Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sunday Surgery: Redemption

What I live for on soaps

What a week.. between my loving the show and the interruptions, it was wacky!! Redemption: Hayden to Finn... Valentin to Anna... Sonny to Ava... Jason to DrewCo.. and a little bit of Lulu and Val too. 

The show flowed again this week, scenes were a bit longer and we even got a little action on the docks. Dialog was the best I've heard in a long time and it was consistently good. 

So, a feast is in order!! Grab whatever you can (I'm having a bagel and cream cheese for carb strength. 

I don't even know where to start. I swear, it's so much easier to write the blog when there's snark involved! The good so outweighed the bad, that my cynical, bored moments are pushed to the back of my mind. How refreshing!! 


WUB LITTLE MOMENT OF THE WEEK: I'm starting out with the end of the show on Friday first. Just to put that Jason and Monica's hug in here. What a tiny yet special and significant moment. Just a "checking in' on mom thing-- that hasn't happened in forever. It  shows a growth of Jason that just made my heart go bloop!! 


RESCUE OF THE WEEK: I screamed!!! - "Unhand that child!" Squee! It wasn't St. Jaysus alone this time! NOPE it was Anna Freaking Devane coming in. Did she walk right into HayFinn's couch scene? NOPE she did a rescue first. That's Anna !!!! And I loved it. The subsequent Anna and Valentin scene at the PCPD? Perfection. Geesh.. FH and JPS played that to the hilt. It was just so touching and good. It made me remember their history together too. Damn. 


EXPLOSION OF THE WEEK: Bye Cassie..or?? Well, I am choosing to believe she's gone-gone. Thank you for making Valentin just say "FK IT" and blow her up. :clapping: It's The  Cassadine Way. 


REAL DIALOG OF THE WEEK: Sonny and Carly usually talk around things...or are just boring in their everyday chit chat. This was something on a whole other level. It felt real I was wanting Carly to clock Sonny for suggesting it was post-partum depression!! (Given Carly's past though, not a bad comeback!). This scene was about Jax and Joss and Sonny knew something was up. It was done really well and I loved it, more please. 


OMG I CAN'T STAND THE CUTENESS OF THE WEEK:  OH MY--that Violet girl? A GEM. Those Easton moments with her?? Be still my cold cynical heart. Holy Moly. Now, I'm not one to love sentimental moments that much but dang. It was perfect. I loved how they told her and her reaction (typical kid "Is Roxy my sister"?? LOL)


WUBSY WAS WRONG OF THE WEEK: Yes, I said Violet was too old and SORA'd too much but I take it back! I TAKE IT ALL BACK! I'm glad she's this age!! I'm glad she can talk! I'm glad!! :Skipping: 


WATER-GAZING OF THE WEEK:  "My muscle memory can swim"-- Giggle. Ok, so.. this scene was pivitol because "Drew" is realizing that he's NOT "Drew" but really just in Franco's 'body' and needs to go-go.  I liked the Jason talk (hell, Jason got around this week no? Keep Sam in jail longer, thank you!). And next week, "Drew" will tell Kim the skivvy and she'll leave. Win Win. We still don't know if the procedure will work. Maybe he'll get a cross-do of Franco and Drew? 


THE WAT-THEWHAT OF THE WEEK: Um, When Nikolas reveled himself to Carly I was astonished. I mean like open-mouthed! LOL How often does THAT happen? Um, never!! I also loved Jax's dialog and throwing stuff (that's usually reserved for Sonny!!) he seemed to come alive. 


PSA OF THE WEEK:  Now, many people hated this scene for the simple fact that Liz dropped off Cam to be lectured by Sonny about the evils of drink. (he who downs scotch like water).  I however, didn't get too upset because I can see why Cam apologized to Joss' Dad-- because he brought the alcohol.  Sonny was in Father Figure Mode and for once, he didn't bug me. I liked MB and WL together a lot. I didn't think Liz adding "He needed a male he looks up to" line was needed though. What also saved it? Sonny gave them a jar of homemade sauce. LOL See, it's the little things that Wubsy delights over! 


WEAK LINK OF THE WEEK:  Had to be Alexis' being poisoned. It's detached from everything else and it's distracting. The ONE saving grace is that TJ was included in the diagnosis. Here's hoping it means he and Molly get their asses on the show more. NOT having them front and center is still mystifying. PS. Can we tell when Lexi has time off ?? Because..has she been in to see her mother? If so I missed it. 

Photo: Eden on twitter 

TJ tells Alexis she probably has rat poison in her system
Kim tells Julian he's an ass and she's leaving
Sonny takes Avery to see Ava 
Violet finds out Finn is her Daddy
Anna rescues Charlotte 
Valentin blows up Cassandra on a boat
Anna finds Hayden and Finn in her house; and about Violet
Nikolas reveals himself to Carly; Carly agrees to keep him a secret
Sonny reads Cam the riot act about drinking
Franco 'Drew' talks to Jason about what he should do and needs to do
Ava calls Trina "Kiki' But quickly corrects herself. Trina can't do the internship because she was drinking at the dance. 


SCENE OF THE WEEK..nay DECADE:  OH MY GOD. Oh my GOD! (Jeffree Star voice) -- what the hell?? I was not expecting this. Not in a million years. THANK YOU to Dan and Chris..thank you to the dialog writers. Thank you to the Soap Goddess in TV Land. Sonny actually brought Avery to see her mama---while she was in Shadybrook!! I tear up even writing it! Why? Because it was HUGE-- it also built up with Laura going to Sonny to discuss her mental health history. HE has a mental health history and I bet boots that Maurice in real life loved saying those words out loud to "Ava": "I just want her mother to get better".  Good lord be still my heart. Thank you for breaking tradition with these characters and letting the moment take the day. Thank you for reaching beyond the "feud" and predictable sheeze we've seen for years.  It was perfection. :clapping: 


PROP --APP OF THE WEEK:  Welp, there's an app for that! 

As she sits at Kelly's counter, Charlotte is not happy to see Cassandra standing in front of her

FACE OF THE WEEK: Oh, Char...never change!! 

GOOD NEWS OF THE WEEK: Risa is back as Amy. Now, don't hate on me-- GH has too many characters yes...but Amy is a color character which I def love and think we could have more back off haters! 


WOW. Such praise. I think even if the ONLY scene I got this week was the Sonny and Ava one I'd be over the moon. There was just so many great little moments. The dialog was just so 'real' for me as well. Is this a placebo effect?? I mean... is it because I know Dan and Chris are at the helm and--I expect new things?? Hmmmm... NO!! NO!! NO!! it was stellar and I so hope people are tuning back in.
That's that. I hope they wrangle in the Alexis story and get that done. The baby reveal has to be coming and Nelle getting out of jail.  Sam can stay where she is thank you-- Jason is much more fun/useful without her. TJ and Molly should be on more. Kim's gone and we'll have to see the way Julian comes out. Good--or Evil--or Both? 


Next week is going to be just a MESS when it comes to the hearings. They are on Tues-Thursday. I'm not sure the times or what's what--but it could be we are interrupted all the days. I'm hoping ABC just puts them on at night and doesn't skip days to re-air them. This reallllly throws off the schedule and that schedule is important for the holidays.  I'll let you know everything when I can. 

I'm taping another podcast today-- I'll get the link up asap! 


  1. Thanks for great SS as usual. I so love the little actress who plays Violet. Wow. She is good. The teens are great. And the actress who plays Charlotte did amazing as well. I would like to see some of these actors grow up on the set like Kimberly Mccoulagh. Sorry spelling is probably not correct

  2. Now that Anna is back please bring on more Robert (and Mac.) Was nice to have more people around the police station last week too

  3. It's nice to see Liz with the hospital scenes but it is also nice to see Amy, Felix and Epiphany

  4. Thank you for acknowledging Anna in helping. It was just Jason. Thank you. Haha! People seem to have forgotten she had a hand in helping.
    I too loved that scene between Valentin and Anna. Touching.
    I loved the explosion! I close to believe she's dead too. Bye Cassie!
    I loved all things Violet! She is adorable! When Finn and Hayden told her Finn was her daddy ❤❤ it was adorable, and he asked to hug her...all the feels.
    I didn't care if Jason was there or Helter Skelter...I was just glad for that Franco scene. Finally the dang procedure already.
    Jax was pretty surprising and taking a page out of Sonnys book by throwing stuff. LOL if he starts throwing barware I'm going lmao!
    I agree, Cam needed a father figure person to go to plus it was his scotch he took and his step daughter he got drunk, made sense. But I agree, she didn't need to say that. Wish Franco had been available.
    Trina wasn't drinking....just Cam and Joss....unless I blinked and missed it?
    I loved that Sonny took Avery to see Ava but...I don't know, I can't help but not trust him. I did however love the scene. Very sweet. ❤
    I wish Nellie would stay in jail....
    Hearings Tues-Thurs? Oh joy..
    Great SS as always! This was probably my all time favorite!❤

  5. I suspect Jason visited Monica at the hospital because he realizes she will be losing “Drew,” since he’s decided he needs to give Franco his body back. Nice show of empathy on Jason’s part.

    Now, I just wish someone would remember they haven’t had a memorial service for the real Drew. They should at least do it for Monica and Emily Scout.

    1. I like that and if so, very sweet.
      Yeh I wish they would have had a memorial service.

  6. Karen, ITA that Violet is adorbs, but her SORAing totally throws off the SL. If she is supposed to be 4, she would be Nik's child, but, of course, she wasn't PG then, and she was gone for 2 years, so how can they make her 4 or 5?

    Also, you said Trina was drinking at the dance, but I think only Cam and Joss drank.

  7. I am having soooo much anxiety about the stupid impeachment hearings interrupting our show. Why can't they just stream them on all the news and other outlets available? Does anyone know if they will go beyond this coming week?

    1. I would think that a lot of old people probably don't stream shows, and many lower income families don't have streaming aps at the top of their priority list of expenses so they have to have them on network tv.

  8. Couldn't agree more with the SS! GH was great all week. And I'm all for leaving Mumbles in jail. She drags everyone down. Crap to the hearings. The DVR can't keep up. Mine didn't have Friday's GH, so I watched it On Demand. The commercials about killed me! Lol!

  9. Thanks for another great Surgery. It topped off some great episodes. The best in a very long time. I hope they clear up a few more in the coming weeks, but I agree that they can leave Sam in jail.Waiting for her to finish a sentence when she's with Jason is like having a tooth pulled. He was so much better this week without her.

    Now I can't wait to see TJ cure Alexis and maybe Julian can have a hand in finding the rat poison (which will help put him on the right path again.)

    I still don't understand why all the channels have to have the hearing on but I guess it is what it is. Here's hoping we get at least a few days next week.

  10. A great SS...thank you! And a great week on GH. Looks like the writers are busy cleaning up and doing a fine and speedy job of it.
    Franco/Drew's water soliloquy was interesting. As long as it brings RoHo back from whatever it is he has been for the past few months.
    Looks like it is going in the right direction. Now the hearings must end.
    Thanks again for great surgery and dailies...and all the comments. I so prefer this than the real life soap opera.

    1. Yeh hilarious that we finally get great writing ie:great GH and enter the stupid hearings. We can't catch a break. 🙄

  11. OT: Anyone see the SNL cold open last night? "Days of Our Impeachment". Clever and funny.

  12. The little girl who plays Violet is 5. She looks like a tiny 5 though. Boy, she knows all her lines and is fabulous. A natural.

    1. I think they picked a little girl so that they can say she's a precocious 3.

    2. Azures, I saw SNL-that was so funny. Loved seeing Jon Hamm there!

    3. I meant Zazu - that's what I get for posting in the dark.

  13. The Sonny/Cam scenes never should have been written that way. Sonny is not someone to be respected by anyone, especially a teenage boy. What the hell is wrong with the writers? Or is this just more Frank and Varni nonsense?? Whatever it is, the Saint Sonny worship writing must stop. Dismal ratings the last few years clearly reflect there is a problem especially since that character has the most episode counts, it should send up some obvious red flags!

    That being said, I have noticed a difference in the flow of the writing, the pacing, the cohesiveness of the storytelling feels better since Shelley left. And the directing, especially from the women directors has been stellar!

    Finn and adorable little Violet are just perfect! I don't even care about the Anna/Hayden equation. I mean, I'm always TeamAnna (well except when it comes to that ridiculous Parking Lot Peter bullshit) but I'm just enjoying Finn and his daughter.

    WHY is Kim still around? WHY is Monica acting like a complete fool? Good grief. End this and the Oscar stuff now. What an awful way to take that storyline. Free us all from that terrible nightmare...especially Joss who can then MOVE ON.

    There's a rumor floating around they want to recast Drew and some people want GH to snag Greg Vaughan during "Days Hiatus". I did love the chem with Kemo and Greg...maybe he'll make her wake-up and stop the mumbling and phoning it in. Just a rumor folks. LOL!

    1. i totally agree with you especially the sonny stuff

    2. Kim is leaving. If you saw Fridays show her apt is empty and her bags are packed.

    3. Greg played Lucky so it might be weird to see him as Drew. I'm still missing Billy Miller. But I do like Greg so....

    4. Great SS and I agree with these comments. I’m hoping Dev disappears, too. Sonny should have just reprimanded Cam about stealing his booze and not acted like his moral advisor. Love love love Violet, especially with Finn, and glad Anna is back, but she looks different somehow to me. Wouldn’t’ be a bad idea to have Gregg come back temporarily as Lucky since his brother is aive.Not there was anyone better than JJ.

    5. I doubt Greg Vaughn would ever come back after what they did to him when he was playing Lucky.

  14. I can see having Cam apologize to Sonny and Carly,but Sonny is NOT a good role model. Yikes

  15. I am really enjoying longer scenes and scenes with more than two people. Storylines appear to be moving forward at a faster pace with fewer expository scenes. Keep it going, GH!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...