Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Misty Dreary


WEATHER! I have a migraine/sinus thing going on due to our stupid weather we've had for the last 2 days. So, I might not last the entire time. 

Liz tries to call Chase but he says he'll call later. She's with Aidan and Jake who are eating breakfast. Aidan wants to know what's going on. Elizabeth tells him she broke up with Finn and they aren't getting back together. He asks if they are going to be seeing Violet again. Liz tells Aidan what Jake saw Finn doing. Then she's like, why were you at the bar anyway? Liz says they'll talk about that later, she's just grateful he told her. 

ChaLynn to into Finn's apartment which is a mess. They see the bottle and shot glasses and such. Finn comes out "hey, you're early, what's up"? Acts kinda casual. He says he and Liz broke up last night. Chase talks about the Violet plan to go to the Qs and Finn says 'you're not taking my daughter away from me".  Brook leaves. Chase stays behind to talk to him. Yells at Finn. Finn says "So what I drank when my father died". He's angry and Chase doesn't get it. Finn says Chase was always the golden boy and to shut up and leave her alone. Chase says he's grown and can do what he wants but not when it comes to Violet. Finn says they will never take Violet from him and to just GO! GO! 

Brook Lyn goes home and talks to Lois. Tells her that Finn is in  a full alcoholic meltdown. They talk about alcoholics in their own family and that Finn needs to want treatment himself. 

Spinelli is at The Metro in a room and has been up all night working on the FBI firewall but he can't figure out how to get the info on Jason. Sam is there. They are going to lift Jagger's FBI ID to get into the system. They see him on the security footage going to the pool and Sam gets up there incognito and pretends to fall and Jagger catches her. It's so dumb. He doesn't know her. Spinelli (disguised as pool boy) gets ice and Sam acts like she needs it on her ankle. Spin sneaks away with his bag thing. The dialog is insufferable. SO, Spin puts the wallet back in the bag and Jagger knows none the wiser. 
Spin gets into the docuvault but there are SO many files it may take months to get in there. 

Anna goes to talk to Brennan who's on his way back to Pentonville. He wants to warn her but Jagger walks in. Jagger grumbles about Anna being there and tells Brennan he'll be happy when he's back in jail. He leaves. Brennan tells Anna that Jagger thinks she's a part of Pikeman now. She wonders about the 'real' Brennan. Why did he take the money and start Pikeman.. ? yada yada. I would tell you if they said anything remotely remarkable but alas, no. 
Anna leaves and Brennan is on the way back to jail. 


  1. ----I DO like that Liz's kids love their mom, Joss and Carly get along, Trina and Portia get along - better than yelling and screaming so I enjoyed Jake and Liz's conversation
    -----the writing is all over the place - Anna after KNOWING Valentin answered the burner phone - went to BRENNAN so I guess she is trying to get info that Val is in charge and/or Brennan gave it to him? I DO like Anna and Brennan together.
    ----I HAVE to believe JohnJag KNEW Sam (or I can't go on) and was lying---MOTHER of Jason's kid, GIRLFRIEND of Dante ------ that whole thing was stupid....and Giligan stealing the FBI info???
    -----I see no way Finn can stay on the show-----either leaves for rehab, drunk-driving, or he dies.

  2. The hospital/Brennan's room:

    Anna, Brennan, and John: Anna is with two handsome men! The guys should be shirtless. :) Anna wins the line of the day.

    Anna: I can't quite decide if you need more coffee, or if you should lay off caffeine all together.


    Anna and Brennan: Awww talking about the past. :) Anna if you want to ask him out go ahead. :) Carly might be jelly though.

    Metrocourt hotel room:

    Spinny and Sam: Oh this is so stupid. Spinny does Maxie know you are there?!

    The Metrocourt roof top pool:

    Sam and John: I thought they knew each other! Spinny you forgot to zip it back up! That's not like you at all. Oh this is so stupid. Although it's nice seeing John shirtless and I wouldn't mind him carrying me. :)

    Finchy's home: Hmmm Finchy looks good after a night of drinking, and no hangover! WOW!

    Finchy and Brase: This is so stupid!

    Finchy and Chase: This is so stupid, although Finchy and Chase all yelly made my day!!! Great scene right there!!!

    Q kitchen:

    Brooky and Lois: So stupid.

    Liz's home:

    Liz, Aidan and Jake: Great scene!!!! :) This would be a perfect time for Cam to call.. What? I miss Cam! :)

    1. Oh and the end with Johnny Wactor, awwwww! :(

    2. I saw Brennan at the pool and thought Sonya will be so happy to have finally got his shirt off!

    3. "Judith says, I saw Brennan at the pool and thought Sonya will be so happy to have finally got his shirt off!"

      Hahahaha. That was actually John Jagger Cates, I would LOVE to see Brennan without his shirt! :)

    4. Arggghhh! Brennan, yer up! Shuck off the handcuffs and get over to the hotel, STAT!!

    5. "Judith says, Arggghhh! Brennan, yer up! Shuck off the handcuffs and get over to the hotel, STAT!!"

      Hahahaha! Yes hurry up and go to the hotel pool!!! :)

    6. Oh please yes! Brennan at the pool instead of Pentonville!
      Seriously, how could Don't Call Me Jagger not know who Sam is?? Stupid!

  3. Finn has been drinking for one night. Why is everyone treating him like he has committed a crime? One night.
    Why is Sam talking like Minnie Mouse?
    Anna trusts Brennan? FH looks absolutely beautiful.
    I saw a comment that Frank V made about a previous cast member who is coming back: http://bit.ly/3VlOhNM

    1. Thanks for the link zazu! I would absolutely go nuts if JJ came back. :)


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...