Thursday, December 3, 2015

"Are you Busy"?

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Let's see if we can hang on to the hour with no press conferences.

Ava and Paul are going to have sex on the guns I think. Great storyline. Guns. SMDH. Later, Ava basically is giving Jules a BJ and Tracy calls. 

Monica and Tracy!! Yea!! Doing the charity Gala planning at the Metro. Tracy tells Monica to do the silent auction items. Monica challenges her to do a money matching thing. 

Felix is on. Sabrina goes into the sonogram room and Carlos is there, dressed up as a doctor/nurse with a mask on. geesh. He leaves. Michael comes in. They see the baby. Can't tell sex. Felix tells them the baby "might be early"
Felix confirms that the baby IS Carlos'. Carlos over heard that. YEP. Carlos and Sabby meet at the docks-- he wants her to leave with him. 

Lulu's bitching to Maxie-she's going to go tell Val off. WHY? WHY? O

Stupid Valerie is at the PCPD all dressed in her blues. OMG she asks Dante out on a DATE and they have to be discreet because they work together.
Dante says: YES! And it will be kinda fun to keep it secret.  @@ 

Lulu comes in. Wants to turn them both in for fraternization. Maxie says: Don't do it!  Lulu leaves. 

Some stuff with Maddox and Anna. 

Diane is on tomorrow. 


  1. Replies
    1. LOL she did! Had to go back and look. Today was soooooo boring! I ff thru almost all of it. Hate, HATE that Carlos is the baby daddy.

  2. NotMyGHanymore you are right! She did! Oops! :) ROFLMAOPMP! Ewwwwwwww! :)

    The hosptial:

    Sabrina and Felix:

    Sabrina: I need you to fudge the sonogram.

    HUH?!?!!?! I am so confused my head is going to implode. I'm not so sure why she wants Felix to do this. I'm not sure why she wants to keep the secret from Michael. Oh my head!!!

    OBGYN office:

    Sabrina and Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos: Oh sexy man in scrubs!!! Hot very hot! :)

    Michael, Sabrina, and Jr doctor?: Oh the doc can't tell if the baby is a Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos Jr or a Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlita.

    Michael, Sabrina, and Felix: Awww Felix is protecting Sabrina! :) That's the only thing I liked about the scene. Sabrina has really changed.

    Sabrina and Felix part 2: Oh oh! Caaaaaarlos overheard them!!!!! :)

    The pier:

    Dr. Maddox and Anna: He blackmails Anna?!!?! HUH?!!?!?!! And then after all that, she is comfortable to tell him more of what she knows?!?! HUH?!!?!?!?! Ow my poor head.

    Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos and Sabrina: Oh I just LOVE how excited he is to learn he is the daddy!!! :)

    Jerome gallery: Oh foreplay amongst the guns! :)Paul wins the line of the day!

    Paul: Hold on let me just adjust something.


    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Monica and Tracy: Oh love their scene!!!!! :)

    Paul, Tracy, and Michael: Michael shows a picture of Caaaaaaaaaaaarls Jr Or Caaaaaarlita Jr!


    Lulu: I am done pining for Dante.

    Did I miss a scene? When was she pining for Dante? Lulu talks while Maxie works! ROFL! So basically,

    Lulu: That slut that slut that slut! I want revenge!

    Maxie: Work work work. On the phone. Work work work.

    Lulu: That slut that slut that slut! Revenge!

    *Lulu walks out*

    Maxie: Lulu?! Oh oh.

    The police station: Wow! So Vante are going on a date and Lulu turned into Cujo!
    So basically,

    Val and Dante:

    Val: Oh Dante. Would you like to go out on a date with me?

    Dante: Sure!

    Val: Great! I have to go to class but I will text you.

    Dante: Okay.

    And all the while the door was open! ROFL! Idiots! Oh oh Cujo Lulu walks in!!! So basically,


    This is Lulu in Cujo mode.

    You don't want to mess with a woman scorned! You also don't want to mess with a Spencer!!!! Maxie runs in to calm Cujo Lulu and Lulu turns back to herself again.

    Kelly's part 2: Hmmmm Maxie! What are your plans? :)

    Preview for tomorrow: Caaaaaaarlos grabs Sabrina? Is this a it's not really what it looks like scene? I hope!

  3. Also hate hate hate that Carlos is the daddy. Just plain hate Carlos.
    It is completely unethical for Mr. Maddox to threaten to tell the police about what Anna did to get her to remain his patient. I think his real rationale is to get into her pants.
    In fact, the theme of today's show was pants. Maddox wants to get into Anna's; Ava DID get into Paul's. And it WAS boring.

  4. My favorite scenes today were Monica/Tracy and Monica visiting Ava at the gallery. It was VERY nice to see her outside of the mansion for a change as she is sorely underused.

  5. Soooo disappointed they made the baby Carlos's and not a new Quartermaine. The last thing this show needs IMO is to develop more mobster storylines.

    I swear I read in SOD that Anna confers with Mac this week (where we'd actually get to SEE John York) and it seems like maybe the scene was cut because all we got was Anna referencing a phone call.

    I can't believe I'm saying this but I am enjoying Nina for the first time in her scenes with Maxie, esp when she talked the other day about changing from her past mistakes. I hope they succeed over Julian. I'll still FF her with Franco and Kiki though, LOL!

  6. ishouldreadmore, I also think it's completely unethical for Dr. Maddox to threaten to tell the police about what Anna did to get her to remain his patient.

    And I agree with the rest of you about Carlos being the daddy too. I hate it! We don't need another mobster baby on the show.

    I must admit that I also like Nina with Maxie. It makes her more than tolerable. I hope they get the upper hand on Julian too.

    More Tracy, Monica and Anna is always great.

    I was hoping that Ava would promise Monica a few large pictures, then box them up to be picked up. How soapy would it be if the guys coming for the delivery came at a busy time and in the rush left with the box of guns. muyhaha....Imagine the look on Monica and Tracy's faces when that box was opened. But that will never happen....sigh

  7. "Di says I was hoping that Ava would promise Monica a few large pictures, then box them up to be picked up. How soapy would it be if the guys coming for the delivery came at a busy time and in the rush left with the box of guns. muyhaha....Imagine the look on Monica and Tracy's faces when that box was opened. But that will never happen....sigh"

    Oh that would be a GREAT idea!!!!!



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