Friday, November 15, 2019

A Little Bit of This..

So I watched yesterday's show and I guess part of GH was on today. I got in at 2:35. Next week is sure going to mess with everything!! We'll be seeing holiday stuff deep in January!! 
NOTE: Today's show started late. ABC said you can see it on in it's entirety. East Coast 3pm people will see it in full as will Central and West Coast times. 

I LOOOOOOOOVED YESTERDAY'S SHOW!! It was amazing. Ava and Sonny? Finn and Violet? damn! 



Cam and Sonny. Sonny yells at Cam about drinking...driving..being an idiot. Reads him the riot act.  Nice scene with Sonny and Liz when she picks up Cameron. They leave with some of Sonny's homemade sauce. 

Hayden and Liz. Hayden tells Liz that Finn told Violet he was her daddy and it was "magical". Then Anna came home (sad horn lol) . Liz tells Hayden not to hurt Finn again, he had a hard time getting over her. Hayden says that she's not going to come between he and Anna.

Alexis and Neil--waiting for her test results.  TJ figures out it might be rat poison.

Kim and Jules. Shes' trying to blame Julian for her trying to rape Drew.  She tells him he never was "her Charlie and he's just the man he always was"... says goodbye. 

Franco and Jason look at the water.... Franco realizes his body is Franco's. LOL ..welp! Okay then! 

Anna and Finn..she says that she's sorry she found out the way she did..but it's not his fault. She says you'll make a "wonderful father" ..and "Hayden knows it too" BOOM.

Jason goes to GH to check on Monica....they hug awww..

Kim goes to the empty apartment and waits for "Drew" ... he comes to the door and looks serious. 

OK, look for SUNDAY Surgery. I'll catch up on all the episodes and have my thoughts. I think that the week was pretty good but interruptions will suck the life out of any show. 

Have a good Friday! 


  1. kd said..." Franco realizes his body is Franco's."

    *** I've been saying this from the beginning. His hitting the punching bag was a prime example. His brain may remember it but he still has Franco's body and his artist's hands. He definiely should have clued in there. I'm glad he finally has.

    Also his chat about the water was one of the few times that I've enjoyed him talking. He had the water to look at so he could talk with his back turned like he seems to prefer, but he was also really into the speech and he did a great job. I'm glad it was an epiphany for him. (And I hope the writers aren't toying with us here.)

  2. "Next week is sure going to mess with everything!! We'll be seeing holiday stuff deep in January!!"

    Yeah I'm sure we will!!! What a mess indeed!!

  3. what is wrong with the new writers? still writing the gruesome 4 into every story. nothing changes. cameron gets a lecture from sonny instead of jax. carly knows about nick instead of liz. and franco talking to jason the person who hates him instead of scott.

    1. Why should Liz know????????
      It was Sonnys booze he took....
      He already talked to Scott. Scott was the one who clued him in on Andy and Bobby.

    2. liz was nick's childhood friend and lover

    3. Oh yeh LOL that was so long ago I forgot (sucks getting old) 😂

  4. I enjoyed yesterday's show and while I do get a tad "annoyed" that Sonny and Jason are inserted in certain aspects of the show I am not going to allow it to ruin my viewing pleasure. They are not what the show is about. They are just a part of it. If I allow them to ruin it that takes away from it. Not gonna let it happen. 😊❤

    1. I wish I could get past the gruesome 4. GH has so many talented actors that deserve a chance


  5. Who are the gruesome 4? Sam, Jason, Sonny and Carly? That is who I imagine it is. I also don't think the 4 of them take much of a vacation. They are ALWAYS on.

    1. you guessed right. they all need to go on a world tour

  6. I think they take the usual amount of time off/ vacations like everyone else does, but it's edited in that they're on more often than others.

  7. This short week was pretty good. I'm hopeful to see some Franco soon.
    I can't get over Dr. Monica's behavior about Drew/Franco.
    So far IMO it seems like the new writers have a lot to work with. Good and bad.
    Alexis and her rats made me laugh. TJ to the rescue!
    Darn hearings are scheduled for several days next week. Just too much already.

  8. Oh, my husband said that the hearings tanked in the ratings, so they might be scaling back on them. I was hoping that they won't show them next week, does anyone know if they will? I was surprised, but Friday's show was on, YAY!

  9. Doesn't anyone remember the last impeachment? It was on all the time. I can't imagine that ratings are any issue at all The networks said they would broadcast all live hearings and haven't made any announcements to the contrary. They ended early yesterday but for the 2 pm areas (Buffalo) the show was joined in progress

  10. Carson's home:

    Cam and Sonny: Oh I love the scene.. Sonny had a right to talk to him, I mean Cam stole his alcohol!! I love the talk.

    Liz and Sonny: Liz I love that Cam calls Sonny, Sir too!! Cam has manners!!! :)

    The pier:

    Jason and Drew Jr: Great scene! Poor Drew Jr is struggling!!! Are they bonding? :)

    Chandler mansion:

    RayRay, Finchy, and Anna: Anna! Ask RayRay why she doesn't have pants!!!!

    Little V and Anna: Awwwwwwwwwww! ADORABLE!!!! :)

    Finchy and Anna: Can they break up now?

    The hospital

    RayRay and Liz: RayRay thought she texted Liz, but it didn't go through! That has happened to me!!!! Hate when that happens.

    CarlyKim and Monica: I thought CarlyKim already said her goodbye's!! I'm confused.

    CarlyKim and Julian: Damn CarlyKim is so whiny!!! Shut the hell up!!!! Charlie was your nickname for him you idiot.

    Scotty and Liz: YAY! Glad there are more scenes with them.

    Alexis's room: Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Julian and Alexis:

    Alexis: These rats. Is he commanding them with these cursed musical instruments or are they following her sinister telepathic command?



Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...