Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sunday Surgery: Off Screen Revenge.

Bless me GH For I have sinned. I watched the serial killer story thinking maybe...just maybe you had some sort of reasonable answer for how this all happened. You know, a story to tidy things up. Bring stuff together. 

Wow, was I wrong. Just WRONG-O! 

This is was just the most frustrating week in the history of weeks.  In a story that rivals the writer's strike written "Text Message Killer" we got: Serial Killer: Off screen Revenge. 

Grab something that will take awhile to eat because it's a long one today !!  On a another note, I saw Roger Howarth yesterday!! He was awesome and so nice. It was a small venue so we got a lot of time with him. And yes, I got photo with Alberta! So look for my write up here soon. 

The confession. We did hear it, with our own ears.  Why did Paul murder all those rando people at the hospital?   Well, seems that Susan was in Port Charles at some point in time (I can't even think about when this might have been)--and it was either before or after her "Bar Harbor Years". Dillon didn't know she was in town so was it before he was back? Who knows. Point is... Seems Susan got into drugs and some pharmacist helped her habit along. (death guy #1) Susan then got abused and raped by Sloan.  Then, when she went to GH to get help, Dr. Maise messed up the rape kit (death guy...# ??). Since the rape kit was messed up, they needed an eye witness to help convict Sloan. But, the eyewitness lady (death #3 or 4) refused to testify. Susan asked GH for help and Monica wrote her a letter saying, sorry but since the rape kit wasn't viable, they couldn't do anything. Which is why he tried to kill Monica. 

Now..the holes in this 'story' are just so huge I'm gonna back a truck up in there. 

1.  The timeline of Susan living in PC adds up to nothing because if she was around, we never saw her and ergo, they can make whatever stuff they want to up. I have to think it's when Sloan lived there because, um...he did it. 

2. Why did he try to kill Bobbie? Was she a nurse at GH at the time? If so that must have been ages ago. Or..maybe she was just someone that helped Susan find an apartment and pissed her off. See, I can say whatever I want. 

3. If this 'revenge' crap has been going on since Paul got back to town, why the hell wouldn't he have just started like A YEAR ago? Could it be because they made this all up as they went? Yes, oh yes. 

4. The whole Bar Harbor store is just hanging out there like a sore thumb. If she was up there running it, when was she down getting raped? And if she wasn't running it, how did they know where she was? Remember, Paul talked to Paul and Tracy about Susan and 'the store' and the fact he's called her now and again and that's been it. 

5. Since Paul's a DA why wouldn't he just sue everyone instead of killing like this? Oh, wait, he's crazy. That's right, Tracy told us that. Ok, well...must be it then. 

6. Oh, and PS we still haven't forgotten that he DID SHOOT SONNY no matter how you try to cover that up. 

Image result for serial killer story on General hospital

If you're wondering how the people ended up in GH ill, well, that explanation is that Paul somehow poisoned them to get the patients to the hospital so he could kill them-- and ergo, get GH shut down.  Yeah. Seriously. 

What a waste of Richard Borgi's talents. He's knocking the scenes out of the park, yes, but why do all this when he could have been so much more? He'll be off the show (unless he gets pardoned *cough* Sonny *cough* or has a tumor *cough* Franco) and we lose a good actor. This brings me to the killing of Sabrina. Don't anyone dare tell me this was all planned out. Sabrina was brought back on canvas and it looked like she and Michael were going to populate that barren Q mansion after all. Oh how stupid we are.  What's the proof that Sabrina wasn't supposed to die until like the 11th hour? 
His name is Joe.  You bring back an actor who's character has died 2x and make him a twin, you aren't messing around.  Apparently, making him a doctor at GH didn't mean anything. Having Teddy around didn't mean anything because now they are gone! Bye! 

So....there you have it.  Paul went on some bizarre killing rampage not because Susan was dying from the rare disease Silas had--or that the Cassadines had her and he needed organs to appease them. Nope. It's not tied to anything on canvas. Not really tied to people we know besides Monica.  Oh, and Bobbie...but?? Not even sure why that happened. 

You know I'm one that really likes my stories to move along. It was a bit idiotic however, for Anna to get back and in 3 scenes figure the ENTIRE serial killer thing out AND capture the guy! I mean... WTF. And why pray tell, couldn't they have waited for the trail (it was 4 days, I counted) to have Anna there? I just have no idea what's going on. Kinda felt bad for ol' Jordan. She put in all the leg work and bloop! 

One thing that really gets me is that I wanted the serial killer story to be a good one. When they kept yanking it off canvas, leaving weeks in between my attention waned. When it was apparent that there was no reason to watch in order to say, catch clues that could add up to anything, I just tuned that part out. I was right! Nothing added up that we could have known about.  Such a fail. 

Oh poor MoMo. He's in a down swing now after his manic "I have to sign up for college asap" tirade. For his first paper (which came about quick, btw) he couldn't concentrate and decides to cheat with a site that Darby gave him.  He's all happy until Dilly comes and breaks his bubble. There's a search engine you can use to catch stuff like this!! You'd think Morgan would have known this since he was in college before but... ??? So, Morgan calls Spinelli to help him get the paper back that he sent to his professor.  Seems like that's not going to happen because he has to see his professor Monday. Oh I smell a bad bad attitude coming!!! Question is: since BC is leaving the show will they have him kill someone or..have him killed? I think there will be a recast so...he'll go off. Then they'll prove he's not really responsible because his meds were tampered with.

Which would make Ava culpable. But wait, we know Maura West isn't going anywhere so?? Chalk another one up to getting away with everything. OY.  By the way, Ava went over to see Avery to give her a dress. Carly was all pissy about it but guess what? Ava was really there to switch more meds on Morgan. Why are they doing this? Why? I still say it's a terrible direction to be going in. 

WELL. Should we talk about the other mess in the room??  Yeah, I'm looking at you Claudette. (or "Off Screen Queen"). She had an affair with Griffin on Nathan (off camera)...she got pregnant and... had a kid (off camera). Who's now in some kind of danger...(off camera.) OH!! And wait..she also was with Valentin!! (yes, off camera).
Look, good actress with people I don't care about having a kid I don't care about. So-- yeah. Whatever. 
Call me when the off camera stuff gets on camera. 

Laura and Kev are back. Now, you have to understand I totally missed her finding his "book" and getting mad and leaving. Then these two have been off screen so long I didn't even know what they were talking about. Anyway, I guess it's "back on" now. 

This is all great material for Nancy, I'll give them that. This whole Julian story though? Just goes on and on and... It was bad enough the trial sucked eggs but now it seems to be destroying Alexis too. Julian is just walking around town like he's going to put things back together. Sam goes and yells at him. He's being set up for a killing or a near killing. Is WDV leaving the show? Hmm, not that I've heard. All I can think of is that Morgan is going to try to kill or kill him, leave the scene--they find that Jade necklace Carly gave him and he's on the run? Or... Sonny sends him away since the only person that knows about that necklace is Carly? 
I don't know, I'm making stuff up here. I do know there has to be something with that necklace because why else have that weird scene? 

Other things that happened: Franco talked to Heather about money, Hayden and Liz fought about being sisters, JaSam talked in bed with spaghetti and Dr. O was over the moon about her granddaughter. 

EYE CANDY OF THE WEEK: Yes, hi there Curtis!! Oh, and by the way, they trotted out the gym for him and then used it again the next day for Sonny. Can't waste that space! 

PROP OF THE WEEK: Sad, sad birthday cake 

FACE OF THE WEEK: Bloop!! Tracy hears Paul's confession


  1. Well who knew I was missing this wonderful recap. Now that I've found you I'll be back and you are spot on with it all.

  2. Morgan started school 2 weeks late, I think Sonny pulled strings to get him in, that is why the paper was due so soon.

    I think they never even TRIED to have Paul explain why he tried to kill Bobbie. I watch every minute of the show, and haven't heard anything about this, it seems Karen hasn't either, does anyone have a clue?

    1. I've watched every minute as well, except for ff thru Moron and unless he's involved (LOL) they've never mentioned why he tried to kill Bobbie.

  3. GH is a great show that desperately needs new writers and fewer characters. Too many terrible storylines.

    1. I think pretty much everyone thinks like you do.

  4. Yes, there are holes in the serial killer storyline big enough to drive a truck through but I am grateful for two things:
    1. they made the killer someone we knew, and not some minor day player.
    2. they made the killer someone with acting chops, gave vets some good scenes, and is allowing the character of Dillon scenes with someone other than Kiki or Nina (two of my least fav characters).

    Bobbie is obviously the biggest gap in this storyline. What if Paul did not attack Bobbie but we are just jumping to the conclusion he did? After Paul is locked up have the killing continue to reveal there is actually a copy cat killer. Perhaps make the killer Morgan. Attacked his grandmother as a cry for help, because she would not turn over the Brownstone to him, whatever. Have him having enjoyed the rush of the attack, kill off a dozen cast members before he is revealed and sent away (in prison stripes or a hearse).

    He can start with Nell, Kiki, Nina, Darby, Silas, Val, Andre, Lomax, Aaron, Franco, Rachel, Claudette, Nathan.

    While people always talk about Sonny and Ava getting away with stuff, why do people seem more willing to forget about Franco's crimes. Just because he is a fun actor and has played enduring characters on other shows I still can not dismiss the horrible things he did on this show. Liz is one of my favorite characters. They have amazing chemistry I will admit, but she should not be with him under any circumstance. I'd love to see Maxie, as someone who is all to familiar with Franco's true character, confront Liz.

    Hell, I'd love to see Maxie in any storyline other than the one she is in. Remember when she and Sam were friends?

    Anna's scenes with Dillon - did anyone else think they had chemistry? Similar to her chemistry with Griffin. forget pairing her with boring Andre, have Anna go all cougar with both Dillon and Griffin. Imagine Tracy's reaction, lol.

    1. Silas is already dead. And please God no more serial killers or copy cats.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I agree with you! I was hoping the killer would mow down some of the inflated cast and agree with your choices! We didn't even get rid of cuff link finder Val who has NO purpose or sex crazed Darby who only takes up airtime. SOOO wish a natural disaster would wipe out these characters and give us more LIZ MAXIE ALEXIS stc time.

  5. I agree with friscogh about Franco and Liz and Maxie's crappy storyline. She and Nathan are boring as hell and the Claudette stuff is unwatchable. I don't even like the actress much less her character. Karen, agree with everything, Did they forget to contrive why Paul tried to kill Liz? Such a shoddy, poorly conceived and executed storyline for such good actors. Anna and Dillon got there in 5 minutes. Didn't even have 10 seconds to go see Susan but knew where to find Paul.

  6. friscogh said.... Just because he is a fun actor and has played enduring characters on other shows I still can not dismiss the horrible things he did on this show. Liz is one of my favorite characters. They have amazing chemistry I will admit, but she should not be with him under any circumstance. I'd love to see Maxie, as someone who is all to familiar with Franco's true character, confront Liz.

    ***I totally agree. I gag every time I see them together. I hate that they bring in characters from other shows to basically play their old characters (with another name) and expect us to accept it. A scene like that with maxie and Liz would be great. We can all forgive but it's very very hard to forget!

    And thanks, kd. I love my Sunday Surgery.

    As for Morgan, I'd like to see him killed in some mob violence. Sonny always says he'll protect his kids from the violence and he keeps on killing other people year after year after year. Let it finally touch his family in a very big way and have him have to deal with those consequences. We'd get some killer scenes from Maurice and Laura. Let them use this to have Sonny see another way. Keep Nell out of the bl***y picture and let the family learn to heal and then maybe Sonny can be redeemed. I think since Griffin is supposed to talk to Sonny next week about reconcilling his way of life with his so-called faith. That should have been brought into the pictures years ago.

  7. I totally agree Karen. I just put this in Friday's page late last night. So I'm reposting it here.

    I caught up on the last week and a half of shows. I really think they just need to do a reset on GH. They need to show Monica in bed and Alan step out of bathroom and Monica tells us about crazy dream she had. Bam Jason is a doctor about to become Chief of Staff. AJ is running ELQ. They can keep some of the storylines/history and get rid of the ridiculous stuff.

    I'm so tired of these storylines, and the bloated cast. I would be thrilled for a reset. And more importantly the Quatermaines in there rightful place. I used to love Sonny & Carly. But they do not deserve that position.

    Have a great week everyone.

    1. Like Pam's dream on Dallas? Not gonna happen. Besides too much time has passed.

  8. No Valerie can stay. I want to know why it's so hard to give Valerie more screen time. How about Valerie figuring out the cuff links.


  9. I am one of those people that have "forgiven' Franco his sins because of the tumor story and I'm not apologizing for it. They put RH in a stupid position with Franco reboot and then tried to grow his character and explain things away. Is it perfect? No..but I also know that Ric CHAINED Carly in a panic room and was going to steal her baby. I mean, I can go on and on. Soooooo, if I'm going to be able to enjoy RH and the acting that happens, I have to ignore a lot of history on the show. Not really hard to do when the writers constantly do it. I tune in for the actors not the stories anymore.
    That says something.

    1. We need "like" options like on Facebook cause I like this post.

  10. L'Shanah Tovah to my Jewish Wubber friends!

  11. Blogger Michelle Latta said...

    Like Pam's dream on Dallas? Not gonna happen. Besides too much time has passed.

    I wish.

    There are other creative ways to explain things on shows. GH really missed the boat with bringing back Kevin and Lucy. Although I liked Port Charles, they really could have explained all of the supernatural stuff that happened on Port Charles by simply explaining that all of those story arcs were chapters in a book that Kevin was writing and he was simply using people who knew in Port Charles and wrote them as characters in the book. That would have been TOO easy.

    I say let's find out that there were TWO serial killers (not Heather - let's actually redeem her) and let's start getting rid of more of the dead weight on the show so we can get back to some legendary General Hospital. This show and its history is too good for the crap we have been asked to endure for the past decade and a half.

  12. Hi Karen, I kmow how much you enjoy RH and although he was new to me as I did not watch him on any other shows I have really grown to like him. I just wish they would get rid of the character of Franco and bring RH back as some new character. If ME can have a new character every year certainy they can create a new character for RH, without the dark past

  13. Karen, where did you meet RH? Was it at a GH event at a comedy club? Can't wait to hear about it . . .

  14. Very sad week in the soap world with the passing of Larkin Malloy and the creative genius behind AMC and OLTL, Agnes Nixon. And it's a shame to see what a hot mess General Hospital has become. It's impossible to assign and rhyme or reason to how this show is presented; it seems like the writers are just throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks.

    I don't recognize the show created by Frank and Doris Hursley and brought up to its full potential by Gloria Monty. Of course no show stays on the air for 50+ years and stays the same. But there is a distressing lack of character development and storyline continuity in what is being aired now.

  15. ***2. Why did he try to kill Bobbie?

    And, didn't Lucas recognize the needle wielding psycho when he surprised him in Bobbie's room?

  16. kdmask said...

    I am one of those people that have "forgiven' Franco his sins because of the tumor story and I'm not apologizing for it. They put RH in a stupid position with Franco reboot and then tried to grow his character and explain things away. Is it perfect? No..but I also know that Ric CHAINED Carly in a panic room and was going to steal her baby. I mean, I can go on and on. Soooooo, if I'm going to be able to enjoy RH and the acting that happens, I have to ignore a lot of history on the show. Not really hard to do when the writers constantly do it. I tune in for the actors not the stories anymore.
    That says something.

    ** I am completely in agreement here. RH got a VERY raw deal, in having to take over the role of Franco. (Who I will add, that I absolutely detested watching James Franco playing.) But, due to his skill, acting chops, and the caliber of his work, RH has turned him into someone I can actually root for. Someone, that is sickened about the horrors he was involved in in the past. A man that is tortured by those past actions, and is doing whatever he can to be a good person, especially those that he cares for. I'll also mention, remember at one point Sonny shot Carly in the HEAD, when she was trying to give birth. Unfortunately, I'm in the exact same position, tuning in for the actors I love. I have a VERY hard time stomaching the stories, also..

    riscogh said...

    Hi Karen, I kmow how much you enjoy RH and although he was new to me as I did not watch him on any other shows I have really grown to like him. I just wish they would get rid of the character of Franco and bring RH back as some new character. If ME can have a new character every year certainy they can create a new character for RH, without the dark past.

    ** Nice to see another new RH fan! I don't know if you've done so yet or not, but I highly recommend watching his early OLTL stuff on YT. Particularly the rape of Marty storyline, the Ireland one, and the beginnings and early days of his relationship with Blair. You won't be disappointed! That having been said, really everything involved with that giant clusterfuck that was the Prospect Park deal. It was nothing but a massive mess, all around. Considering everything involved in the mess and what occurred, RH has done an impressive job, with what he's had to work with!

    helkatmat said...

    ***2. Why did he try to kill Bobbie?

    And, didn't Lucas recognize the needle wielding psycho when he surprised him in Bobbie's room?

    ** As I've said several times over the past few weeks. Jelly stated in an interview in IIRC SiD (it could have been SOD, but I'm pretty sure it was SiD)they said to the effect of: When it came time to decide who the killer was going to be, we realized that we had someone on the canvas with the perfect reason for it. TRANSLATION: We're making this shit up as we go along. We don't plan stuff out very far ahead of the time. I.E. when Bobbie was attacked at the NB and Lucas was knocked out, they had no idea at all who the killer would end up being. Which it shows in that everything that is `explained' at the very last minute, and it occured ENTIRELY off screen.


    1. Read the same thing and stated it as well. They really are trying to kill our soap,maybe that's why they've upped their contracts??
      As for Roger, love him and hated James Franco and the fact that he's made it his own I love. I've watched Roger since his early days on OLTL. The rape of Marty, the birth of his daughter Starr. ❤ I was so disappointed in Prospect Park, those 3 actors got such a raw deal. I think had Kristen been able to still play Starr she'd still be on GH to this day.

  17. Thank you AntJoan and Happy New Year to you, too, and all of our other Jewish friends!

  18. Anyone else remember when you NEVER FF THROUGH JASON scenes? Because Stine Cold was THAT GOOD. I was so angry when Steve Burton switched shows but now I'm willing to send in a dollar a week towards his salary to increase it and lure him back? Maybe we should be able to vote salaries based on how well VIEWERS like the actor. As for Billy Miller I am sure Days of our Lives needs a new somebody,,,

  19. AMC GH said...

    Anyone else remember when you NEVER FF THROUGH JASON scenes? Because Stine Cold was THAT GOOD. I was so angry when Steve Burton switched shows but now I'm willing to send in a dollar a week towards his salary to increase it and lure him back? Maybe we should be able to vote salaries based on how well VIEWERS like the actor. As for Billy Miller I am sure Days of our Lives needs a new somebody,,,

    ** I have to disagree there. Pretty much the ONLY time I've like Jason post-accident/pre-new face, was his very early days, after the accident, when he was still trying to figure out who and what he was, and how he fit into everything. He was GREAT for Robin at that time. After he became Sonny's right hand and turned into Borg Boy, My opinion of him dropped signifcantly, and even moreso, as time went on. He treated all of his family (except Lila and Emily. And no I'm not including Michael in the list, because Carly pulled all the crap with his paternity.) like complete dirt, because they didn't really know how to handle things with him after the accident. I really liked where they were going with him as Jake Doe, when Billy first came on. But after he got his post-accident memories back, he's turned into a jackass. At least he's been good to Monica. The writers really screwed shit up here. Like they havee in almost every other storyline.




  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...