Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sunday Surgery: Chug It


You should have gotten a White Claw

So, here we are!! Reliving our youth!! So many things to unpack this was crazy!! I felt like GH blew their entire 'extras' budget for the year!! Sets were full!! People were moving around!! Masks came off! Kids were throwing up! Drama in the House! 

Grab anything but whiskey and coke.. that ish is not good for you!!

New Writing Team's name is up!! Dan and Chris! You know I'm a Chris fan and let's see if Dan can bring some new ideas. Shelley had written for a long time and I'm looking for some new injection into the show. I already feel like more characters are interacting on a more regular basis but that might be my imagination?  


DECISION OF THE WEEK: The judge decided DrewCo is competent to make his own choices. She DID NOT "declare" he was Drew Cain (a big misconception). All she did was say, yep, based on the psych done, he can choose to have the procedure or not. Scotty blamed Kevin, Cam blamed Jason. Kim blamed Julian.  Liz is sad. Franco suddenly wants to stay in Port Charles and not run. (after weeks of wanting to  leave Port Charles and run). All I could think of was that song: Key Sara Sara Sara  "Whatever will be will be"... because this story? Time's up. 


PSA OF THE WEEK:  Ok, ok, so the whole thing reads like An After School Special on drinking but--at least management let them do it!! These teens have been so squeaky clean, it's hurt!! I think maybe they let it be done since:
The kids got caught quickly
They got really sick
They'll probably not touch alcohol for forever after this

I wonder if Cam will have to pick up garbage for another year?? LOL 


MASK OF THE WEEK:  So.. it's not a rubber face mask, it's a mask from  "Eyes Wide Shut" as Jenn pointed out on Twitter!!  At any rate, I was waiting for the 'surprise' like everyone else and it ended up being......


Nikolas! Some people were shook at how young he looked (ok, yes, me for one) but he's in his 40s and closer to Nik's "real age" than Tyler ever was. I will see how the actor does--what his chemistry is with others before giving my final seal of Wub-Approval.  Tyler would have been my first choice because I love origin-actors but that wasn't an option so... here we go. I do think the guy has that Cassadine "look".  He's been working with Hayden and Jax all this time and is after that codicil like everyone else. Although if he's alive, why does he need it?? 


PASS OUT OF THE WEEK: Oh, Alexis is getting poisoned by Kendra--that I can tell by her palms, vomiting and numbness.  This is so anti-climax for me tho because we know she's not going to die. I'm over Trainer-Lady Kendra anyway. 


FOOL OF THE WEEK: (photo thx to @Cindy4419) ... Lucky, Luke...Ava , Holly, Robert, Anna, Jerry, Robin, Heather, her own MOTHER, Jake, Felicia, Frisco, Diego, Faison, Helena, Stavros, Stefan, Julian, Olivia Jerome, Brenda, Carly, Sonny, Jason, AJ... I COULD GO ON--but even HER OWN SELF was "DEAD" and Laura still didn't believe that Ava saw Nikolas??? Seriously? This was a huge flaw. I understand they were setting up Ava to look paranoid but COME THE HELL ON.  Ava should have said "look at me, look at you! Look at Julian!! We were ALL DEAD once!! No one thought we were alive either'!!  Then Ava goes to Shadybrook! Just like that!! What the ... :hands up: I don't even get it. 


FRIEND ZONING OF THE WEEK:  Joss did it to Cam....and Dev did it to Trina!! What is up with Dev anyway? Is he into Cam? Someone brought that up on Twitter and I have to say, I'm intrigued. He could just be pining for "his cousin" and unable to give into his feelings because it would blow his cover but him being into Cam would be great. Could be the reason he left Turkey. If he's Muslim, it would make it even MORE intriguing but.. would GH go there? Hmmmmm..
I'd go for a Cam-Trina pairing by the way... 


WUB LOVE OF THE WEEK: I can't even with these two!! LOVE them together and I was so happy Liz did't get in Hayden's face about Violet, she just enjoyed the moment.  RB better stick around. She adds a lot to the canvas and I do like ME with her as well. I want to see Anna and She and Finn all together!! 


COSTUME OF THE WEEK: RBG!! And perfect for our Molly!! Did you see TJ wants to marry her?? He sure does. Stupid Jordan was all against it at first but in the end, gave her blessing. I'm over Jordan too--she can go. 


RUNNER UP:  Casting perfection 




FACE OF THE WEEK:  Finn, explaining Roxy eats Crickets !


PROP OF THE WEEK: The protein powder in the dumpster was a close one but... this little guy placed at the Nurses' Station said to me someone is paying attention with the sets. It fits because it's a hospital and kids are around but it also is childhood--which Cam is obviously leaving. Sniff. 


Franco--Drew would have shown up at the Metro Gala as a Flying Monkey
Ryan would have escaped, killed Nina, Jordan and Peter with body parts to find all over town
TJ would have proposed to Molly, not just gabbed about it
Finn would have brought Roxy to the hospital, not just gabbed about it. (smuggled her in as I think she would be germ-banned lol but! Maybe she's a therapy dragon!)



DrewCo is declared competent to make his own choices
Kim was acting even more unhinged and DrewCo started to notice
Halloween came-- we didn't see all the little kids but we did get the teens
Cameron spiked the Coke; he and Joss threw up
Julian is sending flowers and weenie pics to Brad to break up he and Lucas
Alexis is falling to the poison Kendra is giving her in her protein powder
Elizabeth found out she's an Auntie 
Dev wants to be friends with Trina; Joss wants to be friends with Cam
Sam's in the clink with Cassandra as a bunk mate (she has a knife!)
Ava saw Nik, no one believed her and she checked herself in ShadyBrook
Jax and Hayden are working with Nikolas and knew he was alive. 
The portrait is still in the Gallery
Nina's a bitch 
Jordan wants TJ to "sow his oats" but finally gave her the blessing to ask Molly to marry him


That's all I have right now. I hope you turned your clocks back because if you didn't you'll be confused when everything is closed when you go out. 
I can't comment on Nikolas yet because I need to see him act with everyone. Yes, I would have liked Tyler back but that was not to be. Am I glad the character of Nikolas is home? If it means getting Valentin and Nina out... oh yep!! Plus I am hoping for some love for Ava. My girl needs it. 


Next week is a BUSY  one for me. I will not be here Monday,  Tuesday or Thursday. I have to see a lady about my nose (plastic surgery revisit for my fall), hair cut and work. I'm sorry my life is getting away from GH at this moment!! 


  1. Thanks for the great SS Karen. Superb as always.

    Hmm I wonder if Laura will still want to be friends with Ava if Ava becomes Nicholas lover!!!!!!!

  2. I also was puzzled as to why Laura thought Ava was crazy when she said she saw Nik. The whole entire of Port Charles has come back from the dead practically.

    1. Yes, I know, but even I was shocked by how many there were when Karen started listing them off.

      Karen, I think it is obvious that Turkey Boy is into Joss. They almost kissed, remember?

    2. I was hoping that Ava would remind Laura that the psychic was not able to "find" Nic when they asked about talking to him. That was one of our earliest clues that he was alive. I suppose if she had, and Laura had believed her, it would have negated the Shadybrook connection that is going to come up while Ava is there. That scene when she checked herself in with Julian and her new friend, Laura, at her side, brought real tears for me.

  3. friday 's episode I finally liked Dev. liked him helping Cam. would love a joss and cam pairing. Nina and Hayden facial expressions are over the top.they both can go.

    1. I did like how Dev helped Cam. Very nice. I would love a Cam Joss pairing, Sonya and I agreed we shall call them Jam. ❤
      I love both Nina and Hayden but yeh Nina was a bit over the top, but not Hayden....

  4. and I still can't stand snarly carly, always attitude. no matter what they write for her.

    1. I liked Carly with Joss, really great mother daughter scenes.

  5. Great SS, thanks as always! I'm thrilled Nik is back, but I seriously rolled my eyes when Ava ended up in Shadybrook. Please!! Cam was everything this week, I just love that kid.

  6. Thanks for another great surgery. I'm still chuckling at key sara sara.

    Nicholas contested Valentin's claim in court in Europe but V had a will that gave it to him. This new codicil will nullify that.

    I think Dev is into Joss but he's terrified to go there. He doesn't want to be sent away so he's living life on tip toes right now. He just excuded foster kid fear when he was caught up in the drinking. He knew he had to protect Joss but he feared for his future too.

    I loved those friend zoning pics.

    lol Picturing the scavenger hunt with the body parts and giggling psychopathically.

  7. Thank you Karen. You and I are on the same page when it comes to Nik. Yeh I would've loved to have Tyler as Nik but I'm just glad the character is back. Thanks for that photo of him and Ava. Love it. ❤
    Loved the teens this week, Dev crushing on Cam, hmmm never thought of that, interesting.
    Love Hayden and Liz as sisters. Can't wait til Violet is out of the hospital and interacting with her aunt and cousins and her daddy Finn!! ❤❤❤
    Great SS as always. It was awesome to be on vacation and be able to watch GH live every day and then come here. But back to reality Weds. LOL!!

  8. as always - YOU are right Karen - they never saw Nik's body and forever Laura and Ava thought he might be alive......that was stupid to commit her THAT NIGHT...
    love love love Ava/Laura friendship............
    still don't get ---- Nik HATED Hayden cause of the faux marriage and diamonds, etc. so HOW did he ask HER for help? This had BETTER be explained in long long flashbacks of Jax/Hayden/Nik === and yes i DO think Spencer knows.......WHERE is Mac? and Robert??????
    is Tad/lawyer gone/gone??????

    1. I hope "Tad" is still there. He is Nelle's lawyer too, so there may be more scenes down the line.

    2. I read that they asked him to stay on& he said he was so happy to be extended.

    3. No mufasa. MEK isn't gone gone. I read somewhere he isn't gone gone.

  9. I think if they were going to commit Ava for something, it should be for her drinking. She’s been knocking back vodka martinis in the morning ever since Ryan started writing to her — and earlier on, right after Kiki’s murder.

    One other comment — If Cassandra Pierce went to Solitary for sending her former cell mate to the Infirmary, are we to believe they didn’t toss her cell, including a scan with a metal detector? I am tired of that character already. She’s like a tick who just sucks the lifeblood out of other story lines.

  10. Wow...and you said you might just do an outline for SS. This was a great SS!
    The writers just can't resist weakening a strong woman, even if temporary. Ava going to Shadybrook is ridiculous. Don't think you can just spontaneously check in to a place like that. Aside from Laura not even taking Nik being alive into consideration.
    The kids were all really good this week, especially Cam.
    Seemed like a couple of shows were a bit off this week. Maybe the changing of the guard.
    About the 2 parties. Lulu went to the HS party on the Haunted Star as the chaperone's date but doesn't she own the ship? Sure saw no evidence of that. And the adult party at the Metro Court. No mention of that happening from Carly at home. It's that lack of connection going on. IMO.
    Hope the new writers can do some cleaning up now.

    1. Maybe cause she might be on maternity leave? Just a guess?

  11. AND AND AND WHERE were Olivia and Ned at the METRO COURT where she is part-owner?????


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...