Thursday, June 27, 2024

Bye, Daddy


Thursday!! ... and FINN's LAST DAY

Carly has Diane over to talk about her legal situation with the RICO crap. Carly explains it and tells Di she was heading Sonny's organization because of the DRUG THING and had to...someone wore a wire. Diane is like: that was dumb. Carly says they are blackmailing Jason and the FBI probably won't honor the agreement so she should just turn herself in NOW. What are my odds? she asks. Diane asks about what she did while she was 'acting head'. Nothing illegal but if the FBI has that original file and with her association with Sonny over the years, they'd have a good case. She then says Carly COULD say she was trying to protect her family and went into that meeting and was BRAVE.. and yada yada. She'll have maybe a 30% chance of getting off the charges. She doesn't like those odds.

Dex visits Joss at her new apartment. Trina is taking care of a "sick" Stella. Oh brother. They eat and talk about his stupid Cop classes. Yawn. HE wants to get back to where they were before she knew he'd kill for Sonny. Joss wants to forgive him. 

Sam asks Dante where Danny is..he's like: UM, Jason picked him up?? She's like WHAT. Then she tells him about the Carly/Spinelli RICO findings. He's says OMG that's a FEDERAL CRIME! Who knows? She says Spinelli, Carly and him. He's like I'm an ACCESSORY! Tells her she could be taken away from her kids for this. She's like they'll never know! Dante says if they see any weird activity on Jagger's ID, he's going to know who did it. He says she'd better hope NO ONE says anything about this. 

Jason has Danny, looking at HIS MOTORCYCLE ahahaahaha. um, ok? Danny asks if his father taught him how to do maintence on the bike and he says "No Alan, fixed people". Tells him it was after the accident. Jason tells him about his car crash and his TBI and losing his memory. Danny is fascinated by the motorcycle (ut oh). He wants to learn how to ride. Jason says they have to ask his mom. 

Finn says goodbye to Violet. It's really done well. You should watch it. He tells her he has to go away because he's sick in the head and heart and started drinking after Grandpa died. She said she'll help him stop. He cries, she cries. Sad. She keeps trying to get him not to go and he has to go. Brook and Chase are just sobbing. JL is SUCH a good little actress. She tries to give Finn her bracelet to wear and it's too small so he puts it by his heart. :SOBBING: 

Chase drives Finn to the rehab. Finn thanks him for letting him say goodbye to Violet. They talk and Finn is forever grateful. Violet and Brook talk about the type of hospital Finn is going to. Then they talk about what Violet can do this summer at the Qs. She's glad they are family. 

Diane is going to get a defense together for Carly but not using it until she needs it. 

Chase watches Finn walk into the rehab center. 


  1. Jason's bike: Where the heck are they? At the warehouse?

    Danny Cheeto and Jason: My first thought was oh oh. Jason is going to let him ride the motorcycle isn't he? Big mistake! No no no. Oh good Danny Cheeto didn't ride. Whew. Not until you are 18 bud. Alan mention! YAY! :D

    Sante home:

    Sante: Dante is right Sam!!! Listen to him!!! I can't believe Sam is being so naive! Oh good I'm glad she did listen to Dante!

    Sante, Jason, and Danny Cheeto: Home sweet home Danny Cheeto! :)

    Sante and Danny Cheeto: There is nothing wrong with saying that your dad is the best! No reason to tell Dante no offense! That was silly.

    Carly's kitchen:

    Carly, Diane, and the tribbles: Hey! The Tribbles look good. Getting bigger! While Carly and Diane were talking, The Tribbles were texting to the green beans from Sonny's home, the greenies from Bobbie's, Badger Bob, and Tommy tapeworm in a group chat about what Carly and Diane were talking about.

    The green beans: Are you going to turn in Carly?

    Tribbles: Hell no! I am no snitch.

    Tommy tapeworm: Are you going to tape her conversations and then blackmail her?

    Tribbles: Oh that is tempting, but no. She has been really good to me and besides where would I go if she kicks me out?

    Badger Bob: You can stay with me.

    Tribbles: I don't want to live in an office. I could stay with Sante. My cousins live there. Hmmm. No what am I saying? I'm not going to blackmail Carly:

    The greenies: Okay good. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble.

    Carly and Diane are done talking, so everyone in the group chat says goodbye.

    Q mansion:

    Brase, Finchy, and little V: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Great scene! When Finchy was talking about his head and heart, I cried. Broke my heart!! This little actress is so great!!!

    Brooky and little V: Brooky is so good with her!!!! Little V wins the line of the day.

    Little V: It's different when you stay over. You can get lost in it.

    BAHAHAHAHA! After she said that, then it sounded like she had a cold. Awww she calls her auntie Brooklyn. Awwwwwwww!

    Joss and Trina's Q apartment:

    Jex: Are they getting back together or not? When Dex was leaving, where is Joss going?

    Rehab center: Why is it called lodge?

    Finchy and Chase: GAH! Great scene! So sad it broke my heart!!!

    Chase: 1.

    Finchy: 2.

    Me: 3!!!

    Chase being upset in the car is so painful to watch! I want to hug him!! :(

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to March 13th 2008* Tracy chases Monica.

    1. Sam's total disrespect for Dante is shameful. I'm being vindictive here, but I really hope she gets caught and is sent to jail. I could really do with a few months without her. Lawd, she made me mad!
      I was never a Michael Eastman fan but yowser, was I crying yesterday. So well done by everyone. That picture of BLQ and Violet said it all for me. And yep, I'll be hugging Chase when you're done!
      Carly is an idiot. But Diane....smartest person in the room, as usual! :)

  2. ----I wanted Dante to yell more at Sam - what a selfish person - jealous - and she WILL blurt to Danny it's all about Carly cause she wants Danny mad at Jason
    ---VERY happy Jason is gonna yell at Carly tomorrow - when will he yell at Spinelli and Sam?
    -------Diane is just great - the voice of reason -----------------who had the recording?????Selina? Cyrus or a bodyguard?????? THREE years later?
    -----don't care about Dex and Joss.
    ------Just give the Emmy right now to ME and JL--------------it was hands down perfection....and sweet Violet - sooooo cute and realistic that she wanted to swim and ride horses...
    (gotta admit - I wasn't sure Finn was actually going into the building.)

    1. So agree with you about Dante/Sam. She is shameful.
      I was thinking the same thing as you about Finn. Thought he was going to try and make a break for it. Glad he didn't and everything was so well done!

  3. I loved Diane's comment, "So Jason has a situation that he is managing, but you decide to storm in and fix it. How has that worked out historically?"

    1. I too loved the comment, but will be fast forwarding through this same old crap with Carly. Laura has the chomps for anything, please stop having Jason save her.

  4. I have to hand it to Carolyn Hennesy (Diane). She always turns in a great performance.

  5. GREAT PODCAST with Jonathan and Steve and Bradford about his return!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. The goodbye scene was fantastic. Both ME and JL deserve an Emmy.
    Sam continues to act all jealous over Jason's actions. She is an ass and Dante deserves better. Seeing her arrested would be grand.
    Jason being under the FBI's thumb is stupid and getting tired. Hope it end's soon and they move on. That includes the Pikeman crap.


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...