Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sunday Surgery: The Dead Tell No Tales


When GH gets it right--it GETS IT RIGHT!! OMG I loved this so much. I also was struck at the fact that Ava is in Shadybrook for thinking she saw a dead man... who's really alive and Lucas is walking around talking to a dead man that's really dead! (That's how my mind works, folks!) 

I was going to skip the blog this week because I missed most of last week but I thought it would be a cop-out so here I am! This week seemed to be pure Dan and Chris and I was actually engaged when I was watching. Seems like a whole lot of people are on together again and the stories are picking up. 

Grab a juice and sit on down! 

So, it's a little different when you only watch Mon and Friday live-- and then dive back into the other shows on Hulu. What a difference with no commercials! HUGE. EPIC. The pace. picked up too. I'm liking almost every story right now, I even got into the Cassandra bits at the end. 

Dead Men: 
The Nikolas recast is working out nicely. He looks and acts "Cassadineish". 
Shiloh..married to Nelle in secret? 
Ava...thinking she saw one, and really did
Franco, learning more about himself by the daily
Tony, making an appearance that just 'got me'...
The dead walk tall in Port Charles. That's for sure. 



MEET AND GREET OF THE WEEK:  Ut. Oh...Robert finds out about Violet!! 


DESPAIR OF THE WEEK:  Speaking of the 'dead'...Franco's getting it from all sides. Kids with pleading eyes, wives that kiss them passionately and a Dad that has horrifying stories to tell.  That Kin and Roger scene was magnificent.  
I need that glimmer of Franco -- and I hope they just have him painting a weird-ass picture one day in his old studio. "What up"? he says when Liz walks in. :clapping: 


BEST USE OF AN iPHONE OF THE WEEK:  Oh, are good but Brad is better!! You don't blackmail a pro. Brad has GOTS THE RECEIPTS!!  




CLUE OF THE WEEK: Rat, hair loss--- rashes-- um... rat poison? Called: Arsenic. Please mention Alexis' lung cancer. Her immune system has to be compromised. 


ESCAPE OF THE WEEK:  Sure it was damn far-fetched to have these two digging a hole for a tree in the beginning of November. Sure, one of them is like an international fugitive-wanted in 9 countries felon who was just in solitaire for gouging someone's eyes out. BUT HEY! How else could she escape??  Would have made more sense to have Nik posing as a food delivery guy to the prison but-- then how could we have Sam and Jason share a snuggle in the park before she's hauled back off to the pokey?? 


HOLY WHA? OF THE WEEK: Well, knock me over with a feather. Just when I thought Nelle couldn't get more interesting, here she is probably married in jail to Shiloh. This means she'll get his ELQ shares. Muahaahaahaa... 


WUBSY WEPT LIKE A BABY OF THE WEEK:  It could have been could have been groan-inducing. Instead it was glorious and had ALL. THE. RIGHT. FEELS. I can't believe how I teared up for this!! 

Jax (L) sits by Ava's (R) hospital bed as she sits up and talks animatedly.

SCENE OF THE WEEK:  Masterclass goes to Maura West. Damn. This scene could have been a short throw-away type thing where Jax just stops in to visit Ava. In other actor's hands it may have been. Maura just killed this. Jax looked bewildered, impressed and a little bit scared when he left. That's right pal, you've been AVA'D!! 


PROP OF THE WEEK: Shovel meets Face. Props live their whole lives for this moment. 


RUNNER UP: I didn't give this first place because --well, a shovel in the face is perfect. BUT we have a new GIANT PLANT THING to rival the Corinthos' Moss and it's resplendent. 


HISTORY REFERENCE OF THE WEEK:   Robert asks Laura if the portrait of Helena she's looking for is the one where she's nude!! That pic hung for years in Luke's Club!! 


Surprise! Nelle got married, and we think it's to Shiloh
Cassandra escaped both prison and Nikolas to snatch Charlotte
Franco's encounter with his old family leaves him shook
Tony dispenses advice to Lucas and a warm hand to Bobbie
Alexis is in the hospital, mystery illness 101, Jules brought her flowers
Robert found out about Violet and is as fun as ever! 
Sonny wants full custody of Ava (shocker) 
Scott lets Franco in on his past....
Joss wants to live with Dad, at least part of the time. 
Nina isn't pressing charges against Sasha 


Good week for me--even if I did watch most on Hulu. Characters were interacting-- Robert was with Cassandra then ran into Violet. People in and out visiting Ava and Alexis. Even in the park with the breakout we get not one but two guards, some other prisoners...Curtis shows up, Nikolas picks up Cassie, Jason wanders in--then Chase and extra cops! GEEZE!! I'm digging Jax and Laura talking.  AND NELLE!! Wow...spin that web!!!  Just a lot of moving around and when characters get together, you get to see and think about what could develop with them. 


Guess what's happening next week? Hearings on TV--yepper and I'm not sure yet which days GH will be interrupted or when they'll reair them. Will they put them on at night? Just upload to Skip and regroup?

As soon as I know, I'll give you the skivvy. 


  1. Great Sunday Surgery,Karen; thanks so much.I think@ this point, the hearings are scheduled for Wednesday &Friday this week.

    1. I read that the hearings will be streaming on some ABC news outlet, so hopefully they will spare us and our shows? I also watch Rachael Ray . . .

  2. Monday and Tues I'm off so GH was wonderful! The rest of the week could have been wonderful and should have 😂😓 but I get off at 11 at night and come home to watch on my firestick. I watch on Hulu app. Wow! It freezes and buffers that I have to restart the firestick several times night it took me literally 2 hrs to watch! 🙄 It was like after 1 when i finished. I tried my ABC app and nothing. So I am stuck with Hulu. Regardless I did enjoy but sadly Hulu is the only app that does this and most my shows are on there. I miss my cable, wish it were cheaper.. or I could find a DVR for cheap. Anyways.....LOL! Your SS was wonderful just as wonderful as the the show. No freezing haha! I hope it stays this great, one can hope, right?


  4. Try to delete Hulu, including clearing the app and cache from Overall settings, restart the device, and then reinstall.

    1. I'll try that, thanks. I did clear the cache the one night after googling the issue and turns out I'm not the only one. But the next night same thing. Thanks J D

  5. Thanks for another great SS.
    I almost always agree with your insights however not the Cassandra thing. If the character had just one, maybe two, qualities that we could latch on to. But she is just flat. No dimension. No likability at all. They use her like a tool. IMO. Maybe Charlotte will stab her with a crayon.
    I am staying with my Ava/Jax coupling. So many possibilities there.
    Looks to be a short week. Hearings on Wed. & Fri. This may go on for a long time.

    1. A crayon won't hurt...maybe she will have access to a fork or butter knife and stab her in the, see how she likes it!
      I wouldn't mind an Ava/Jax pairing but...after this Nik thing, I doubt it'll happen. He kept the fact that Nik was alive from her and kept the crazy continuing so....

    2. That is true but this is GH and anything can happen. Literally.

    3. zazu, totally agree with your assessment of Cassandra. That was spot on! :)

  6. Ava and Jax could be interesting. I don't like him with the NuNina. He had chemistry with Michelle Stafford

    1. I could see Jax with Nina too...or Ava, had he not lied about Nik.

  7. Thank you for the surgery.
    I like the idea of Jax falling for Ava. It would be fun to watch.
    I am still hoping Nikolas grabbed Cassandra and had "Helena" memory mapped in to her body. Obviously it's dumb to chose the body of a most wanted criminal, but maybe Helena liked her evilness? It just would help make the memory storyline make a lot more sense.
    On that note... Bring Franco back. Fast.

  8. I think that Jax and Ava would drive Sonny crazy! Love it!

  9. I agree wholeheartedly with SS, thanks so much Karen! Last week was great. Jax and Ava would be a hoot in regards to Sonny, but I'm still shipping Nik and Ava. So not looking forward to the impeachment hearings invading GH time. Sigh....


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...