Thursday, June 20, 2024



Felicia and Mac are making out on Maxie's couch. Everyone is out and Bailey Lu is sleeping. He talks about seeing Frisco!! That's where he was. Then the doorbell rings and ROBERT AND ANNA COME IN!! ROBERT!! They talk and Mac finds out Jagger is back. Anna says he's not the kid he remembers. She gets a text and has to leave. She says Mac better be at work in the morning. 

Sam goes to Spinelli's computer office. He said he found what they are looking for. Sam loses it when she realizes he did it for Carly. Spinelli tries to say he was being noble. Sam says it's not noble to let your kids think YOU'RE DEAD. She has Spinelli download the audio file. She stomps out. 

Violet is going to the pool with Georgie but doesn't want to leave Finn alone. She goes. Finn looks at the bottle and his hospital badge. He puts the bottle away and leaves. the apartment. 

Terry wants to talk with Liz about Finn. Terry goes over the whole alcoholic thing again and that Finn has to ask help for himself and yada yada. 

Finn comes to GH and is snarky to Liz. Portia calls him into the office with Terry. They told him his calendar is cleared. They want to talk about his drinking. HE's like did Liz tell you? SO what, you two drink. Do you think I'm using narcotics. They say no but you'll have to follow a physican's plan to keep working (bunch of rules) and get rando drug tested. He yells back he saved GH with his formula and they should be thankful. They all argue and then HE QUITS! 

Finn confronts Liz in the nurses station. He yells at her, she yells back and says she did it for his sake and Violet's... He says to stay away from Violet AND NOT CALL. She says she's her guardian. He says that was his mistake. STAY AWAY. 

Trina is at the pool and talks to Joss. Maxie comes in with all the kids. Nina walks by. Nina and Maxie talk about Willow's birthday party. Very cute convo. 

Carly is in the Coffee Warehouse, talking to Jason and wonders if he knows about Drew's plans.  She tells him he's running for congress. Jason SO? I don't care, he'll probably be good. Carly freaks out. THE MEDIA!! The Q's! They'll drag up all the dirt on you all! On Sonny!! OMG !! She's just being out of control. Jason is still like: MEH. Carly still loses it and is sad he lost 2 years of his life and it's not fair and WHY Did he work with the FBI!!? WHY? 


Anna goes to Jason , he tells her to get the evidence now because Drew is running for congress and stuff is going to come out. 

Finn goes home and chugs the vodka. 

Sam goes to Carly's office and tells her there is something she has to hear. 


  1. Finn's friends and family are too far ahead of him. Their methods are driving him right to the bottle. He has not proven that he is as bad off as they all claim. But now he probably will. I hate this story.
    Love all the lightness that the pool scenes and Mac's return bring.
    Get this stupid Pikeman crap over with.
    Sam is nothing but an annoyance. She is first on my list of goodbyes.

  2. Maxie's home:

    MacLicia: Yeah yesterday I was thinking they have a lot to catch up on.. ;) But not at Maxie's home!! Hahahaha! WHAT?! Mac saw Frisco? But why?! He didn't say! I want to know why!!!

    MacLicia and RnA: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Where have you been Robert?! Awwww the Scorpio brothers hug awwwwww! :)

    Jason's warehouse:

    Jarly: Oh Carly stop whining!!!

    Jason and Anna: I'm still sad of the death of the coffee beans. :(

    Spinny's home:

    Spinny and Sam: *Yawn*

    Finchy's home:

    Finchy and little V: Awwww little V! I know you don't want to leave your daddy alone. That's sweet, but your daddy is not your responsibility!!!! I'm worried about her.

    Metrocourt rooftop pool:

    Joss and Dex: Are they back together? I know they had 1 date. Hmmmm.

    Joss and Gio: Gio should have a fling with an older woman. ;)

    Maxie, James, Georgie, and little V.: Maxie wins the line of the day.

    Maxie: I am the boss of everyone!

    BAHAHAHAHA! I love her in mom mode. Love scenes with her and her kids. :) I love that she wants to put suntan lotion on James because he missed some spots. :)

    Maxie, Nina, and James: OH! I forgot that Nina is James's aunt! They should have more scenes together, and James should call her aunt Nina! That would help a lot!

    Maxie and Nina: Yes yes. Willow's birthday party. How old is Willow? :) 30?

    The hospital:

    Finchy, Terry, and Portia: Blah blah blah drinking. Blah blah blah alcoholic. Blah blah. OH! Drug testing. I like that. :) Ooooo love that Finchy was all yelly!

    Finchy and Liz: Great scene!!! Finchy all yelly!!! :D OH MY! Liz is little V's aunt Finchy!!!! Don't do this!!!

    Finchy's home: Ra ro! He is going to get drunk and little V is coming home!!! I have a bad feeling about this. :(

    Near Carly's office:

    Sam and Carly: Oh give me a break Sam!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1997* Tony talks to Alan about Carly.

    1. Oh forgot 1 thing. Joss says to Gio that Spencer died in February! Huh?! No Joss it's January!

    2. Look at you knowing when Spencer! Seems like years ago, lol!
      So happy they dusted off Robert and he Mac had a brother love fest.
      Finchy was just a mean old man. Bad, bad things coming. And just like I told Linda below, I'm Team Sam now. Certainly enjoyed her blasting Spinelli about nobility. Ha!

    3. "Julie H says, Look at you knowing when Spencer!"

      Hahaha. Someone on twitter said January, and then yesterday I looked it up, and yup January 31st! :)

      "Seems like years ago, lol!"


      "So happy they dusted off Robert and he Mac had a brother love fest."

      Haha me too!!! :)

      "Finchy was just a mean old man."

      He is really hurting over his dad's death. :(

      "Bad, bad things coming."

      I'm afraid so. :(

      "And just like I told Linda below, I'm Team Sam now. Certainly enjoyed her blasting Spinelli about nobility. Ha!"

      Nobility! Hahahaha!

  3. Thank you writers for including Robert & Anna in Mac daddy's return.

    Now after watching today I am team Sam. I think any mother would be upset that their kids dad stayed away to protect a woman who made her own choices (Even though Sam made some bad choices at one time as well so I get it).

    Poor Elizabeth. I just hope they don't have Finn's drinking hurt Violet physically.

    1. Please help me but I'm Team Sam, too. Just because of his sons. It's great that he is a loyal, true blue friend, blah, blah, blah, but when you're a dad, kids come first.

  4. Glad that Mac is back! Also, and just wanted you to know a lot of us are still reading daily while the domain situation is worked out.

  5. Dang, based on the previews and everything that was set up today, tomorrow's episode looks like it will be a true blue Friday episode with lots of drama and cliffhangers. :-)

  6. LOVE seeing Robert, Anna, Mac and Feicia again!!!! I was at least right that he was keeping a secret (helping a friend) - FRISCO!
    ----some may disagree, but I'm gonna say it....LOL.......Jason IS the kind of guy who not only would protect Carly, but would have done the same thing for Sam, Sonny, his kids, his mom, Liz and her kids, Spinelli to name a few. He would never let those people to go to jail. Sam acting like Jason isn't a total gentlemen.
    ----BUT I get we gotta have Sam mad and jealous of Carly and then Sonny mad and jealous of Carly and then Carly does something stupid, etc. etc.
    ----I am sure I am wrong about this, but seems odd EVERYTHING about Jason's deal, etc. is on the 'cloud' so anyone could download it!
    -----Getting close to Finn doing something tragic so he has to leave the show/rehab, etc.

    1. "Mufasa says, I was at least right that he was keeping a secret (helping a friend) - FRISCO!"

      But Mac and Frisco have never been friends. When did THAT happen?!

    2. Doesn't Frisco still work for the WSB? Mac may have been helping him with a job and he can't talk about it.

    3. right Di - cause when Anna needed him that older guy remember said he fired Frisco - and then never said where he was and then that guy died maybe and Brennan showed up...

    4. "Di says, Doesn't Frisco still work for the WSB?"

      Like what Mufasa said Frisco was fired. Maybe they got Frisco back? Hmmm.

      "Mac may have been helping him with a job and he can't talk about it."

      Hmmmm could be, but why call him a friend? So confusing.

    5. Because saying I was away all this time helping someone I don't really like, just wouldn't cut it. The generic helping a friend was the way to go., especially if it was a secret mission.

    6. When I read that article with FV saying someone was coming back and the viewers would go wild I thought of Frisco. It would be grand if JW returned even briefly.

    7. "Di says, Because saying I was away all this time helping someone I don't really like, just wouldn't cut it. The generic helping a friend was the way to go., especially if it was a secret mission."

      Well, sure, but I don't buy him saying Frisco is a friend. He could have helped anybody! :) He could have said he helped Blackie Parrish!! Hahahaha.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...