Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Charlie's PUB is back!

 I'm still a bit shook about Stuart Damon. I'll be doing a tribute to him sometime soon; putting in Dave and my fave clips from over the years. Losing he and "Joe Martin" (Ray MacDonnell) this week just hits home how time marches on. 

Britt and Jason ..Jason is upset thinking about Carly. He asks Britt out for a beer. They leave GH (see below) 

Austin is at the Metro...orders a Manhattan "like my dad,, with Rye" and Sam comes over. Then Ava. She wants Sam to introduce her to Austin. Sam's like: Um, Nikolas is right over there. Ava says she has an open marriage!! AHAHAHAA Ava gets drunk. She wants to make out with Austin and Nik gets mad. Ava is tipsy. She throws her diamond on the floor. The stalker is watching everyone out the balcony.. we don't see them. You know I think it's Spencer. 

Anna and Val..almost kiss..and her phone rings. Dante says they have DNA on the nurse and autopsy says she broke her neck. They talk, get closer..then stop. Anna finds an old photo in one of the drawers. She says it's the start of another mystery. Has to be a photo of Jimmy Lee. (She knew him back in the day). Val asks her if he recognizes Austin as a kid she says no "I know his father". 

Carly calls Diane over to talk. Diane is at first with Spinelli at Charlie's PUB (geesh!) and they are talking about Ellie's concerns over him working in the mob. She leaves. Guy sits down. He's in a suit. He's Joe Novak. Bad guy who blew up the pier.  Patrick Zeller is playing him. He wants Spinelli to work for the Novak Family "you got no choice". Then Jason walks in.. LOL.  He beats up Joey and sends him back to his Uncle "Joe" (Who was Roscoe Borne on Ryan's Hope) but we didn't see the fight. 

Carly tells Diane she and Jason have a plan. Diane thinks it's a great idea. They are already tied up legally. At the end, Jason comes in after Diane is gone and they look at each other. 

Finn and Liz and Scotty talk. Scotty rants against Peter August. He's so upset so many of his kids are dead.  Anyway, he ends up not telling him but wants to make Elizabeth Violet's legal guardian?!! Oh she's her aunt DUH!! LOL  They talk about moving Peter's body. They decide to do it. OMG SCOTTY WAS WAITING OUTSIDE THE DOOR of Finn's office. Oh crap, he only thinks they might be together which he says 'is fine". Damn it, I thought he'd figure it out. 


  1. SO what age do we think nu-Spencer will be? 25?????
    I don't like Ava getting with Austin to make Nicholas mad - defeats the whole 'new persona' - nu Ava I like.....
    WHY would Ellie suddenly want a separation unless the writers realize it's stupid we never see her - or Georgie-----WHERE IS FELICIA?
    I wanted Scott to know what Finn had done - THAT would be a good story.....
    Yep, Jimmy Lee is Austin's daddy.....just don't know why Austin hired Scott to find out about Quartermaines…..especially Jason....
    NEPHEW Novak? Weird - although the actor tweeted he was happy to be on GH so he must be staying.

    1. "mufasa says, SO what age do we think nu-Spencer will be? 25?????"

      Oh no! He better not be! He better not be recasted either!!!

  2. Man Jimmy Lee Holt sure was good looking!

    1. I was so in lust with him back in the 80s.

    2. Mmmm hmmmm. He sure was!!! :) I loved him and his tight pants.. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Metrocourt restaurant:

    Austin and Sam: Why is she harassing him?

    Ava, Austin, and Sam: Oh Ava calls Austin, Pawtucket! I like that. Great nickname for him! :) I'll call him that!!! :) If Ava and Austin get together, I'll call them A&A. :) Ava wins the line of the day.

    Ava: I have an open marriage.


    Nava, Austin, Sam, and Dante: Wow!!! So Ava is really drunk? Oh someone is watching!!! Yeah.. Must be Spencer.

    The cabin:

    Vanna: Oh my! They were having hand zex and were gonna kiss, until the stupid phone rang! DAMMIT DANTE!!! Come on already! Kiss!!! Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! OH! Anna sees a picture of Pawtucket when he was an itty bitty Tucket. :)

    V.C.: You knew Austin as a child?

    Anna: No, but I knew his father.

    BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! :) Jimmy Lee Holt's son I presume? :) The Holtster. :) The Pawtucket Holtster. :) Hmmm sounds like a restaurant hahahaha!

    Charlie's bar and restaurant: CHARLIE'S YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELCOME BACK! :)

    Diane and Spinny: Wait wait wait.. So SpinElle are going to break up?!?!!!!? :'(

    Britson: I was thinking that Jason was going to tell Britch what is going on and that he can't see her anymore. I thought that's why he brought her there.

    Joey Novak and Spinny: WHOA! This Joey guy is persistent.. Novak.. Sounds familiar. I used to watch Ryan's Hope. :) Anyway Spinny looks skeered! :)

    Joey: You are joining the Novak family.

    *Jason touches Joey's shoulder*

    HA! Oh no he isn't buddy! :) You are sadly mistaken. :) Go recruit the Tribbles. Unless you and your family are the ones that kidnapped them!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    Carson home:

    Carly and Diane: Oh goodie. Diane loves the idea that Jarly are going to marry! ROFL!

    Avery and Diane:

    Avery: Aunt Diane!

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :) Great scene.. :) Hmmm so the little kids calling the adults aunt or uncle is back on soaps now? :)

    The hospital/Finchy's office:

    Finchy, Liz, and Scotty: I wish Finchy would just tell Scotty what happened! Scotty would be his laywer!!! Too bad Scotty didn't figure it out and thought they were together hahahhahaa. Not yet Scotty. Not yet. :)

    Karen says I'm still a bit shook about Stuart Damon. I'll be doing a tribute to him sometime soon; putting in Dave and my fave clips from over the years. Losing he and "Joe Martin" (Ray MacDonnell) this week just hits home how time marches on.

    Awwwwwwwwwww Karen! :( I know.. :( *BEARHUGS* I would love to see a tribute to Stuart Damon! thank you! :)

    1. Dudette! Your nicknames are killing me! Pawtucket... itty bitty tucket... hahahahah!
      I really enjoyed yesterday and all of the "almosts". Almost a Vanna kiss, Jason almost telling Britt, it was all nicely done. I could have done without Mumbles. She was all up in Ava's business, being snarky, then nicely taking her out of the Metro Court. They write her so weird. And why was she harassing Pawtucket? Why was she even there? Ugh!

      They sure were pushing Shriek Face's angst and woe. Like I care. She'll jump Jason's bones first chance she gets.

      I so love Diane. She and Dr. O should be on every day!

    2. "Julie H says, Dudette!"

      Dudette! ROFL!

      "Your nicknames are killing me! Pawtucket... itty bitty tucket... hahahahah!"

      Hahahahaha. Actually it's Pawtuck! Oops. Meh Pawtucket sounds more fun. :)

      "I really enjoyed yesterday and all of the "almosts"."

      I know!!!!! Even if it drove me nuts, I still enjoyed it.. So very soapy. :)

      "I could have done without Mumbles. She was all up in Ava's business, being snarky, then nicely taking her out of the Metro Court. They write her so weird."

      Yeah they do write her so weird. I don't understand.

      "And why was she harassing Pawtucket? Why was she even there? Ugh!"

      I have no idea! UGH!

      "They sure were pushing Shriek Face's angst and woe. Like I care. She'll jump Jason's bones first chance she gets."

      Hahahahaha! She will!!!! :)

      "I so love Diane. She and Dr. O should be on every day!"

      I agree!!!!

  5. Damn. Vanna are the hottest couple in a LONG time on this show. Jason and Britt are number 2. Of course, neither couple will be together for probably 2 years and we will no longer be interested.

    1. Oh I hope you're wrong....but I can see that happening.....sigh.

  6. Hopefully Sonny will walk in on the "wedding" of Jarly and it won't happen. Even if it wouldn't be real anyway I just don't want it to carry on and have them consummate it. (and you know she would go there). Physically makes me want to puke
    Sad that I am that invested but I am 100% done with Carly's character and was so excited about Jason and Britt.

    1. Me too Linda, about Carly Jason/Britt. They sure were pushing the Shriek Face angst yesterday. Trying to get the audience's sympathy. Bah...not falling for that crap!

  7. Replies
    1. I think Valentin needs to ask Anna on a very, very romantic evening. Dinner, dancing ETC.

    2. Omg the dancing alone. I will need to turn my ac down

  8. I do really like the recent pairings -- Anna/Valentin, Jason/Britt, Liz/Finn and Scotty/Liesel. I hope the writers let them last for a while.

  9. Off topic.....State Of Mind on u-tube with Maurice Bernard is very good. He talks in depth with castmates on a variety of subjects, including Mental Health.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...