Monday, November 11, 2019

OH NO...Here comes the SNOW

Well, we were predicted a foot and now it's sure snowing like that will likely be the case. Dang it. It's TOO SOON! We were lax at getting in the deck stuff too and our table is covered. LOL.  I'm just not ready. Tillie's even hunkered down! 

We will have a podcast to put up soon. We had fun doing it and it ran long because we were excited about the show!! YES! I said Excited! As soon as that's up, I'll let you know. 


So, Finn is at Anna's..they show her roses, bulldog and Union Jack. He's eating a sandwich and the doorbell rings. Is it ANNA? NOPE....womp womp, it's Hayden with Violet. Dang.  I mean, I just wanted it to be Anna!! I guess in the preview she comes home and sees Hay and Finn on the couch!! UT OH. 

Laura had Valentin and Nina hauled down to the PCPD for questioning on the disappearance of Cassandra. Valentin is like WHY ME?? Laura said she was his first phone call from jail.  Valentin turns it around and demands to know HOW she escaped. 

Lulu notices Charlotte is gone. They freak out.
Cassie is on the docks with Charlotte's phone. She turns off the tracking device. 

Lulu calls PCPD and tells Jordan, that she probably just wandered off. Then the police come, show pics of Cassandra. Brad thinks he remembers seeing her there. Lulu freaks out when they show her the photo. 

On the docks Cassandra tells Charlotte she is going to use her Daddy's love for her to get him right where she wants him. 

Lucas tells Julian to buzz off and he was a jerk when he told him he was gay and even though he's less 'homophobic now" he's still a liar!! Julian says he did stage the affair but he's going to tell him WHY. He said Brad did "shady stuff" but he knew Lucas wouldn't believe him if he told. Lucas tells him he's done. BYE Julian says What if I tell you something that will make you understand??
Phone rings..It's Brad telling Lucas about Charlotte/.

Jax is really pissed at Nikolas about breaking out Cassandra from jail "She's a REAL CRIMINAL" lol.. then Jason comes over. OMG Stupid Nikolas rented the van with JAX'S COMPANY CREDIT CARD!! ahahaahahaa. Jason says he didn't think Jax had anything to do with the escape-- but that his card was stolen OR did JERRY HELP?? Perfect use, because Jason would think that!! Jax is like NOPE. Jason goes to leave and sees muddy footprints! Who's are these? 
Nikolas is just fking up ALL OVAH! lol He must have hit his head HARD going down that cliff lol. 
Jax says it's the construction worker's mud. Jason says he can tell he's holding back and they've not always been on the same side but he help him, no questions asked. 

Dr. O finds Brad in Kelly's..asks him what he's done to cover his tracks with the DNA tests.  He said he had to because Lucas was suspicious. 

Ok, a TON happens during this show and I didn't get it all in. WATCH IT. Great movement today and just a lot going on!! 

Cassandra calls Valentin, Nina bitches at Lulu, creating a diversion so Valentin can talk to Cassandra. She asks for stuff...he said he would do it. 

OMGOMGOOGOGOD!!!!!!!!!!! Charlotte kicks Cassie and tries to escape. Cassandra says "I know how to hurt little girls" and GUESS WHO STEPS OUT TO SAVE HER?? UNHAND THAT GIRL!!
it's ANNA FREAKING DEVANE!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAH!! :clapping: 


  1. The end. Finally she is back. So many people lurk in the shadows of the pier. Hope her return finds her as the strong, smart woman she once was.
    Busy show today. I don't recall Nik being such an idiot.
    Go Charlotte! I so wished that Cassandra tripped, hit her head and fell into the water. Until next time they needed her criminality.
    Your snow is coming my way(CT)but we won't have much. But we will have the frigid temps. Brrrr.

    1. Yeh he's being pretty clumsy...
      We're pretty chilly here too. In the 40s and the wind is a whippin'....

  2. I was soooo happy to see Anna today. At last! Not Jason, or another mobster or criminal, but Anna, a Law Enforcement agent and a woman at that! I think I'm going to like these new writers.

    I had been hoping that Charlotte would push the biatch into the harbor and she'd drown. lol But this was even better.

  3. I was surprised when Charlotte went quietly. Unlike Charlotte really. Welcome back Anna!!!!!!!! We missed you

  4. Also, Nikolas is not known to make mistakes like that.

  5. Karen, you're having snow? Knew that the cold is coming, didn't know about the snow--sorry to hear it!! In Buffalo, we sometimes got snow in Oct.! We are supposed to get very cold here in Brooklyn on Wed., but no snow--maybe just a little on Tues.

  6. why is jason playing detective? so sick of the gruesome 4 trying to redeem them.please put them on the backburner

  7. Finally she's back! LOVED.IT.
    Have to watch on Hulu cause it's super windy and antenna reception was not so great but what I saw WOW! Finn and Violet...awww! How...just how could Lulu miss Cassie taking Char out of Kellys???? Glad Brucas made up...for now. LOL!
    Karen you had me LOL @ Nik hitting his head on that cliff with all his mistakes....he is being pretty clumsy. LOL!
    GREAT GH TODAY! Really really hope it stays this great!

  8. Karen, WHERE do you live? I thought I knew but I guess I don't......
    for CASSANDRA to waltz in and NO ONE see her and TAKE Charlotte is so stupid....really the worst criminals and police are in Port Charles.

  9. Plus, I find it hard to believe that Charlotte would go off with a stranger. She seems like a kid who wouldn't do that even if it was about Nina. IDK it is a soap after all.

    1. I don't know Cassandra is super menacing, even though Char is a mini me bad ass she may have threatened one or both parents or Nina? And of course Lulu and Maxie were in deep conversation that they didn't notice her take Charlotte. Since they thought she just wandered off.

  10. I hope this is the comeback of Super Anna!!!!!!!!! I liked her better as super spy.

  11. Graves:

    Lucas and Julian: Come on Julian! SPILL THE TRUTH TEA!!!!!!!!!


    Lulu and Maxie: Lulu is all freaking out that her daughter is missing, and Maxie is all calm. ROFL! So basically,

    Lulu: WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!?!?!!

    Maxie: Do you want a chocolate pie? I can buy one for you.

    Dr. O and Brad: Dr. O wins the lines of the day.

    Dr. O and You have always been a furtive little weasel. I haven't had my dinner.


    Jax's home:

    Jax and Jason: Cop Jason is asking all the questions! JERRY JAX MENTION YAY! Oh footprints!!! Sure yup must be Jerry's.

    Jax and Nik:

    Jax: OH! SON OF A BITCH! You're an amateur!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That was hysterical!!! Jax did you want to win the line of the day? Sorry Dr. O already won it. Maybe next time.. Gee when he threw that plant, wow poor plant. Well, glad it wasn't the tribbles he threw!

    "Karen says, Nikolas is just fking up ALL OVAH! lol He must have hit his head HARD going down that cliff lol."

    ROFL! Nik must be an idiot savant now! ROFL!

    Chandler Mansion: Hmmm. I was thinking why are they showing the Chandler Mansion? Is Anna going to show up? I was wondering, does Anna have tribbles too?

    Finchy, RayRay, and Violet: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! ADORABLE! Violet really loves the juice she is drinking. She drank a lot of it!!! I forgot that Finchy lives there. Sleep time for little V. Why didn't she meet Roxy!?!?! GRRRRR!

    The police station:

    Jason and Jordan: Hmmm Jordan hired Jason to be a cop?

    Laura, Lulu, Maxie, V.C. and Nina: Ohhhh so that is why Nina was yelling at Lulu.. Because it was a distraction.. Nicely done. Maxie is still very calm and serene. So basically,

    Nina: All your fault Lulu!!!

    Laura: No it's not!

    Lulu: There was no fight!

    Maxie: Does anybody want any chocolate pie?

    The pier:

    Charlie and Cassie: Great scene! That little girl is tough!!!! Kicking Cassie hahahaha! When I heard someone say unhand that child, that voice was familiar.. I knew it was Anna!! HI ANNA WELCOME BACK! RayRay is back and Finchy has a little girl!!!!

  12. It was even better the 2nd time! Anna was bad ass! Pick on someone your own size Cassie!

    1. I know Julie I'm keeping my eye on Hayden too! I can't wait for Finn to find out why she really came back. He thinks he was the primary reason for her coming to PC. She probably wouldn't have come if not for Nick. She wasn't even thinking about telling Finn until Violet got sick.

  13. Seriously, Nik was hit with an idiot stick! I'm very disappointed in the Dark Prince. If I was Jax I would have asked Jason for his badge. Shame on that hussy Hayden trying to snag Finchy by using Violet. I see what you're doing there RayRay. (But Violet is a doll!) I loved yesterday's show and welcome back Anna!!

    1. I meant to mention it yesterday but I've never seen Jax so pissed. LOL! Throwing that..what? Plant down? He looked sexier mad. LOL seriously though, come on Nik, our Dark Prince,!

  14. So glad Anna is back but she looked a bit strange. She needs to shut down that lying Hayden’s effort to use Violet to win Finn back. Nik is an idiot so far, although pretty good casting. Julian needs to tell Lucas the truth already and Michael needs his son returned to him. And Lulu is also an idiot for not keeping an eye on Charlotte.

    1. Yes...Lulu, I mean all parents talk and stuff and she was in site who knew Cassie was on the loose...lose? Anyways, but so into talk about Dustin etc that she didn't see Cassie take her daughter in eye site?? Really? As for Jules. Yes, now that Lucas hates Jules, I say Julian has nothing to lose, he needs to go for it and tell Lucas! Michael needs his damn kid back! It's been almost a yr and a half! You thought Anna looked strange? What you think it's Alex and she has Anna stashed somewhere? Don't think that. LOL Nah Nik isn't an idiot just made a couple mistakes.

    2. It was just a quick glimpse, but Anna looked sort of tired to me.

  15. Jax is primarily a good guy. It's interesting to see him torn up about things that shouldn't be. Can't imagine that he will let Ava be 'crazy' for too long. I hope. I also hope he stays around for a long time. Even with too many characters he is great to have back!

  16. I agree Zazu - I am really happy that he is back and on frequently.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...