Monday, October 30, 2017

Speculation: Who's the Head Cheese?

I've been thinking about who could be behind the whole Jason thing and connected to the Opioid story. I think they may be related because of Valentin--because you know, Cassadines are basically behind most of the stuff that happens.
So find out after the jump: (for those who wants to be spoiler free) 

These are my thoughts:

Who is relatively new to town, is on the 'outskirts' -- but has a weird vibe? 

Who could move drugs through in large quantities by working somewhere they'd go unnoticed? 

I'm thinking: Dr. David Bensch.  He's a physician-- who could have been in on the Jason memory switch and been working with Helena. He comes to Port Charles to check on Miller and keep an eye on things, and then the other Jason escapes from the clinic. We know that someone is behind all this, we also know that Helena was in integral part as well. Bench's back story has never been explored, we know JDP has good acting chops and it's been a mystery why he's even on the show. I'm going to tie the drug story to him as well because I want it all to be tied in a bow. 

This is just me thinking out loud. NO idea if it's true! What do you think?? Maybe Faison is the real culprit. Who knows--but Bensch is suspicious. 


  1. With Helena and Dr. Obrecht gone, I have been missing a really good villainess. Would be nice if it was one of them.

  2. I'm with you Karen. JDP would be an awesome villian.

  3. Well, Helena could ALWAYS "come back"!!!

  4. I really like your idea and since Alexis seems to be interested in the doctor, it has to be him. She just has horrible luck when it comes to her personal life.

  5. I hope not - I would like ONE nice doctor - in the 'old days of writing' it WOULD be Helena and Faison - but maybe it is someone new.....I still think Nicholas is out there SOMEWHERE - have we forgotten Patient 6 clutching his fist when he heard his name?

    Maybe whoever it is ALSO has Camden and Aiden - and Elizabeth doesn't realize they are missing - she thinks they are with Audrey (which by the way - let's use another baby sitter please-not realistic Audrey keeps them)
    and Audrey THINKS they are with Elizabeth.
    I'm gonna be mad when they SORAS those boys to be teenagers graduating - or worse yet - dating Nelle and Kiki.

  6. new writers = new villians. it is how they make their money. they get bonuses / residuals on the characters they create, not the characters created 20 yrs ago.

  7. I'm confused.. I thought Maddox was the head honcho..

  8. I keep forgetting that JDP is on the show but it does make sense

  9. Here's a wild thought. Who would no one ever suspect, Aunt Stella.

  10. Christine Bellone said...

    With Helena and Dr. Obrecht gone, I have been missing a really good villainess. Would be nice if it was one of them.

    ** Liesl SHOULD still be around. (we just hardly ever see her anymore) And I really couldn't see her doing that these days, anyways. Even with all the evil/criminal stuff she's done over the years, She'S still always made sure that patients got the best care that could, at the time. It was really her obession with Faison that was probably her biggest "evil" motivation. She adores Nathan, and made some huge progress in her relationship with Britt. I just couldn't see her doing that stuff these days


  11. sonya said...

    I'm confused.. I thought Maddox was the head honcho..

    ** They really haven't said who ALL was involved in this issue, yet. I THINK Maddox is high up in the ranks maybe. We just have so little verified info at this point, as to what exactly is going on, who is behind it, and why, a lot of it is still just guess work on our parts, trying to sort everything out.




  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...