Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Days..and Quick Fire GH

DAYS NEWS: (Copied from TMZ) 


  1. This is bad news in a way for GH, whose ratings have been barely above Days.

  2. There was an update and clarification about DOOL on your FB thread.
    Great show today. Boom to Cassandra who is certainly not dead and gone forever.
    Things are moving along nicely. But I hope they don't leave Ava hanging for too much longer.

  3. Helena's portrait - so Dev or Trinia won't accidentally mention that Ava has it?
    AND if Ava's in jail WHO is in charge of the gallery? Why won't Trina just go get it from the back of the gallery - they didn't hide it, they just moved it to the back. Does anyone LOCK the gallery?????????

    1. I can't swear, but am sure that Ava has employees @ the gallery. I remember when the character of Jordan first came on GH, she worked @ the gallery, although it was undercover.

    2. I think she texted Trina to hide it or keep it--just a hunch

  4. also is Nina living at Wyndemere and have she and Valentin had sex/sleep together? I never see them kiss.

  5. Watching now but came in late cause oops...realized I could get NBC app on my firestick and catch up on DAYS.
    So what the hey...NOW Carly knows?!?!?!

  6. Wow that was good! So did Val send Jason to save Char? Loved it! By Cassie!

  7. Jax's home:

    Jax and Idiot savant Nik: Jax is having a melt down! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Jax: I DON'T NEED IT!!!!!!

    HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I laughed so hard!!!! Then when Carly shows up, Jax puts on a fake smile! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm dead! Jax would have won the line of the day, but little Charlie wins it. Damn too bad. I really wanted Jax to win it. Great scene.

    Jax, Carly and Idiot savant Nik: Man when Idiot savant Nik shows himself to Carly, my jaw hit the floor!!!! Yeah his explanation makes sense, so you really can't tell anybody. I mean if they did, then V.C. will hurt Laura and Spencer. I believe it.

    Jax and Carly: Jax you just had to bring up when you kept Spencer as your own!!! I remember Jax. :( You were in so much pain when Kung foo barbie died. You loved her so much. :(


    Jason, Nina, and V.C.: Nina was giving superhero cop Jason an SOS code through her eyes! ROFL!

    Nina and V.C.: Oh Nina! You are not buying V.C.'s Soliloquy are you? In fact, since you "forgave" him have you been sleeping with him?

    The pier: Anna why are you at the pier in the first place? Why aren't you home to go see Finchy? Or why didn't you call him? Man that is so annoying.

    Cassie, Charlie, and Anna: Wow! Cassie has got a really good hold on Charlie!!! I wonder if it bothered the little actress or it scared her. I hope not. Love that Charlie bit Cassie's hand hahaha.

    Bad guy and superhero cop Jason: Superhero cop Jason swoops in and FIGHT FIIIIIIIIGHT! ROFL!

    Cassie, superhero cop Jason, Anna, Cassie's goons, and Charlie: Oh look. Superhero cop Jason swoops in to fight, and that gave Anna permission to fight the bad guy. She couldn't do it on her own? ROFL! And there is Charlie's line of the day.

    Charlie: Take that loser!!

    ROFL! Oh she wasn't supposed to be there! Superhero cop Jason told her to stay where she was! HAHAHAHAHHAAHA!

    Cassie on the phone with V.C.: OH MY!!!!! GREAT SCENE!!!!!!!! I wonder if Cassie jumped out of the boat before it exploded. I hope so!!!!

    Chandler Mansion:

    RayRay and Finchy: Oh kiss already!!! Get back together already!!! Tell little munchkin during breakfast in the morning that he is her daddy? Why don't you wake her up now and tell her.

    Police station:

    Robert and Hiney:


    ROFL! Love it!!!! You tell him Robert!!! Shut up Maxie!

  8. sick of super jase.too bad for DOOL, which means GH will hire more actors.cause we need more characters.

    1. I heard that Stella and Brooklynn are coming back this month.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Not that we need more characters...but I don't care, anything as long as GH doesn't get canceled. Still can believe it. Well at least Wally can come back to GH now. 😊

  9. Yeah that thing with Days, WOW! That's scary. They film 8 months ahead? YIKES!!

  10. Why does Jason have to be involved with every storyline? Anna doesn't need help. Arghhhhh

  11. I loved yesterday's show, except for Carly snarling at Nik. (Hey Sonya, quit calling my Nik an idiot savant...lol!) Why is Carly even involved in this??

    I though the fight scenes were great, and so didn't expect the boat to blow up. I loved that and was surprised!

    I need Anna to get to her house ASAP and to see all the mischief going on there. :)

    1. She'll get there soon enough haha!!

    2. "Julie H says, (Hey Sonya, quit calling my Nik an idiot savant...lol!)"

      ROFL! He is my Nik too!!! He hasn't been acting like himself. He keeps screwing up. Even Jax has been calling him an amateur! He must have really hit his head hard when he fell out that window!!! ROFL!

    3. Your Nik, too? Nope, nope, he's mine. Lol! Jax calling him an amateur was pretty funny, though!

      I did wonder what Charlotte is going to say about seeing Nik, if anything. That was an unexpected scene, but I liked it!

  12. Check out Tyler Christopher on TMZ - arrested for public drunkenness. I can see why they didn't ask him to come back and now I'm glad there is a really good recast.

    1. I know - I'm a huge fan and have met him twice. Really nice guy!

    2. It is very sad. Did I read somewhere that he has problems with alcohol? It is a serious disease. I am not being disrespectful at all. If it is the case, I hope that he can get help. He is a great actor and as another poster said nice guy.

    3. Just read the article. How very sad. He really needs help. Hope he gets some soon.

    4. Oh my this is so sad, and I really hope he gets the help he needs. One of the comments said his wife had also filed for divorce. And please remind me never to click on comments on the TMZ site. There are some wicked trolls on there!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Someone help me out here: is Nik the uncle and 1st cousin of Charlotte?

  15. Don't get me wrong, I loved the show. But, Anna had a great shot to shoot Cassandra in the head. A WSB spy can do that.

    1. I definitely wanted Anna to take her out. As is, she'll get no credit for saving Charlotte. The hit man wins again!

  16. Anon, I think you are right!


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