Friday, November 1, 2019

Fatigue Friday

Dr O should have been the Bird Lady 

Ok, so..sorry-- I'm not doing great today. Combo of having a class full of 3 year olds freaking out yesterday, the wind/cold here messing with my sinus' and fatigue. I'm not gonna make GH

I did see yesterday's show and have a few thoughts:

Thank goodness they let the teens do teen stuff like drinking. 

FRIEND ZONE for Cam--and Trina from Joss and hey, those 2 should get together. 

TWO parties? What the hello extra-budget! People were all over the place.

Cassandra and Sam. I was like USE THE KNIFE lol. 

What else. Um.... OH the MASK in the room! Turns out it's Nikolas (see below post for info). He hasn't acted yet, I'm here to see how he does. I DO think he's young looking but he sure does have that "Cassadine" LEWOOK...  (Rich Lux Voice) 

So, use this space for today's highlights. I have a busy weekend and I HOPE I can get the Surgery Done, even if it's an outline. 


  1. I must be losing my mind, I didn't notice that there were 2 parties, but kept wondering why there were adults at the hs party, LOL. So, can someone please tell me, where were the 2 parties held? I thought there was just one party on the Haunted Star.

  2. The other party was@ The Metro Court.

  3. I hate that they're making Ava think she's losing her mind! And then even going so far as to check her into Shadybrook! Just because like a gazillion people have come back from the dead on this show so it's not that far fetched for Laura to believe Ava! But I do have to say I'm loving the relationship developing between Laura & Ava. Of course Jax & Hayden knew all along about New Nick! He's looks a bit on the young side but he does look like a Cassadine. Not really feeling one way or another about him coming back. Even if it was original Nick I still would be meh! I'm not getting what Julian is setting Brad up for? I just can't wait till it all comes out! The joy it brings to some and the pain it will bring to others is going to be ridiculous! Pls let it be soon though or I think people just won't care one way or another if it goes on much longer.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I know it sucks, I actually had tears in my eyes. At least Laura and Jules were with her. So Jax knew all this time? Only thing to make it all worth it is if Spencer finds out or DOES KNOW his dad is alive and also to kick Val and Nina out of Wyndemere.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. sorry for typos i cant edit he way i can with the blogs

  5. Ok everyone. That means both of you. Karen might be away a few days next week so I am going to work with her to put together a blog posts to keep you entertained and to open up daily blog.

    PLEASE let me/us know if there is anything specific topic or something "fun" you want to see us tackle. It does NOT have to be GH specific.


  6. I like the friendship between 2 great actresses ,genie and maura

    1. Me too, I love the friendship they have. I wonder why Nik didn't show up on the Gallery cameras? Did Nik erase them, I mean geesh how long was she out?

  7. Ok so I just seriously had tears for Ava! I hate this....why did he leave? And how long have Jax and Hayden known Nik was alive?!?!?! Poor Ava and Laura.
    Ava has been thru so much so maybe she can rest while she's in there. Still sucks!
    wth is Jules doing getting Brad in trouble with Lucas? Dang...
    I'm sorry but I had to laugh at Cam, WL played drunk so good! Love that he knows he has a cousin. 💜

    1. I think Hayden and Jax were working for Nicholas all along.

      And I wish I could take screen grabs on this old computer. That smirky drunk smile on Cameron's face when Liz talked about his stupid phase was priceless.

    2. "Michelle P says I'm sorry but I had to laugh at Cam, WL played drunk so good!"

      Hahahaha. And then he falls on the ground at the haunted star!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

      "Love that he knows he has a cousin."

      He isn't going to remember the next day! ROFL!

    3. Yeh that was pretty funny when he fell!

  8. Sonny and Carly have a bathroom!! Who didn't notice that new set?
    I do like the Laura/Ava friendship. I'm holding my thoughts on Nicholas.. we will see. But, did you see the bathroom set? :P I was just surprised to see a new "room", sorry.

    1. I was too busy wondering why their was no downstairs bathroom for Joss to run to. lol It's a mansion for heavens sakes.

    2. I know! I mean bathroom downstairs, puhleeze!

    3. That was my first thought too... mansion without a downstairs bathroom? lol. How hard would it have been for her to run out that door next to the fireplace that supposedly goes to the kitchen, instead of running up the stairs. Must have been a reason though.....

    4. LOVED seeing Joss "worshiping the porcelain god." I think we all have been there. I was surprised to see an actual toilet on a soap, I vaguely remember having seen a toilet on TV before, don't know if it was GH, but it surely is a rare sight! Did anyone else notice that Carly looked tiny next to that sink, it must've been a giant sink!

    5. Loved seeing the bathroom. Doesn't happen often if ever. But no tribbles?

    6. "zazu says, Loved seeing the bathroom. Doesn't happen often if ever. But no tribbles?"

      They probably didn't have to go to the bathroom. ROFL!

  9. Well, that is just stupid. Ava doesn't need to go to Shadybrook for help. There are other shrinks besides Kevin. So, stupid

    1. Exactly, Neil. Plus, PC is pretty big, I am sure there are more than 2 shrinks in Port Charles if she didn't want to see Kevin or Neil. I guess now she'll commune with Heather at Shadybrook. Is that where Heather is? Miss some Heather shenanigans.

    2. Who else is at Shadybrook? I can't remember and now I am left wondering who she will have contact with while there. Must be some reason why she admitted herself there of all places.

    3. Heather is at Miscavage (sp?), I think, a place for the criminally insane.

  10. Ava's art gallery:

    Nik and Ava: When Nik said his full name, that was so HOT! Very sexy!!!! :) Aaaaaaaaaand down goes Ava.. Nik went poof! :)

    Laura and Ava: Oh Laura!!! Ava is telling the truth for crying out loud!!!! Nik is ALIVE!!!! You had a lot of family members who you thought died, but was really alive!!! Even people thought YOU died!!!! So you not believing that Nik is alive, is so stupid and I don't buy it!!

    The metrocourt Halloween party:

    Willow, Sasha, Michael, V.C. and Nina: Oh shut up Willow!!!!! I can't believe Nina dropped the charges. Hmmm what is Nina up to? :)

    Chillow: Chase wins the line of the day.

    Chase: Oh my gosh that was so hot how you stood up for Sasha!


    Julian and bartender: OH WOW! Julian is the one gas lighting Brucas! HAHAHAHHAHHAHA! Fun! Let's see what else you are going to do Julian! :)

    The haunted star Halloween party:

    Carson home:

    Carson and Brucas: Oh Brad why did you have to tell Carson about you being their for Nelle?!!!?!? Suck up city!

    Brucas: Naked pics! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHA! Oh Julian! :) Oh please tell me it was naked pics of the tribbles!!!!

    Carly and Brad: Brad you are such a suck up!!!!!!

    Joss and Carly: OH! A bathroom!!!!!! :) Pretty!!!! I guess Joss didn't want to throw up in the kitchen sink? She could have thrown up on the Tribbles. They wouldn't mind. :)

    Sonny and Jax: Oh Sonny! Hahahaha. Jax isn't going to leave!!! His little girl is drunk and puking!!! But nice try. :)

    The hospital:

    Liz, Cam, and RayRay: No RayRay! No IV's!! Cam needs to face the consequences of his actions. And the hangover, will be brutal!!! :) I remember. Oh boy do I remember! UGH! I didn't drink any alcohol when I was a teenager. Well, except wine coolers. Does that count? I didn't really start drinking until I was 20 and I drank rum and coke. Anyway Cam trying to sleep on the bench! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Liz and Cam: Poor Cam. :(

    Liz: This is a stupid age.

    Tell me about it. Being a teenager sucked. It was so hard. I'm glad that is behind me.


    Julian, Ava, and Laura: ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!!?!?!?! This is so stupid!!!!! NIK IS ALIVE LAURA! STOP BEING SO STUPID! Oh so once you find out Nik is alive then you will get Ava out?

    Jax's new home:

    Jax, Nik, and RayRay: WHOA! Well well well.. What is happening here?

    Sidenote: Jeffrey Vincent Parise first day on Y&R was today!!!!! :) The second I saw him, I recognized him!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Did anybody see him? :)

    1. Confused why does Willow need to shut up?? She is defending Sasha against Nina and Val.... tribbles Sam? All this "code" talk gets confusing.
      Yeh Sonny was a penis telling Jax to leave, that's his kid up there! What a jerk!
      Haha....Sonya, yes, that counts..alcohol is alcohol. If you were 20 you weren't a teenager. I started at 17 but not all the time but boy this one time...I was 19. Ouch. I prayed to the porcelain God. LOL! ok...back to GH LOL!
      Yeh so I guess Jax and Hayden knew and I read on Google (gh stuff is there) that Nik is the who grabbed whatever. I've lost track of who had her or who knows what. Cause now she's in P-ville. So....

    2. sonya said..."Naked pics! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHA! Oh Julian! :) Oh please tell me it was naked pics of the tribbles!!!!"

      *** PMSL I'm seriously getting woried about you and your tribble

    3. "Michelle P Confused why does Willow need to shut up?? She is defending Sasha against Nina and Val.."

      It's just dumb. Michael and Willow are going to be in Nina's shoes, and they are going to feel the same way Nina feels, when the truth about Wiley comes out. Then Michael is going to go off on Brad. Deja vu. tribbles Sam? All this "code" talk gets confusing.

      ROFL! No no. :) Tribbles are Tribbles. In Carson kitchen.

      Haha....Sonya, yes, that counts..alcohol is alcohol. If you were 20 you weren't a teenager.

      No no I was a teenager. Actually my teenage friend had a wine cooler and she gave me some. Then at 20 I had rum and coke.

      "I started at 17 but not all the time but boy this one time...I was 19. Ouch. I prayed to the porcelain God. LOL! ok...back to GH LOL!"

      "Di says, PMSL I'm seriously getting woried about you and your tribble"

      HAHAHAHAHA! Seriously though, who's naked picture was it? :) That actor bartender guy must have a lot of pictures of people! :)

      Hahahahaha. Yeah been there done that. Yes back to GH! ROFL!

    4. MIchelle P, the Tribbles is the nickname given to that bowl of moss on the kitchen counter.

      The naked picture was of the bartender. When he walked away from the bar, Julian said "by the way, your shirt is untucked"....

      It is Nick who took Cassandra. They made a point of showing the ring when she was taken, and then again when nu-Nic got out of the shower. But I can't figure out why he rescued her only for her to get caught and put in prison anyway.

    5. And if you've ever watched the old Star Trek series you'll see that those balls of moss reminded Sonya and I of the tribbles, especially when she said she loved them. lol( Just search tribbles on youtube)

    6. "Pat..... Sun.....says, The naked picture was of the bartender. When he walked away from the bar, Julian said "by the way, your shirt is untucked".... "

      OH! Oops! :)

  11. Did anyone else think it was weird when Nina said "I have a whole year that I'll never get back", refering to Sasha's lying. Um....wasn't she in a coma for about 20 years? The writers seem to have forgotten that.

    1. I don't think they forgot about her missing 20 years. I think that she made that comment because she is now sensitive to any waste of time.

  12. sonya said..."HAHAHAHAHA! Seriously though, who's naked picture was it? :)"

    *** Remember Julian telling the bartender that he'd left his shirt untucked...WHEN HE DROPPED HIS PANTS AND TOOK A PICTURE OF HIS PARTS. LMAO Seriously Sonya you spend too much time with the tribbles. ROFL

    1. "Di says, Seriously Sonya you spend too much time with the tribbles. ROFL"

      But but but, they are adorable!!!! :)

  13. Genie looked so lovely wearing more makeup than she usually does & it made a world of difference ( @ least to me); she looked younger.As for the fancy wig she was wearing, it looked like she was about to topple over.I am glad to see her no matter what.♥️

    1. I love Genie, so I agree about always being happy to see her. So happy Nic is back and that Laura and Ava are friends :-)

    2. I love Genie too. She is my all time favorite. She and Finola. I was not really an Ava fan until recently. Actually didn't like the actress or the character. She has grown on me so much for about the past 6 months.

  14. Ohhh ok so tribbles is the most. Got it. LOL
    Since it was brought up. I wonder who Ava will bump into in Shadybrook? Just Heather? Or someone else?

  15. Oh yeh, did y'all see Mark Lawson (Dustin) in the opening? I'm so happy he's here to stay! Yesterday was the first I noticed....

  16. I saw the the little publicity speech the new Nik made and he really seems like a great guy. Love this new friendship with Ava and Laura. Quite a nice touch to show Joss and mom in a real bathroom, acting like real people. Can’t understand why Hayden would be helping Nik. Good show yesterday! Cam has been outstanding.

    1. ITA! In the short scene with Ava I really liked him. Someone (sorry I forget who) 😓 mentioned how sexy it was when Nik said his full name and I agree...very.
      Very nice touch, Sonny going to get stepdaughter and bringing her home to mom and father. LOL! They handled it well, because of her hard yr...probably. Same with Cam. Any other teen, probably not. I did like the bathroom scenes though.
      As for Ava and Shadybrook, how bad is Nik going to feel? 😓
      Agreed, Cam has been outstanding. WL has really grown on me as an actor. He's awesome!

    2. :Michelle P says, Someone (sorry I forget who) 😓 mentioned how sexy it was when Nik said his full name and I agree...very."

      I said that!!! :) Mmmm very very sexy. :)

    3. Yes! Thank was, wasn't it. I think I need to watch again and I've already watched twice.

  17. I thought Joss and Cam did a great job being drunk teenagers. They are so cute together. I know it is too soon, but they are cute. Cam "loves" her, but she is not ready for someone. The two of them and the girl that plays Trina are doing a great job. Liked Carly and Joss bathroom scene. They looks so much like IRL mother and daughter

    1. So true! They were spot on playing Trina too. I hope one day maybe Cam and Joss will become more than friends. Jam? Coss? LOL!!

    2. "Michelle P says, I hope one day maybe Cam and Joss will become more than friends. Jam? Coss? LOL!!"

      I call them Jam!!! I love my Jam!! :)

  18. Why the heck does Nick not want anyone to know he's alive. Especially his own mother. Was Carly in Shadybrook or Ferncliff? Why would Laura want Ava to go there?

    1. Probably because of the codicil...need that first?
      I think Carly was in Fercliff.
      Because....she thinks she is sick. Remember, she thinks she is seeing a "dead" person. Laura doesn't know yet.

  19. For whoever asked why Nina dropped the charges against Sasha, it is because Michael knows that Val was behind the deception, and told Val that he would tell Nina unless he got her to drop the charges. So Val started telling Nina to drop the charges while at the party, and she agreed.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...