your girls. There was very little connection. Sam did have a few good scenes with him a year ago--but...? The graveside narrative? Hollow. 

ESME: The ONLY thing to perk me up on Funeral Day was Heather Webber screaming at Kevin. Oh, she's so good....and so bad. Interesting Elizabeth was there. (I was just glad Finn wasn't) Esme has a marker and a freshly dug "grave". Did Kevin pay for that? I mean, I get it, she's his niece but-- you'd put an empty coffin in the ground for her? 


  Besides the fact he looks/acts nothing like Jagger, I'm already sick of the "I'm John now" thing. Look, Jagger is at least something to give you a little pizazz. He's fighting with Anna. He's fighting with Dante and of course, he's fighting with Sonny. Interesting he didn't bring up Sonny DRUGGING Karen and having her STRIP in his club--but Sonny could bring up his cheating on her. Um.. One is NOT like the other!! I am SO not into this story. Don't care. Don't care--don't care. And where's MS WU? Isn't she the head of a crime family in town? Is she a suspect or potential victim? Who in management doesn't like her because she's certainly been thrown in the closet. (same people that don't like Dr Obrect...that's who). 

CRIMSON WARS: Carly's trying to be all "FASHION" and rolling in advertising deals. Nina is going to start her own mag to rival Carly's. That's about all you need to know. Oh, and Brook Lyn threw in with Carly and is going to help her out. 

GREGORY FACTOR:  SO, he's getting worse and is going to move in with Finn and Violet. We had a lot of scenes during the funeral that were all about this guy. The ONE silver lining is that Tracey has been getting some good stuff out of it all. She even apologized to Marty about breaking his and Lucy's relationship. 

LOONEY LUCY: Umm.. where to start? Ok, so .. she begged Martin to take her back, he said no and she went back to the photo shooting set and slept with Scotty behind a hay bale. Now, I'm all for fooling around but this was... puzzling. That's all I have to say on that subject. 

DEXATRIM: Dex is up to his eyeballs in money from Michael to "keep an eye on Sonny" and Brick is on to him. Wire transfers never lie. Will he squeal on Michael? Michael and Sonny are in a decent place now. Will it blow up again? :Sigh: 

  All I'm going to say about this is: They are trying REALLY hard to make him "demented" before St. Jaysus returns. Even Carly wants him to back off from Nina-Revenge. Maybe he'll harm her and go to jail again for awhile. 

  What did she ever do to you? Geesh... Brick? SERIOUSLY? Look, having SS on once and awhile to pop in and out and jaw with Sonny is one thing--having him try to be a potential partner for Jordan is something else. Where's Zeke? How many talented actors are in LA and all over the nation? What is HAPPENING!! 

BLOOMINGDALE'S:  Lois shows up at Charlie's in this get up and I about fainted. Ok, we GET IT. She's an over the top Brooklynite --but...but... THIS? In the middle of the day? Lordy. It IS available at Bloomies so I suppose someone is buying it. Western NY would faint. 

TORRID:  Burn this blouse. That's it. Just... burn it. 

SCENES OF THE WEEK: Didn't even involve funeral. No, they took place Monday when Nikolas showed up at Laura's door with Ace.  Adam Huss was brilliant in every scene. Ace was also perfection!! Laura convinces him to turn himself in and off he goes to jail. Oh, HE didn't get to come out and watch his son's memorial...but HEATHER Webber did. Go figure that one out LOL 

There were more scenes involving Sasha/Cody and Spixie. I guess they are the "Couple Quad" now. Lois talked to Gregory, Michael and Willow had mopey time at the carriage house. I'm still in shock that I'm watching this "Who Shot Who" story unfold and Cyrus' name hasn't come up ONCE.  ?????? People are speculating it's Jason doing the shooting--but really--would he miss THAT many times? And it if IS him, I can't wait to see the excuse they give for it. HIT HIS HEAD! CHIPPED by VICTOR!! BIT BY A HALLUCIONGENIC TOAD! OR maybe Dex IS the shooter and Jason will save the entire East Coast Mobular Force, it's anyone's guess at this point. 

So that's that. Hope someone enjoyed this week!!  We had 60 degree weather here and some sun! WHOO HOO! 


  1. "Dexatrim" -- LOL, I love it.

    I think it would have been so much better if Esme had drugged and kidnapped Spencer, go off the show for three months, then have her try to broker a deal with Nikolas -- you can have Spencer if you turn over Ace. I am sooooo over funerals for characters we know are alive. Gah.

    I am almost at the point of taking a break on the show until March 1. These storylines are leaving a bad taste in my mouth and I want to approach whatever the new writers create with a clean palette.

  2. Karen, funniest surgery in a long time. Completely agree. Thanks again

  3. John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmidt
    His name is my name too.
    Whenever we go out
    We can always hear him shout,
    John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmidt
    Ba da da da da da da

    Thanks, Karen - my grandmother used to sing this to me when I was young

    1. OMG.. so your GRANDMOTHER? LOL... we sang it at camp! and I'm glad you're named John but isn't Jagger a more soapy name??

    2. also Andy and Barney sang on the episode when the kids go camping.

  4. Yup! And Dexatrim - diet pills from the 70s


  5. Fantastic SS! Thank you.
    Does history really mean anything? Why does JJJHS even have to be "Jagger"(my name is John)? Could've been a new random character.
    Totally agree with everything especially Spencer's "death", except for one thing. I can not stand Adam Huss as Nik. Smarmie and rodent like. Just my opinion of course.
    I think we all hope the new writers will be magic.

    1. I actually liked a LOT of Chris' contributions to GH -- Ron had stripped a lot of it and I think he brought back a lot of history (Whether people want to believe that or not) I also believe the showrunners at GH have A TON of control over material. I will die on that hill. Just looking at Sean and Bobbie's memorials (when they had free reign) will tell you a lot.

    2. In the past GH history has come into play with new stories but right now I'm not so sure as they have him playing down his name. Methinks that too many cooks can spoil the soap.

  6. Dexatrim? A little body shaming.....

  7. I agree with everything you said! Everything could have been so much better. And a funeral so soon after Spencer disappearing? Ridiculous.

    ----if I was William Lipton I woulda said, "Now WHY exactly am I coming back for Spencer's funeral? PITIFUL...............and NO TAGGART mention and as you said Trinia would have been in denial and not wanted to attend --and NIK couldn't come but HEATHER could?
    ------poor Jason never had a service......and yet 3 days later there was a service and a grave for Spence...
    ------STILL think there is a reason all of a sudden Greg's storyline is front and center.....just wondering if he is misdiagnosed...
    -----so disappointed in the Lucy/Scott/Martin storyline-been there/done that
    -----OCTOBER was the last time we saw Selina and I THINK November was the last time we saw Terry....
    -----have no clue - were Marshall and Stella at the service? Martin wasn't-----not even mentioned ---- I know Valentin wasn't....

    1. Stella was not, Marshall was. SOMEONE should have said "Valentin and Charlotte are traveling in France right now or they'd be here"

  9. "Call me Crazy but.... I think the writer transition has started."

    You're crazy! ROFL! No no seriously you are probably right. :)

    "ESME: The ONLY thing to perk me up on Funeral Day was Heather Webber screaming at Kevin. Oh, she's so good....and so bad. Interesting Elizabeth was there. (I was just glad Finn wasn't)"

    YES!!!!!!!!!! Fantastic scene!!! Bravo!

    "Esme has a marker and a freshly dug "grave". Did Kevin pay for that? I mean, I get it, she's his niece but-- you'd put an empty coffin in the ground for her?"

    Beats me. I was confused.


    ROFL! His name is my name too!!! :)

  10. A new interview from Steve about Jason's return.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...