Monday, June 3, 2024

GH Today


Jason shoots one of the guys and he falls, the other guy runs out. Checks for pulse and Anna walks in. Guy is dead. He thinks Anna was watching the place. She said no, she was going to question Sonny about Dex. 

Carly's still talking to Sonny in The Metro lounge, he said Jason was going to get what was coming to him. Carly says that Jason is still his friend and has his back. He says BYE he's going to go talk to Blaze.  Then Brick calls about the shooting at the warehouse. 

Jason is now at the PCPD. Diane walks in and Anna leaves. Jason says she has to warn Sonny that the police are going to question him. She says "He tried to kill you" Jason reminds her she's his lawyer. She said, well, I'm yours too! Then Sonny calls Diane and asks to meet her at the warehouse. Jason tells her to go. Then Anna comes back in. *sigh* she says to stop protecting Sonny, tell her it was him that ordered the hit. Jason won't. Anna gets a burner phone from forensics. 

Diane meets Sonny at the warehouse. He's like standing in the middle of the damn blood? It's so weird. Upshot is --Diane takes him into Jason's office and asks him if he ordered the hit. He says it wasn't him. 

Eva LaRue NATALIA or whatever goes to Sonny's and Ava answers the door. Eva brought Sonny some single malt scotch. She has no idea he beat Dex up at the reception lol. They talk about the wedding and Blaze and Kristina. The tangent is that Eva starts saying she doesn't like their relationship and Ava's all: WHAT ? It's 2024! THEN Eva talks all about the surrogacy and how it's not a good idea and gay people are "flighty" and just a bunch of weird stuff. Ava tells her she's wrong and it's a beautiful thing. Eva says: well, that's YOUR opinion, not mine. 

Brennan gets out of his handcuffs with a pick, the guard had to go to another floor. He got scrubs from his room ?? UM, ok He meets Valentin in the stairwell. They talk about the insane Pikeman crap and the upshot is Carly's blabbing let them know that Jason is working with the FBI. Valentin is like, ok. Didn't act surprised. Says to leave Jason alone. Then they wonder what Jason knows about Pikeman. Valentin says don't worry because Sonny will take him out anyway.  He tells Jack to go back to Pentonville. Jack wants the charges dropped. Valentin says not yet, they have more to do. 

Blaze and Krissy eating at The Metro room. Blaze has to tell her that Molly knows about the wedding stuff because she told her. Kristina flips out..geesh, BIG TIME. She's really mad that Blaze told her and she thins it's really bad. She's says YOU BETRAYED ME and leaves.

Carly stops Kristina in the hallway. Asks if she's ok. Kristina says the baby is moving and she likes it that it's safe and she'll have it for 9 months. Carly says that it will always be a part of her, just like Sonny is a part of her. Carly sits and talks to her about Sonny and life and.. you know. 


AVA ended up taping the whole Eva LaRue bigot stuff on her phone! (she was dictating when she came in) 

OMG!! Anna called the number on the burner phone and VALENTIN ANSWERED! SHE KNOWS HE PUT THE HIT OUT ON SONNY!! 


  1. Two seconds in I thought...OMG this is so stupid. Brennan in bed with one wrist cuffed. And then it got worse when he sneaks his way to the stairs and voila...Valentin.
    Kristina is due in August. Looks like they need a bigger tummy pillow.
    A bit of our Ava showed through in her conversation with Ms. Homophobe.
    I guess Sonny's new behavior is now accepted and tolerated. No illness involved.
    This is all very disappointing.

    1. "Zazu says, Looks like they need a bigger tummy pillow."


  2. ----horrible convoluted episode UNTIL THE FREAKIN END!!
    LOVED IT!!! I was so mad that Anna who just 2 weeks ago said to Jason "Pikeman is coming for you" and today she blamed SONNY????
    -----(Guess Val had a burner phone since Anna didn't recognize the number)
    -----but MAYBE now we have relief of this stupid storyline ----- I see light at the end of the tunnel....what a great great ending!
    -----okay Ava is gonna give her phone to Sonny and ask him to approve the speech she was preparing for new artist and thus he will hear Natalia - an Ava will be 'oh I didn't know'
    (one website said Natalia may not be around long since fans don't like her)
    -----HOW can Diane defend Sonny and Jason when she couldn't Drew and Carly
    -----when Kristina said 'is my dad different now' HOW did Carly not say 'yes he is different - something is wrong'....
    -----Brennan telling Valentin 'you are taking too long to get me out" made me think that Valentin might turn on Brennan OR vice versa????
    Great ending NOW please do not let Anna be STUPID!!!!!!!!! at least the previews showed Jason saying 'that's all I need to know' means she does tell Jason it was Valentin.

    1. The end knocked me over. I don't know why but I didn't think that burner would go right to Valentin. I thought for SURE the goonie that ran away would have alerted him lol. I about fell off my chair! The NOT discussing of Sonny's bipolar diagnosis was just puzzling and infuriating

  3. by the way - read that Cody (Josh K) is dating Nelle (Chloe) -------odd

  4. Sonny's home:

    Ava and Natalia: Oh boy! Once Sonny shows up, Natalia will be giggling again.

    Natalia: Gay people are flighty. They are not serious about life.


    Greenbeans: :0

    Ava and her phone recorder: Ooooooo! What are you going to do with that recording Queen Ava? :) Let Sonny hear it? :) I had a feeling she recorded the conversation! :) I mean she had the phone with her when she answered the door! :)

    Metrocourt hotel room:

    Kraze: Damn Krissy! You act like Blaze cheated on you!

    Metrocourt lobby:

    Krissy and Carly: Krissy is in a daze because Blaze cheated on her.. 00. I'm glad Carly is there for Krissy!!

    The hospital/Brennan's room: I'm waiting for Brennan's hospital gown to have a wardrobe malfunction. :D

    The stairwell:

    Brennan and V.C.: V.C. touched him twice!!! Nice new bromance. :) They should be topless talking. :) V.C. head of Pikeman.. Interesting. V.C. wins the line of the day.

    V.C.: Join a book club. Make a friend.


    Jason's warehouse:

    Jason and the 2 bad guys: OH NO!!!! The coffee beans have been shot and they died!!! *Cry cry cry* :(

    Jason and Diane: Jason aka Mr. Tattoo and his blue eyes are worried about Sonny awwwww!

    Jason and Anna: Anna I think you should focus more with the coffee beans! :(

    Police station:

    Jason and Anna: Damn Anna!!! Calm the hell down! Where the hell is your WSB instincts!!! OH THAT PHONE! Yes Anna call it. :) OH DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0

    Jason and Diane: Damn Diane! Right away you think it's Sonny?!?!!! How could you?!!

  5. Why have they made everyone so OOC. WHY is Valentin Pikeman and putting hots on Sonny? Is this show The Upside down now?

    1. I mean hit out on Sonny. Lol

    2. But Linda, the mental image of him putting the hots on Sonny was so much more entertaining.

  6. "Di says, But Linda, the mental image of him putting the hots on Sonny was so much more entertaining."

    Hahahaha. I agree!!! :)


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...