Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hershey Kisses

 I can tell who writes now. Korte days are NOT. MY. DAYS.
Today was a Korte Day

Britt figures out Liz probably wanted the hairbrush for the hair.  

Ava downloads  Julian's files for Sonny.  Alexis tells Julian Ava said HE was downloading files-- so he's on to Ava. Ava goes to Sonny's office to deliver the flashdrive! Sonny is going to be happy it looks like.

Lulu dreams about Big Baby Ben. That's too stupid, they shouldn't do that. They should be completely unaware. Don't be all "What if Baby Ben was ours" or "I love Baby Ben". Geesh!! D did a good job today. He was so sad :(

Britt got chocolates from Spencer (HERSHEY placement) , he knows how to worm his way into good graces!  He's got such a mouth on him. lol Kelly broke her wrist in real life, btw...fell skateboarding.
Nik asks if he should propose to Britt, Spencer says yes!  They go off to buy the ring. 

Lucas and Brad embrace at the hospital and Julian sees! ut..oh!! Julian tries to explain to Lucas why he's a homophobe. Aw, they make up! 
Felix asks Brad to his house to be his Valentine. Brad says yes-- then breaks up with Lucas.

Michael  and Kiki fight ..fight and fight. I ugh. Shut up you two!!   They are just annoying! 

At the end of the show: Liz finds out Dante is Ben's Daddy!  BUT..when will they found out LULU's the mama?


  1. Maybe Lulu ISN'T the mom!

    I feel like that or some major life-threatening event is the only thing saving Brik

  2. Carrie, it's definitely the Lante embryo. Britt implanted one that didn't take, and Dr. O did the one that took. That's why there are no embryos left for Lante.

    What will probably save Brik is her being pregnant with Nik's kid. Cheap ploy...but odds are likely. Then there will have to be a Patrick/Sabrina, Britt/Nik baby mix up.

  3. I thought that yesterday's Gh was much worse than today's. At least it was some what interesting and I also keep in mind that they are in the beginning of starting major arches and the beginnings are always zzzzzzzzzzzzz

  4. I noticed that Dante/Anna has not apologized to Franco yet for wrongfully accusing him of kidnapping Carly. This will happen right? Because Dante and Anna are such upstanding citizens, correct? And great, positive role models as police officers. This scene will happen, right?

    I think William Devry is a great actor and his scenes with Lucas and Alexis have been so REAL. Well written and real, as this is what happens between a lot of people. There is a rumor (?) out there that he may be leaving. I stress it as a rumor I read on another sight. He really is a good actor. They let him leave and they keep Molly and Kiki, 2 people who cannot act their way out of a Kindergarden play?

    Yet another reason why this show is going so far down hill.

    Scotty and Luke are still wrongfully imprisoned in Misconavage (no clue how it is spelled). It didnt dawn on supercop to call the place and talk to the person in charge to discuss the fact that when she called she was told Heather was there but Heather is really in jail (planning her inevitable escape.)

    Will Scotty press charges against the Miscavage for wrongful imprisonment?

    It's frustrating...

  5. I was thinking about Scott and Luke too, because when Scott got stuck in there and Karen posted that he snapped a picture of Luke in the wig to put on Twitter, I thought that was brilliant, and would be the way they were rescued, since situations like this have actually been in the news lately. SCOTT HAS HIS PHONE! There's no reason for them to still be locked up.

  6. Carey I know it's Lantes but I hate NuLu...

    Ugh another baby switch stop already!

  7. Lante home: In Lulu's dream, baby Ben looked scared. ROFL! Oh Dante!!!! :'( And Lulu, Ben belongs with you both!!!!! Very strange that she had a dream about Ben!

    Julian and Ava's home: Oh!!! Ava is getting all the info on Julian! Hmm does Julian know this is gonna happen and put in fake info instead? :) Ava and Alexis's scene, awesome! Ava kicks her out so she don't use Julian's computer hahaahhahaa!

    The hospital: Oh I can't believe Brad picked Felix over Lucas!!!! Dumb dumb dumb! Julian and Lucas scene awww! Love it! I'm glad Lucas is giving his dad a chance. :) Oh so now Liz and Felix knows the truth! Baby Ben is Dante's!!! :) Michael and Starki are arguing haha. What?!!? You should have trusted me?!!?!?!!? YOU LIED TO HIM IDIOT! Starki is too stupid to live! Break up with her Michael!!

    Sonny's office: Ava has Julian's info! :) I want to see what's in it!!! :)

    Wyndemere: Spencer is so sweet to Britch!! :) Oh Karen so the actress did get hurt in real life. I was wondering. Spencer has won the lines of the day!!!! :)

    Spencer: Don't you have something to say to me first? Such as I am so sorry from the bottom of my heart. You were right all along there was a lady in the stables. Are we finished talking about the cast now?

    ROFL! And then when Nik tells him you are being rude,

    Spencer: So are you. It's Valentines day. Haven't you thought about what you are going to give Britt? Lame! It's nice and all but it's not going to cut it. Come on dad you are a prince. Oh she's hot.

    ROFL! This kid is killing me! ROFL!

  8. Can Britt and Dr.O kill Liz & Felix? Please? This story is embarrassing.

  9. Sonya, Don't forget Spencer's line about Uncle Victor having a lot of expensive old things to give away. I really love that kid. You can tell he's having fun on set and the adults really like him.

    And, oh my but Tyler looks so buff and hunky side-by-side with the little guy. Yes. More please. :)

  10. "CareyN said...Sonya, Don't forget Spencer's line about Uncle Victor having a lot of expensive old things to give away. I really love that kid. You can tell he's having fun on set and the adults really like him."

    Yes yes!!! That too! :) ROFL!

    "And, oh my but Tyler looks so buff and hunky side-by-side with the little guy. Yes. More please. :)"

    Yes he does! :) Yes more!! :)

  11. Yes, the Hershey's kisses placement.

    I think that little Spencer is quite a good actor, I hope he sticks around long enough to grow up.



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...