Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Jonathan Jackson is BACK ON GH!

 Um, DEALINE:  Jonathan JACKSON IS BACK AT GH! He won FIVE Emmys as Lucky Spencer 


  1. OMG - Now that's big news!! I am thrilled!

  2. Great news; Jackson is a great actor...You knew from the start even as a kid that he was an acting prodigy when he could go toe to toe with Tony Geary and Genie Francis in their scenes. So glad for Genie too now because she and Jackson play off each other so well and she will get some meaty scenes with him if the writers step up and have their characters interact as they should. Now, somebody get Julie Berman on the phone and get her back as Lulu and BRING THE SPENCERS BACK TO THE FOREFRONT IN PC....OldSchoolGHFan

  3. This may be the only news I need to keep watching. Esp because its the original Lucky. Please don't have it be for just a few days! Yay for Becky ☺

    1. The article at Deadline says it's expected to be a long run.

  4. Yeah I just read that in my email! I had to come on here to see if you put this up Karen!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!!?! I think I'm having a stroke! I can't believe it!!!! LUCKY!!!!! MY LUCKY! L&L2!!!!! Oh no now I'm getting emotional!!! :')

  5. I am not as excited as others - hear me out - Lucky has allowed Liz to raise the kids, he is never mentioned, he never returns for funerals like his DAD's funeral.......I don't even remember WHAT he does in Europe......SO IF the writers have a good reason for Lucky's being gone and he has an edge to him with Liz about his son or something, then I can get excited.......

    1. This is one of those that I don't care what spin they put on it, this guy is an amazing actor and is part of the Spencer clan. Yes he should have been there for everything I am excited to watch him try and make up for it.

    2. As long as he's not the real head of Pikeman I think I can live with what they come up with. LOL

  6. THIS is excellent news!!!! Now the writers and everyone need to WAKE UP and start doing a better job with the writing. I wonder why he decided to come back. Didn't think that would ever happen. I agree that Julie Marie Berman needs to come back too as Lulu. So sad again about Tyler Christopher. His Nic and Lucky were so good together too. Genie must be so thrilled. They were such a wonderful Mother/Son duo. I will start watching again for this. PLEASE GH do a stand up job for this. Drop the stupid Laura/Heather nonsense and focus on this return PLEASE

    1. P.S. IMO he is one of the best actors that has been on GH

  7. This is great news. Jackson is a good actor and Lucky is an important character. I hope this means we will see Elizabeth on our screens more, too. I am looking forward to scenes between Lucky and Liz and Lucky and Laura.

    I predicted a few months ago that Lucky and Lulu would both be back by year's end with the new writers (although not necessarily played by the original actors). I stick by that prediction. I think Lulu will be next and the Spencers will again move to the forefront.

  8. I fan-girl squealed when I read this and I couldn't be happier! I don't care that he's been an MIA dad, same goes for Frisco. Those decisions were made by other writers/regimes and didn't make sense then or now. They did them both dirty, so I'm blocking it all out, lol! I'm also blocking out ladderr's sarcastic comment "As long as he's not the real head of Pikeman..." HAHAHAHAH! Don't even put that out in the universe! :)

  9. Michael Easton is out! Filmed his last scenes and left a heartfelt message to his fans. I hope we don't lose little Violet.

    1. I just read this. He will be missed. Hamilton Finn is a good name but the character never flourished. Maybe if he was cast as John McBain. Oh well. Sad to see him go.



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...