Monday, February 17, 2014

Blog A Go-GO

Well, it's mid winter break here in Western NY. We  NEED it. I am NOT going anywhere sunny- I have dental/doctor appointments and painting the kitchen
Yeah me!! ugh

Today I am not sure I'm home for the show, so this is your day to fill in the blanks. Kim leaves the 24th of Feb, so this whole week should be mucho interesting in THAT "story".

Here's a fun blooper reel from 1979 thru 1982 --the beginning really hysterical.  Steve Hardy LOL  Brian and Claudia...Heather--Noah. So many fun people!! Susan Moore too! Enjoy.


  1. Even though it was a gag reel, it was a nice walk down memory lane. Thanks, Karen.

  2. Thank you so much for this Karen! It brought back so many memories. I forgot that there was a time when I "wanted" to watch GH and didn't watch it simply out of habit, like I do now. I miss caring about characters and enjoying engaging storylines.


Poke The Bear

  I hope some of you watch Neighbours: A New Chapter on Amazon FreeVee it's grand. I don't get mad at it like GH lol.  Sonny goes t...