Thursday, November 21, 2019

Recycle Thursday

NOTE:  I am thinking the hearings will interrupt GH again today due to the fact they have 2 witnesses. This means GH will be pushed back 3 days so far. ABC has chosen to push them back rather than to air them in the wee hours and stream like NBC does. 
RUMOR has it, and has had it that Becky Buding is leaving GH. I'd like to say she was brought back temporarily when Finola was out (this was decided by both parties, btw) and was not slated to stay long term. That said, her 'come back' has been wildly popular and I'm hoping that TPTB can reach some sort of resolution and get her on full time. She's been great. Remember please, it's  NOT THE WRITERS that dictate contracts.
GH is already on tender-hooks because of the hearings, who knows what ratings will look like when they air regularly again. The show is on an upswing and now people are saying they won't watch if she leaves. Light a candle, people! 


I was listening to Karen's podcast this morning and she triggered a memory for me. It got me thinking: What storyline/event/incident from the past would you want to see resurface as a storyline today? It would have to be a new take on the storyline, not a simple rehash. 


Right now I couldn't even tell you who is in charge at the company or if the company still exists. I am assuming it is Michael. I think the last time it was mentioned was during the Pickl-Lila fiasco. But with Jax in town, and already taking over Crimson, it's a perfect storyline for Jax to attempt a takeover of ELQ. Michael will be in over his head (although insist he has everything under control). Ned will come out of hiding and step up to help out. Olivia will bake a gift basket and deliver it to Jax. Jax is good with keeping everything near-legal but Ned will downright play dirty. This can not only get really good, but it will bring up a lot of the past and nostalgia.

Plus, if they can get Jane out of retirement for a few days, it would be awesome to have a ELQ board meeting and Tracy swoop in and give a speech about family and legacy. (She can stick around maybe 3 days. See her family, confront Jax, say hello to Monica, update everyone on Luke then leave)

PS. In my perfect world, Tracy would be speaking to a portrait of David Lewis on the wall, talking to him about the family and then turn away and when she looks back it is now John Ingle. 

The corporate takeover of Crimson was very lackluster. This can be a really good storyline. And knowing this show, it would last forever.

Note from Wubsy: With Brooklyn coming back, she could also play a role in this. Lucy's trying to get Deception up and running, why not have Michael buy it and have Lucy as CEO? 


  1. It's a given I'll still watch but I'm upset she's leaving. I love her, Hayden is great! So basically she was just a place holder for Finola? That sucks. I mean I love Finola and Anna as much if not more but wow...
    As for the hearings it sucks that ABC can't get their heads outta their butts and do what NBC does. Is it really that hard??

  2. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ABC, STOP airing the hearings! We can watch/listen to them on so many other platforms! I see today the hearings only are scheduling for the morning, so we have hope that we can watch our show today. Does anyone know if there are any planned for next week?

    1. P.S. LOVE that Brook Lynn is back, PLEASE don't pair her with Julian as someone mentioned as a possibility, I don't know how old she is now, but she surely is too young for him!!

  3. I like Hayden too. They should be able to find something for her to do. Guess that is why they moved her into her own apartment... to save Elizabeth from having to make excuses for her absence all the time. So sorry to see her go.

  4. I like Hayden as well. Big mistake by ABC. I'd rather see Hayden and Anna can go back to travelling around the world. Big loss for Finn and Liz.

    1. I much prefer Anna if the new writers go back to writing her as a strong woman and not a blubbering mess. And I don't mind Hayden if she has a good storyline.

  5. I would be so happy if Jane Elliot came back for a few days, and I absolutely love the idea of her talking to the 1st Edward's portrait and then it switches to the 2nd. Both men were fantastic!

    Hayden/Rebecca B. is ok, but I really don't know what the fuss is about, lol!

    Sick of the hearings, sick of George recapping like the audience is stupid, and sick of ABC not showing GH later/streaming/ Demand. There are options for crying out loud! :)

    1. i agree with you about rebecca budig, don't know what the big deal is. and about George recapping. reporters have always done this. guess they dont't think we understand.

  6. I hope Jane Elliot does come back. Would like to see more Q's around.
    RB has been doing a fine job. She has more chem with Finn than Anna.
    Will Brad be in an accident and die before telling all? His character does seem unredeemable but we all know soaps.
    The hearings went on through the evening last night but were only aired on news channels. It is maddening that they feel the need to air on all networks in the daytime. Grrrr.

    1. Such they won't interrupt primetime (not that I WANT them to) but they have no problem interrupting daytime. What a crock.

  7. I saw that the TV shows were on, so I thought that the hearings ended for today, then I saw that they are resuming? I thought there was only 1 witness today, and she would be on in the morning. :( THEY NEED TO STOP INTERRUPTING THE DAYTIME SHOWS!! No one answered me, maybe no one know, are they continuing the hearings next week?

  8. I can take or leave Hayden - the actress is pretty good but the character has been bad news. I would rather have Anna in a big story and really wish she wasn't gone for so long. Maybe she had health issues. So glad she is back. And it was so annoying to see Sam keep looking back at Jason during her "trial", even when the judge was talking.

  9. so it doesn't bother people that Hayden lied about money/lied to Nik about diamonds/stole money......lied about her child/came back with the smirk on her face wanting Finn back? I like RB but her character is horrible. I am happy she is leaving. I thought she had more chemistry with Curtis than Finn.

    1. Nope, doesn't bother me. Does it bother anyone that Luke sexually assaulted Laura on the disco floor? No. Stuff happens.

    2. Even if it is bothersome GH has been all about lying. Kim's character was similar in that she lied to Oscar for years about his health. Let us hope that with the new writers there will be more family and better characters.

    3. excellent points and now I realize - i just don't like her character.....that was easy to say......

  10. I just read that today is the last day of public hearings.

  11. I went to On Demand to access yesterday's GH& what came on was a scene in Puerto Rico where Sasha& Michael met Cassandra.WTF?

    1. You got a repeat because there was no GH. I didn't get anything. Hulu just showed last episode as Tues.

  12. also, WHEN is Julian going to remember that dead rat in his dumpster?

    1. He did. He thought it was all about Olive and the restuarant.


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