Tuesday, June 18, 2024



UGH so I renewed the domain name and what... it's taking FOREVER to get up to speed. Meanwhile, so many people can't read my WORDS :sobbing: 

Anna and Val have wine in her apartment. They talk and banter. She's trying to get him to tell her about his business. Then they make out. He asks her to dinner tomorrow night. Then he leaves. 

Jagger goes to Jason's warehouse and says he's a free man because he found the head of Pikeman: It's Anna. Jason's like NOPE. Jaggy says he has proof. "Anna and Brennan's ties go back 5 years on this". Jason says, good, then you can let me out.  Jagger talks about their emails but they never mention Pikeman. He wants Jason to get real proof and Jason is like OK. The sooner this is over the better. Jagger tells him not to warn Anna or Carly will go to jail. 

SO, Jason runs right to Anna's and tells her Jagger thinks that she and Cates have been meeting and emailing for 5 years. OMG Has to be Alex, right? Oh Anna thinks Valentin did this and is framing her. Or no, just deflecting. Jason says doesn't matter because he needs proof and he has to tell Jagger that the head of Pikeman is Valentin or he'll put CARLY IN JAIL! Anna says no because its not time and all this other crap. She says she'll get the evidence tomorrow at dinner. :eyeroll: Jason says she'd better because if not, he's turning in Valentin so Carly doesn't get hurt/jailed whatever. 

Sam goes to the Metro Pool. Willow's party is over. Carly wonders why she's there. Sam says she wants to ask for Carly's help mother to mother. OMG there's a ton of stupid dialog about Sam/Danny and Jason. Carly thinks whatever Jason does or says is ok because she trusts him. Sam says she's worried about Danny and Jason's lifestyle. You have to hear it to believe it. Sam says that asking Jason to leave Danny alone can ONLY COME FROM CARLY!! period. Carly won't do it. Asks Sam why she wanted to have Jason's baby so badly. Sam says she was in love then but Jason didn't turn out to be the man she thought he was. Carly thinks Sam is punishing Jason. Sam says that she's not and she doesn't want Danny to end up dead like Morgan. Carly says NOPE, that's not it, you're just mad Jason didn't end up with YOU! yada yada.. then Sam says if anything happens to Danny, Carly is just as responsible as Jason is?? Umm?? 

Sasha and Cody are at the boathouse. Neither can sleep. She talks to him about Mac and the light in his eyes and his smile....and UGHHHHHHHHHH. They kiss. Go into the boathouse to have sex and GIO SHOWS UP outside with his damn violin! LOL. I'm so sick of that thing. But it was funny. 

Lucy and Scotty are in Kelly's talking about Blazes' final contract and her mom won't let her sign one yet. Then they talk about Heather. OH!! Scotty is working on her case!!! WOW ..um, ok. He thinks there may be a lot of money in it. Lucy mentions Franco and his tumor. They go round and round and Lucy finally tells him not to be the one that handles Heather's case. He seems to agree. 

TODAY'S SHOW WAS SO confusing and the dialog so so.. ughhhhhhhh. The Sam and Carly stuff made ZERO sense. 


  1. On a positive note: nice to have Lucy and Scott out of the sub closet.
    I like Sasha and Cody.
    Are they trying to make Sam as annoying as possible? Success. This person who wants to take down the FBI, LOL, is scared of her son's father taking risks. Sam McCall has had her day. Her character can leave now.
    How dead was Alex? Anything is possible.

    1. I can't even watch a scene with Sam in it anymore. It was nice to see Scotty again and I also like Sasha and Cody.

      As for the rest it was an hour of my life I'll never get back.

  2. Jason's warehouse:

    Jason and John: HUH?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Anna's home:

    V.C. and Anna: Oh hell no! I hate this!!!! Using each other and kissing. NO NO NO NO!!!!

    Jason and Anna: Alex would make sense. I hate that V.C. is setting Anna up!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    The Q boathouse:

    Sasha and Cowboy Cody: Oh come on Cowboy Cody! There is more than 1 reason that you don't want to tell Mac that you are his son! It's because you are scared that you will be rejected! But you won't!!! Cowboy Cody wins the line of the day.

    Sasha: You are on my mind.

    Cowboy Cody: What was I wearing?

    ROFL! They are adorable together, but I don't want them to have sex when she just said she was lonely! No no no! I'm glad Gio interrupted. I love when he plays his violin!


    Lucy and Scotty: Oooo Scotty is Heather's lawyer?!?!!! Soapy goodness. :)

    Lucy: She actually wants to reopen and reexamine Heather's case.

    No Lucy! She does not want to reopen!!! All she wants to do is add the cobalt poisoning to Heather's case!!! Are Lucy and Scotty a couple? :)

    Metrocourt rooftop pool:

    Carly and Sam: Carly made a good point! Yeah Sam you really wanted Jason's baybay!!! Sam made a good point too about how she has grown! It's true! Sam has changed! Of course Carly won't help you Sam! Jason is her best friend.. DUH! You are right. Carly don't want Jason to change. EVER! Carly will always want to be number 1 in Jason's life!


    1. Happy belated birthday Sonya! And I'm so excited to see Mac again. :)
      If Anna says one more time, "now is not the time" to Jason, I'm gonna scream, lol!

    2. "Happy belated birthday Sonya! "

      Thank you thank you!! I'm 50!!! On my birthday I couldn't wrap my head around it! I was in shock hahaha.

      "And I'm so excited to see Mac again. :)"

      Me too me too! :D

      "If Anna says one more time, "now is not the time" to Jason, I'm gonna scream, lol!"

      BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Stop it Anna!

  3. I loved Lucy's dress. I am team Carly. Zazu, I agree with your Sam comments.
    All time random comment: I have been looking to redo my kitchen. Twice now I have seen a SMEG coffee pot in the GH kitchens. This coffee pot is pricey, and it looks like an egg to me.
    I probably would have never noticed the prop but for I've considered another appliance by this company.

    1. Lizfan Amazon has them for $229 in lots of colors

  4. Thanks kd. We can read yout words again.

  5. I will be tarred and feathered for this, but I liked today's episode. The best bits were Lucy and Scotty debating Heather (lots of history brought up) and Carly calling out Sam. That confrontation was long overdue.

    Also, the mention of Morgan today has me wondering if they really are bringing the character back. If they do, he should be married to Nelle. Tomorrow we get Mac back.

  6. I just read Morgan was on set. Don't know if it's true

    1. He posted a picture that was taken of him on set years ago. Playing games maybe.

  7. SOOO confusing - why would Cates believe BRENNAN about Anna???
    ----Sam is just ugh ugh ----I am SO team Carly when both of them are on the screen
    -----by the way, I watched State of Mind with Maurice - who had Eva on his show - it was very interesting cause at the beginning the words something like This is the beginning of 3 weeks of Maurice's battle for the next 3 weeks. He will address this when he is able."
    and really he was clearly not in a good place - she carried the show - continually talking....
    ----she said one day they weren't able to rehearse but they pulled it off and another time he said, 'last Thursday I was able to work through my battles right now cause it was so emotional and intense" and something about the two of them and she said, "I appreciate that cause those words were not how I feel " and he said 'yeah, it's a difficult character to play.
    --SO was that an upcoming scene about the tape of Ava's??? cause they haven't had emotional scenes yet...
    ----anyway - it was NOT the Maurice of other weeks' shows..made me sad.....

  8. also - I thought Willow's party was silly - was it her 30th??? and no kids there? I guess it was about Drew's announcement but still weird party.....(did he EVER talk to Sam? LOL)and I am betting that this race of Congress is gonna mean something/he'll be bribed - I dunno and I don't care but WAY too much storyline about it.

  9. I loved Lucy and Scott - never gets old for me! I want Anna's white blouse! Happy to see Val but he is on too infrequently. Carly and Sam can both go jump off the pier as far as I'm concerned.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...