Friday, June 7, 2024



More pool stuff. Nina sees Drew in the pool with Willow and Wylie. Looks a little jelly. Wylie runs to Nina and hugs her. Cynthia had to be on vacation, she looks fabulous and her hair!! amazzzzzing. They have a weird convo about Sunscreen and I think it was messed up and they improvised because it was weird. Nina is happy to see Drew playing with Wylie in the pool 

Gio runs into Trina (literally) and asks about Joss/Dex. She tells him they are exhausting but she loves them. Says they broke up over Joss' ex step father "Sonny Corinthos, who is awful". Gio gives her a mean look. He says his family loves Sonny. Then wonders why Trina looked at him so weird when they first met. She says that out of the corner of her eye, he reminds her of someone she knew and cared about. He asked what happened. She says he died. Then she runs out. 

Dex says hello to Gio. Sees Joss. Gives her the eyeballs. They talk to Trina. She says he looks pretty good after the wedding fight. No signs. 

Chase and Book Lyn talk about what to do about Finn (in their apartment). They talk SO MUCH ABOUT ALCOHOLICS it's ANNOYING. We get it, and I've seen damn addiction stories on soaps since the 70s. ENOUGH. They are worried about Violet. Brook wants to take her on their honeymoon but Chase says they can't take her out of the country. They decide to tell her she's going to the Quartermaine Summer camp and they'll move back to the Qs and have Violet there to do fun stuff. 

JAKE is in The BROWN DOG with his friends and the friends have fake ID but he doesn't. THEN he sees FINN at the bar with Barb, drinking. Jake is like @@!!!!!! DOH!! Barb is flirting with Finn big time. Jake says I GOTTA GO!! Then the kids get beers. Jake says Finn's Dad just died and he'd never do that to HIS MOM.. but Finn then buys a bottle to take home. 

Barb keeps flirting. Finn says he's on a trip to PC and she says maybe she can make it "memorable" bada bing.  Jake sees him kiss Barb and leave with her. He's mad and gets up and leaves too.  
Barb and Finn make out in his apartment, filled with his Dad's boxes. 

Liz catches Finn with Barb on the couch and sees the tequila

OH!! Jake called Jason and on MONDAY he comes in and tells Finn to let Liz go!! Squee!! 

Jake goes to GH and tells Liz he saw Finn leaving a dive bar with a woman and it was clear they had both been drinking.  Liz is like UM.. I'll take care of this. She leaves. Jake calls someone on the phone and says that Liz needs them. (Jason??) 


  1. --worse Friday show ever except the last 30 seconds.
    ---HOW did Willow not see how Nina was looking at Drew?????????
    ----Chase and Brook Lynn were on my LAST NERVE today - whine whine and they have no clue WHERE Finn is and what he is doing and they discuss taking Violet with them to Italy????
    -----LOVE that Jake called JASON!! Is Jake still in high school? Did Charlotte ever say goodbye?
    ----I thought Barb was a hooker?
    ----meanwhile where are Anna, Valentin, Sonny, Ava, etc etc.....

  2. This Finn story is maddening and unnecessary. The only thing that makes sense is that he's been with Elizabeth for what seems like forever and they may have kissed a few times. So he brings a ho to his home to have zex. He acts like he needs it. I HATE this story.
    Looks like CW has gone to her natural hair color. Toning her down a bit. Character change coming? Seems to be the trend.
    Chase and BLQ....please stop this banter.

  3. Brase's home: Oh these scenes are stupid and ridiculous!!!!! FINCHY IS NOT AN ALCOHOLIC!!!! AND YOU CAN'T TAKE LITTLE V TO ITALY WITHOUT FINCHY'S PERMISSION! Oh you know what? I'm done talking about this. The only thing good in these scenes is that Chase won the line of the day.

    Chase: Not the best approach huh?


    The brown dog bar:

    Jake and his friends: Well that is very realistic! Teens at a bar with fake ID's! :) Oh wait Jake has no fake ID. That's odd that his friends didn't make him one.

    Barb and Finchy: Oh Barb! You are so thirsty! Get your thirst on lady! :)

    Barb: I'm also hoping there's something I can do to make your trip memorable.

    Oh you sure can! ;) Oh she is touching him. Come on Barb tell him that you want to take him to his place. ;) OH! Time to leave? Oh good! ;)

    The hospital:

    Liz and Jake: Jake protecting his mama awwww! :) What a good boy! :)

    Jake on the phone: Calling Jason? Awwww Liason!! I miss them.

    The rooftop Metrocourt pool:

    Gio and Dex: Geez Dex can't even talk to Gio without having eye sex with Joss. I want Jex to get back together!

    Gio and Trina: Hahaha Trina even wants Jex back together! :) Oh no Spencer talk. Awww Trina. :( Very realistic thank you writers!

    Joss and Trina: I love that Joss wants to beat up Gio hahahaha. She is a great friend! :)


    Willow, Wiley, and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Seriously what is going on with them?! I am still getting a vibe between them! Where is Michael?! He should be there!

    Nina and Gio: Yes! Cynthia looks fantastic! Nina sees Drew aka Ryan Lavery and is all a flutter! :)

    Nina, Wiley, and Willow: Yeah good idea Nina to get a towel over a wet Wiley! You don't want your white shirt wet because then it will be see through! Hahahaha! Man Nina and her vajayjay wants Drew aka Ryan Lavery! Oh look! Nina walks away and Drew aka Ryan Lavery wants Nina too. He can't stop looking at her! :)

    Finchy's home: Oh Barb get what you want girl! :) OH LIZ! HA! BUSTED! Oh wait a minute. No sex? Just making out? How disappointing. Back in the day, Liz cheated with Nik and Lucky walked in on them having sex! Barb and Finchy making out! What a jip!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go watch Skye* Skye's slaps!!! :)

  4. Alright, here's what I liked about Friday's episode...

    I like Jake. That kid has a lot of potential as an actor.

    Love that Jake called Jason and Jason comes on Monday to help Elizabeth. It's about time that those two interacted more.

    This looks like the end of Elizabeth and Finn, at long last. So glad. What a poorly thought out pairing.

    I do enjoy Trina and Gio together. They show promise as a couple. Of course, it will all come down to the writing going forward.


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...