Friday, June 28, 2024


We have one of those days going on here in Rochester that happens maybe 10 times a year if we are lucky! Mid 70's, Blue BLUE Skies and no humidity. Ahhhhhh. such bliss. I'm really trying to soak it in. 

Ok, so Sonny and Mama LaRue are drinking at The Metro Court Pool and they have scotch. He tells her Ava moved out. They dog on Ava. Dog on Nina.. giggle, Drink Scotch. Still talk about Ava and Sonny tells her how the world betrayed him. Natalia talks about ghosts keeping people up at night and to being friends. 

Ava called Laura to come over. Laura arrives in a cape that one would wear in the middle of January. She thinks it's about Nikolas but Ava says nope. Ava says that Sonny fought with her for no reason and she had to leave. He's so "unbalanced"-- this is so weird. I guess Ava's trying to get Laura to think Sonny''s out of control. She tells Laura Sonny beat a man almost to death at the wedding. Laura is SHOCKED! SHOCKED I TEL YOU. Ava says she's not sure who it is (lie) but Kristina saw it. Laura is again SHOCKED! Ava tells her she's afraid Sonny is so paranoid and unhinged he's going for full custody of Avery.  She wants Laura to be a character witness for her in court. Laura says ok.

Jason goes over to Carly's and she tells him "She Knows". He wants to know how. Carly says no. Then 2.2 seconds later she gives up Sam and Spinelli. Wants to know why Jason chose her over his freedom and family. He says he couldn't turn her in..she says it was up to her to know because it's about HER. Jason says no he did it and doesn't regret it. Carly wonders how he knows that Cates will let him out of the deal. Jason loses it when she tells him she talked to Diane. He yells that everything will be for nothing if she goes to jail. He says that she'll go away for 20 years and can't leave Donna. (ironical, no?) --he couldn't live with himself if she went to jail. BACK OFF! Carly says ok, but what is she can't live with it? Then they FIGHT EVEN mor and stupid Carly is just stupid. 

Blaze and Krissy talk about how Kristina is going to give up management of the LGBTQAI house (I guess it opened?) . She says she isn't going back and then ending up taking MATERNITY LEAVE. Blaze is like: WHAT?  You mean like, 6 weeks. Krissy says No, the whole leave. Then she launches into a screetching match about TJ and Molly and they may break up and TJ can petition for custody and she should file for custody too. LORD. "Do you want to co parent with me"?? Blaze says no, her career is just getting going. Kristina says she has to sue for custody so if TJ goes for it, she can help Molly? Huh? 

Brook and Chase are discussing moving into the Q house.. which I thought they DID ALREADY but what do I know??? They love each other..and talk about that A LOT.  Gio comes in and says Violet heard him tuning his violin and he put her back to bed. He's going outside to practice. They decide to move into the Qs for the summer. Which they already did but.. 


Ava drinks to "new beginnings"

Carly changes her mind and wants to go to the FBI and turn herself in


  1. The weather here in CT is also perfect.
    What a waste of 37 minutes. The surrogacy story is continuing to be ridiculous. Having Kristina convince herself that Molly and TJ are breaking up while they are home having zex is hard to bear. When Kristina first talked about the teen crisis center it sounded like just the thing GH needed. Hahaha. Guess not.
    Ava is hateful. Tell me Laura, the mayor, knew nothing of Sonny's wedding meltdown? Poppycock.
    How long before they get a call from the rehab place that Finn has disappeared? Just my thought on what might be ahead.

    1. zazu, my thought was Finn would go back to Doctors without Borders but I like your idea better.

  2. ----because Ava never even THINKS about these stupid pills that she is keeping from Sonny is baffling.............has that been dropped?
    -----does Ava not realize Alexis WILL tell Laura what Ava did??? Gosh Ava just lied......
    and Mayor Collins is gonna be mad at Commish Anna for not telling her about Dex
    ----Krissy and Blaze - don't care
    ------I wish I had a Jason
    -------IF Natalia is not head of Pikeman or head of a Mob Boss or something HUGE, I'm gonna be ticked off - she is a completely horrible character - NO WAY she doesn't know freakin' SONNY CORINTHOS!! (Maybe she just wants his money? Don't care but she needs to go away) - but wasting our time

  3. Hopefully Ava telling Laura that Sonny''s out of control will lead her to her having someone check on him to see if he's ooff her meds. Or are they going to have Laura forget he's bipolar too.

    Please make this surrogacy stoyline go away.

  4. This is the Carly many of us cannot sit through. No self control.

    1. I didn't see her out of control. Great scenes with Jason.

    2. Linda it's the screeching that is unbearable

    3. I didn't find she was screeching either.She was emotional but the pitch was fine to my ears.

  5. "We have one of those days going on here in Rochester that happens maybe 10 times a year if we are lucky! Mid 70's, Blue BLUE Skies and no humidity. Ahhhhhh. such bliss. I'm really trying to soak it in."

    Yes yes! So nice here!! But if I had a choice between humidity and cold winter weather, I would choose humidity!!! :)

    Carly's kitchen:

    Jarly: Love that Jason is all yelly! Group text time!!!

    The Tribbles: Jarly are arguing because of what he did for her while he was gone. And now he is yelling at her!

    Green beans: Jason is yelling because he loves her.

    The greenies: Yeah Carly loves him too!

    Badger Bob: They should just be together!

    Tommy tapeworm: What are they doing now?

    The Tribbles: They are talking close.

    Badger Bob: Are they kissing?

    Tribbles: No no. She wants to go to jail for him.

    Greenies: Awwwww. So sweet, but dumb. She should really think about Donna.

    Badger Bob: Just have zex already!

    Green beans: Is Jason shirtless yet:

    Tribbles: No.

    Green beans: Damn.

    Tommy tapeworm: So what is happening now?

    Tribbles: Carly said she is not going to help, but then she changed her mind! She isn't going to let it go.

    Everyone: DAMN!

    Metrocourt rooftop pool:

    Sonny and Giggle mouse: Are they on a date?

    Giggle mouse: I think I can guess who came up with that name.

    Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you are? You don't know Ava! Don't judge her!!! How dare you! Yeah it's best to stay away from Queen Ava if I were you. She bites.

    Metrocourt hotel room/Ava's room:

    Ava and Laura: I was so confused at why Ava called Laura. Character witness!!! OH! Well Ava should have said that right from the beginning!!! I love Laura's hair! It looks so soft.

    Queen Ava alone: To new beginnings.

    There is my Queen Ava!!! :D Take giggle mouse down too!!! :)

    Krissy's home:

    Kraze: At first I thought they were talking about the petition for the baby. Wait what?! If Tolly break up in a year?!?!! WHAT?!?!?!! What the hell Krissy!!! *Facepalm*

    Blaze: Couples fight. I know not Molly and TJ, but yes Molly and TJ.

    THANK YOU BLAZE!!!! Wait now Krissy wants to sue TJ for custody to help Molly? Krissy is all over the place!

    The Q Mansion:

    Brase: Great scene!!!! This is so sad and so funny at the same time. :) Brooky wins the line of the day.

    Brooky: Except for cousin Patty. She's a mess.


    Brase and Gio: Little V got lost! Hahahahaha. She was just talking to her aunt Brooky about that yesterday! Great continuity! Hahahahaha!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to April 24th 2009* Robin accidentally pushes Emma down the hospital stairs. This scene is a lot better than Robin putting Emma in a tree.

    1. I am enjoying Ava lately, too. I want to see her take on Sonny and win.


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...